I've seen that before, and it's not much more then a joke, and done by people that have no concept of what evolution is. There is no concept in science of "Macro" and "Micro" evolution, it's evolution... Period. Small changes over a small period of time, end up being big changes over a period of millions of years. Something that the maker of that movie has no concept of.
This evolution video caused a lot of discussion on another forum. What are your thoughts on this video? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fiJdfCiWo4I&sns=em
Jean check it out. It says the same thing that you said. It just uses professional people to raise questions about evolution that can't be answered. I think you will like it
Macro and Micro evolution are scientifc definition but not in the way creationists understand it which makes neo-Darwinists reluctant to use the word. When using "kind" I gather you mean "species?" Well this is impossible in evolution because that would require one branch of the evolutionary tree to jump to another branch.