Is it possible that you could be sexist without knowing it? I try to be a good Feminist I swear. But every now and then I'm told that I sound a bit sexist. 


6 Answers

Moga Deet Profile
Moga Deet answered

Everybody has biases conscious and unconscious that have to do with our upbringing and life experiences.  The human brain naturally forms patterns and this includes people.  If grow up with a mom that always asked your dad to fix things, then you might have a tendency to believe that women can't fix things and men can.  It's hard to see people as unique individuals.  

We see people - gender, race, how they are dressed, etc.  We can't see essence, so the superficial things form our judgement.

Rooster Cogburn Profile
Rooster Cogburn , Rooster Cogburn, answered

No, you're not a sexist. Just a normal red blooded man. We all have those lapses once in a while. Women do also but they won't admit it. You're fine ! Don't worry about it any !

Soul Fly Profile
Soul Fly answered

In todays world you are either,
Ignorant or Educated
Bias or Non-Bias.

Everything else is a wash.

John McCann Profile
John McCann answered

It is not a dichotomy between " sexist " and " feminist. "

Feminist purity tests are BS, so treat anyone you come in contact with as an equal ( as much as possible ) and don't worry too much about what ideoluges have to say.

Nov Noveltman Profile
Nov Noveltman answered
Almost certainly. We who promote a society free from (or as free from as possible) racism, sexism, sexual preference-ism, and numerous other (often barely noticed) isms -- usually recognize our own tendency to suffer from said isms.

I recognize my failures. And I try not to let the bigot hiding underneath to exert any control over my actions and prescriptions. Success is occasional but celebrated.
Pepper pot Profile
Pepper pot answered

Everyone has a bit of something or else they'd be no comedy. Men and women are different because we are brought up differently and think differently and have different strengths of hormones, body shapes,  and bits and bobs, what I mean by the latter is "tools" :) Honestly sometimes I think political correctness has gone mad. 

All types have sterotypes, men laugh at women, women laugh at men, if they are things that men and women would usually admit to themselves then, so what? The only thing I do not like in comedy  is perversion, and lewdness.

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