Should Children Get Any Pocket Money? I Need This For A Debate.


19 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
There are a few ways of looking at this, and like many debatable issues regarding raising a child, can have both pros and cons.

The benefits of giving a child pocket money are various. Giving your child the lesson of the value of money means they will learn that what they have in their pocket is there to spend but once it's gone, it's gone and they will have to wait until the next pocket money day to buy anything else. They will learn to understand that you cannot have all of the things that they want all at once and this could be a valuable life lesson.

Having this power will also teach your child the concept of saving. If there is something that they want, they may have to save for it and it will teach them discipline with money.

There are cons to this though, your child will have the power to spend that money on what they want when you are not there so you will have to set rules so that this does not happen. It takes away the parental control of being able to decide what your child is exposed to, whether that is toy guns at a young age or alcohol at a much older age. There is also the willpower factor where parents are concerned. The pros above will not work if you do not keep to the payment dates. If you give in and give pocket money early, this will not teach the value of saving or waiting.

You may want to think about the age of your child, where they will spend the money and what you will still buy them once they have pocket money (do they buy their own clothes?).

There is an argument here and an expanse on the above will give you the answer to what is right depending on the family situation and the type of child.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Yes I think if they are over the age of 6 and they display good behavior, they should be given some pocket money so they can understand the value of money and how are society works.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Well, I think they should, but only if the child is mature enough to handle it, not spend it on lollies and other wasteful junk. If they do get pocket money, then the child can save up for the future 'n' stuff.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Yea...I think so...because....children will learn to save money..
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
You should start a debate about it, then. If you ask me we should get pocket money 2 buy stuff that we want, sometimes my mum sez I can only get stuff if I can pay 4 it. Besides, we work 4 pocket money-I do the dishes and hang up the clothes 2 get my pocket money!
Lisa Marie Halsey Muniz Profile
I would say yes.  I would say they should receive more for an allowance as they get older and need more expensive things.  But they should earn it, like doing chores around the house, etc. 
Kacey Lees Profile
Kacey Lees answered
Yes children should get poket money, but only get what they earn. Children need to start to learn the value of money from a very early age as they will need to know how to save and how to say no to things they want compared to things that they actually need. They can earn the money by doing chores around the house etc...
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
In my opinion children should definitely receive pocket money.
It's the most efficient way to teach them spending and is a great way to motivate them to do chores.

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I think children should get pocket money, but only when they are mature enough to be able to handle it and spend it wisely. A good idea is to give your child a monthly allowance but only allow them to spend a certain amount, and make them put the remaining amount in the bank to save up for other things they may want in the future.
Chris ???? Profile
Chris ???? answered
I believe so. A child can learn responsibility and the value of a dollar. To learn these invalueable traits at such a youthful age is magnificent. A few dollars a week should suffice. I don't think a child should be deprived of money.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Yes children should get pocket money otherwise your child will always be begging you 4 stuff that if you buy it for them your worse off then just giving them allowance
Medow Rose Profile
Medow Rose answered
I think teens should get pocket money not children because they can save it up and will use it wisely. I think they should also work for the money
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I'm doing a debate about y children should just be given out and not earned, and although your answers a good there not helpful to me. If you could help me Plz respond
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I tO ThInK tHaT cHiLdReN sHoUld  GeT p```` MoNeY.bEcAuSe AfTeR gEtTiNg MoNeY wE cAn UnDeRsTaNd ItS iMpOrTaNcE.

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