What Is The Meaning Of When You See Some dead people Crying In Your Dream?


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Anonymous answered
"The significance of dreams has probably been debated since people first developed the ability to communicate. Despite this, there's still no agreement on why we dream. It's hard to believe that dreams have no meaning at all, though, especially when it's so much fun to try to figure out what they're trying to tell us. To help you interpret your dreams, we've developed a dictionary in mind that this is for entertainment purposes and shouldn't be taken too seriously. Crying you can use to look up some of the images and feelings commonly found in these night time visions. Another good thing to try when interpreting dreams is just to trust your instincts! Keep
If you dream you are crying, your mind is helping to achieve emotional balance while you sleep. You are getting out frustrations that would slow you down in your waking life. To see others crying in your dream foretells unexpected calls for your help from others. Death
Dreams about death are not necessarily bad omens, but they usually represent anxious or angry feelings. To dream of your own death is actually positive - it means renewal and letting go of an old stage of life. This is also a common dream when you are getting over an illness - and it's a good sign that you are getting better. However, if you dream that you are dying slowly, you need to drastically change your routine and reenergize your life. To dream about the death of a loved one suggests that you are lacking a certain quality that the loved one represents." hope this answer your question

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