If You Could Add An 11th Commandment, What Would It Be?


9 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Only one additional?

Thou shalt not talk on thy cell phone in public.

Thou shalt not allow thy offspring to run amok in public.

Thou shalt not engage in constant high decibel banter when thou knowest thy co-worker hath a splitting headache.

thanked the writer.
Alison Baillie
Alison Baillie commented
Ha ha!! Oh Nanny - poor you! I do sympathise!
John commented
wouldn't you watch their kids for them why they go shopping pretty pretty please? the best one i ever saw was a husband(and i hate to say this as a guy) walking away from his wife in a airport to go get a magazine(you ask how i know because you could hear them arguing all the way across the airport) just before boarding (i mean seconds before) leaving his wife with two screaming kids(i guess they learned it from the parents) and the bags and the stroller with a baby in it. it was like he just shut his hearing off as he walked away.(i sat there thinking) if i was her i would of got on the plane without him since she probably also had the tickets in her hands along with everything else.lolrotf
Pat Merrifield
Pat Merrifield commented
Nanny, any one of those would fit right in as if it were eleven commandments to begin with. Good Show!
Mouse or Nette Profile
Mouse or Nette answered
I think this sums it up for all the things in life that annoy me as they can all be attributed to stupidity..
Thou shalt Thinketh before thou speaketh,act-eth ,type-eth,or make a  move in traffic.
Pamela Krueger Profile
Pamela Krueger answered
Thou shalt put the toilet lid down after using!
thanked the writer.
Robyn Rothman
Robyn Rothman commented
John commented
why??? your answer makes no sense, that makes it sound like women use it standing up. is there something we don't know about desert kid? lol
Pamela Krueger
Pamela Krueger commented
very funny haha
Robyn Rothman Profile
Robyn Rothman answered
Thou shalt chew thy gum like a cow, crack it whilst thou art speaking, nor discard it under the edge of a table.  Yech! 
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
This is funny!
One of my peeves is people who spit on the sidewalk.  Its disgusting. So how about this:  Thou shalt not make thy spittle to defile public walkways so that thy fellow man is caused to look upon it or foul his shoes with thy bodily fluids.
thanked the writer.
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John commented
what about if they spit off a walkway over top of the crowd below them. or put vaseline on the handrail on the escalator in the mall. ewwwww
Anonymous commented
that is really gross!
Mati green
Mati green commented
ok.... no place to put this butith in a comment.... Thou shalt Not throwith your trash into the backith of your pick up truck(ith) so it will blowith out onto my lawnith... whew... no wonder Shakespeare didn't use a computer :-p ~~giggles~
Jacquelyn Mathis Profile
Thou shalt not... Burp, or let any other airs escape in public!!
John Profile
John answered
This is not a answer but don't they have small claims court or a civil arbitration court  or police and litter laws where you live.or dog nuisance laws. I reported the neighbor once for annoying/playing loud music  at 2 in the a.m and another for having his rottweiler loose off the leash in my yard. The police asked me why i called them which was obvious to me but who knows. So i told him it was his job to handle such things . Besides if i went over they would probably arrested me for disturbing the piece. Lol later.
thanked the writer.
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John commented
ha ha try a dog treat with a shhhhh!(the evil guy oh! what his name dr. evil from austin powers) as in be quiet. but that might get the dog to bark even more for the treat.strike that idea reverse it. feed the dog some peanut butter like the old cartoons show. lol
Alison Baillie
Alison Baillie commented
with some crushed up valium in it? ;o) or is that just too evil for words?
helen baillie-gutteridge
No, superglue would be evil, kb.
helen baillie-gutteridge Profile
Thou shalt not leave the toilet seat up last thing at night so that thine drowsy spouse shall not nearly fall in when she gets up in the middle of the night.
Thou shalt not screw the lid down on the honey jar so tightly.
Thou shalt wash thine feet before going to the Podiatrist.
Thou shalt learn the highway code on right of way and then thou shalt abide by it, stupid.
thanked the writer.
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Alison Baillie
Alison Baillie commented
Don't be daft, nomad1! Women never do anything wrong, you should know that by now! ;o)
helen baillie-gutteridge
I did not differentiate because I agree with you, nomad1, only the first one is aimed mainly at males, the rest are definitely "equal opportunities". To redress the balance how about "thou shalt not buy only girly scented toiletries"?
Dlycious Music
Dlycious Music commented
Thou shalt not talk on thy cell phone in public.
Thou shalt always use turn signals ... when turning.
Neighbor shall not allow their dog to crap in yard where friendly neighbors and their visitors have to walk around it, and smell on hot days so the neighbor cannot open their doors for fresh air.

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