Which philosophy do you prefer? The benefit of society as a whole, or individual liberty and responsilibility?


8 Answers

Call me Z Profile
Call me Z answered

The former without the latter is communism, which has failed its citizens in every version.

The latter supports the former, otherwise, true freedom is a lie.

Just Ice Profile
Just Ice answered

Q "Which philosophy do you prefer? The benefit of society as a whole, or individual liberty and responsilibility?"

You can have both. With individual liberty and responsibility the society as a whole benefits too. If individual liberty and responsibility are removed it won't be long before the whole society suffers.

carlos Striker Profile
carlos Striker answered

Individual responsibility and liberty leads to overall benefit of the society in the long run.

PJ Stein Profile
PJ Stein answered

There has to be a balance of both.

Joyce Hall Profile
Joyce Hall answered

I think the liberty and responsibility.

We need a lot more personal responsibility in this country.

Perry Nuttal Profile
Perry Nuttal answered

The first will lead to communism or marxist socialism (see george benard shaw who admired Hitler and more so Stalin), so the latter because it allows the individual choice, however within that we should help those less fortunate healthwise or else you end up with eugenics.  At the moment we have more of a totalitarian state with rogue leaders exploiting the working class, as the rules are in favour of the private banks, we can never pay off our deficite. One party says they'll spend more, the other says they'll tighten their belts either way we end up paying more why they laundry money and use offshore banking.

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