
How Do Hindus Prepare/present/eat Their Food?


5 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Hindus prepare their food on open fire generally. The ingredients used are spices and cereals, which are cooked with the help of different spices. The difference in the combinations of vegetables, cereals and spices make a huge variety of dishes. In their cooking, they make a liberal use of edible oil. Te cooked dishes are kept in bowls, which is served onto dishes while eating. Hindus, mostly Indians prefer to eat their food with their hands, which in itself is an art. Not everyone can have it that way. In earlier days, people used to have their food sitting on the ground. However, the use of table and chair has caught up very much. But the earlier style of having food was very scientific and healthy for your body. These days, many Hindus have started using spoons and forks to eat their food.
For a detail into the Hindu foods, their habits and rituals, you need to experience it. Mere words say nothing about Hinduism.
Mainul Hussain Profile
Mainul Hussain answered
I am not answering, just interfering in the comments made by the visitors. I am an Indian. I have seen that  Saints 7 has commented something out of anger. I have a little doubt whether the questioner has asked negatively. However, I am sorry to see that  the Americans are rebuked meaninglessly. But there is a answer that They use a cooking bag made out of buffalo stomach... which was not very cool and the replier know nothing. When our answers have chances to hurt  people, better leave the question and try another.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
They use a cooking bag made out of buffalo stomach and put hot rocks in to start a boil
Hello Boss Profile
Hello Boss answered
Mostly just the same way as everyone else does.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
#1, they are not called indians! They are called native americans! #2 if you really want the answer to that question, why donn't you find some native americans where you live, or go to your nearest casino, which native americans own the majority of them,and ask them how they prepare their food? And for your safety, don't call them them indians!

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