When A Scorpio Man Says He Loves You But Isn't Sure About The Future, What Does It Mean?


3 Answers

Maud La Roux Profile
Maud La Roux answered
There is no need to panic! This most probably means he loves you but just hasn't fallen completely in love with you yet.

Scorpios can be very indecisive and he may just be insecure about the future, but there is no need to worry here, as Scorpios are also known for their loyalty and commitment. Trust me, as I've had a lot of experience with Scorpio men.

Scorpio men
In cases where your Scorpio man seems to be lacking commitment or is afraid of the future, then you should not show any sign of submission or weakness. The fear of growing old without a partner should not be a factor driving a woman to continue her relationship with a boyfriend who does not want to spend his future with her.
If a Scorpio really loves his girlfriend, then he is willing to commit to her. Remember that Scorpios are very passionate and loyal, but can also quickly become jealous, obsessive and manipulative.

Scorpios are fiercely independent which may be the reason for your partner's uncertainty about the future, but with time Scorpios will become more comfortable and confident about your relationship.

I hope this helps!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Yes,it means he loves you.He call you baby,it because he want to protect you and give you happiness.
Nicholas not happing Profile
Aww sounds sweet but I think he means it he probably doesn't love you but cares a great deal about you people often use love too much these days. Any way he probably cares a great deal about you but is unsure of the future take it slow don't get hurt and have a good time.
Good luck!
18 and lovin it.

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