
Which political party should a Christian vote for?


13 Answers

Darik Majoren Profile
Darik Majoren answered

Whichever one makes the most sense to your worldview, unless it is about the environment. IF it is about the environment and you consider the earth to be just a "Stop over" on your way to eternal bliss . . . Please respect the earth in accordance to how the rest of us who want to leave it as a home for future generations view the earth.

Help us protect and preserve just in case the rapture doesn't happen in your lifetime.

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ZombieE Lee
ZombieE Lee commented
I heard a comedian named Louie C.K. say something similar. He said "If you believe God made the Earth then don't you think he'd be upset that you destroyed it?!? God would be like 'who pooped on the polar bears!?!'"
PJ Stein Profile
PJ Stein answered

There is an old saying that politics and religion don't mix. That goes for politicians as well.

Republicans claim to have good Christian and family values, yet how many of them have been caught do less than Christian things? Plus it tells you in the bible to love everyone as your brother. Loving everyone isn't exactly a republican thing.

While Democrats are for a more liberal way of thinking. They back things that people will argue are against the bible, like birth control, abortion, and gay rights, but they are more accepting  of those different from them.

What it comes down to is that no party is a truly Christian party. You need to vote for the PERSON that you feel will represent you the best.

Didge Doo Profile
Didge Doo answered

Voters, of which Christians are a sub-set, should vote for the party who are most likely to do the best job in governing the country.

You haven't nominated a country (that's anonymous too) so, in general terms, you'd think a Christian would vote for the party with the more evident social conscience.

In the United States that would be the Democrats yet American Christians tend to favour the Grand Old Party -- the Republicans. It's a bit of a paradox because, as somebody quipped a few months ago, they campaign on the three G's: God, Guns and Gays.

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered

I am Republican because of Christian values but they say there is no Republican so far can beat Hillary Clinton. They claim Mitt Romney was the only Republican who could beat Hillary Clinton..

Shinypate one Profile
Shinypate one answered

Prior to the 1980s, fundamentalists and Catholics tended to be Democrats. Since then, the majority of fundamentalists and a hefty percentage of Catholics have been registered Republicans. Black churchgoers are still uniformly Democrat at over 90%. The differences seem to be traced to the effects of civil rights legislation, welfare and other social programs, and abortion, all of which were social programs that divided religionists from the irreligious.

Corey The Goofyhawk Profile

I never claim a side. I always vote for those whose convictions are closest to my own. Typically, that is Republican, but I'd vote for a democrat if they had the same values I do. Good luck!

Information Wizard Profile

Whichever party's candidate stands for morals and believes in God first and foremost and would use this to help him govern.

Ben Carson now fits this definition

Walt O'Reagun Profile
Walt O'Reagun answered

Ideally ... Christians would vote Libertarian. 

Libertarians tend to put individual rights first, believe in sound fiscal policy (balanced budget, for one), and don't support war as a means to solve problems.

ZombieE Lee Profile
ZombieE Lee answered

Does it matter? First off your religion doesn't have anything to do with political candidacy. A good politician or president is good regardless of their faith. And second, both the Democrats and the Republicans do the same stupid stuff just in opposite ways so I'd recommend voting on an independent. Bernie Sanders seems kind of cool. Liberals and Conservatives are stuck on the same issues so I'd avoid getting involved in that mess. They are two sides of the same coin. A Christian should vote on what's best for the country, not on what's best for his own personal beliefs. And by the country I mean everybody in the country rather they be Jew/Gentile, Black/White/Asian/Native/Arab-American, Muslim/Athiest/Christian, we need to vote on a candidate that will help all of the above, not just one group.

Jaimie  JT Profile
Jaimie JT answered

I don't follow any religion because I was never brought up that way and I'm very ignorant on the subject. Also I am not American. I vote for the freedom fighting bears then!! You probs have any idea what I'm talking about but I " heart" bears !!

Hope This Helps Profile
Hope This Helps answered

Everyone has personal inclinations, based on their backgrounds and experience.

However, a 'Christian' is follower of Jesus Christ, thus might wish to consider the question of what Christ and his apostles, would prefer them to do. And how one would be viewed by them, if they chose to imitate the course of others, instead of Christ.

Here is what we know, and both the Bible and history, confirms this:

1. Jesus refused to accept political positions, and did not get involved in politics.

(Possibly, in part, because it involved allegiances to men, unwitting involvement with corrupt human activity, a share in human bloodguilt, slanders, bickerings,  hypocrisy, the like.)

"But like the Holy One who called you, become holy yourselves in all your conduct, for it is written: “You must be holy, because I am holy.”- 1 Peter 1:16

2. Jesus' apostles also resisted the urge to become ensnared in human politics.

3. The First-century Christians also remained neutral, and did not get involved in politics, or support political parties.

4. In the 3rd-century, religious leaders began assembling in Rome, and associating with unbaptized politicians, while attempting to influence them, politically.

5. This 'nationalization' of Christianity by entry into the political arena, did not receive the approval of responsible Christian leaders who refused to take part in the proceedings.

6. Those that did not realign their first-century Christian principles, with this new political atmosphere, were not treated kindly. But they did so, based on their early-Christian heritage, and the Scriptures: "Unitedly become imitators of me, brothers, and keep your eye on those who are walking in a way that is in harmony with the example we set for you."- Philippians 3:17

7. Today, also, then; one must consider who one wishes to imitate, or follow. 

"Become imitators of me, just as I am of Christ."- 1 Cor.11:1

AnnNettie Paradise Profile

Regarding political controversies of their day, Jesus’ disciples maintained strict neutrality. In the year 66 C.E. The Jews of the Roman province of Judea revolted against Caesar. The Roman army quickly surrounded Jerusalem. What did Christians in the city do? They remembered Jesus’ counsel to stay neutral and to get out from between the warring armies. When the Roman army temporarily withdrew, the Christians seized the opportunity and fled across the Jordan River into the mountainous region of Pella. (Luke 21:20-24) In their neutrality they served as a faithful pattern for later Christians today.

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