
Will I be offending God if I quit my priesthood and marry a lady I have dated for so many years and love so much and loves me so much?


4 Answers

Izzy SouthernGirl Profile

Yes it could possibly be a mortal sin.

Nick Perez Profile
Nick Perez answered

Why would God care about such a small thing. Think about how many people he has to watch over. You think he will care about a small minor thing like that. After all he gave you that choice anyways.

nk kutty Profile
nk kutty answered

Not at all. You are doing the right. Love is more important. Priest hood -think that as a service and you are quitting the same. Wish you all the best.

David Apollos Profile
David Apollos , THE BIBLE ANSWERS, answered

The apostle Paul said: "we have authority to lead about a wife, do we not? (1 Corinthians 9:5)

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