People who love drama so much that even when everything is fine will create a problem just to stir the pot and keep things interesting
An image of Ted Cruz, bad smells, overpriced yoga pants, Canadian money when I am not in Canada, quinoa, kale (stop trying to make me eat kale, world), stuffed trophy animals, that commercial I keep seeing about menopausal women and painful intercourse, pictures of animals dressed like people...
Actually, most everything, except kittens in a basket.
People who like to argue just because they like to argue ! Ran into a few people like that over the years. I don't like to argue but some people seem to enjoy it. Why ? I haven't a clue. Must be nice to know everything and everyone else is wrong. LOL
When a college professor says something like, "You guys have done incredible work. You really do deserve a well earned break. Now, lets discuss our next 10 page essay."
People who don't drink shine
Until last night, I had no idea that I had such a negative reaction to country music. If I hear Country music, I will immediately became angry and argumentative. I was calm last night and walked into the living room where my hubby was channel surfing. The CMA's were on, I immediately got flaming pissed for no reason. I was furious, then he changed the channel. I was okay again. So, for me, no Country Music. I'll go hulk on ya!!
An increase in property taxes.
BUGS I hate bugs so much, they're ickyyyyy
-People that look & talk about females like a tool.
-People that think that principles,loyalty & humanity has no meaning for them.
-When I see someone has a problem but I can't help it.
-People that judge without any real sense of humor.
-People that love to pretend they know everything & they're capable of everything while they have no real clue of that subject.
-People that jealous others.
-Racism,Sexism or those who think cause they have some extra money than others, they can buy everyone & everything & behave however they want.
-Rape,hurting innocents,injustice . .
-When someone does or decides something behind my back only because they judged that I'm not in circumstances to think right, doesn't matter how close they be, I'll remove them from my life forever. (If I care about them enough I won't just make them payback)
-Something be going & people hide it, I'll be in one of my highest angers when I realize it.
I don't like any injustices. For example, when someone is falsely accused of doing something that's hurtful and malicious and they didn't have anything to do with it, is painful to me. For quite some time, I've heard some individuals blame God for all of the sickness, pain, suffering and death of people, young and old. It's a false teaching for the Bible doesn't teach that. It really bothers me to hear that.
According to 1 John 4:8 "God is love." Great evidence around us found among the things that He has created as well as the instruction found in His Word, the Bible clearly indicates that He truly is the personification of love. He doesn't leave us on our own to learn lessons through experience and bump our way through life acquiring many regrettable aches and pains. In harmony, with Isaiah 48:17, 18, He is teaching us to benefit ourselves. When I apply the instruction that He provides in His Word, the Bible, I achieve the best possible results that I could expect to have in any given situation. I'm very thankful, that He has lovingly provided me with all that I need and the best possible life that I could have right now.
He has shown the greatest act of love by providing His own Son as a ransom to benefit obedient mankind as stated at John 3:16. Doing this, provides an opportunity for us to enjoy life forever just the way He purposed. For these reasons and many more, it pains me to hear false, baseless teachings that paint God as being cruel and malicious.
When someone talks about someone else behind their back, I immediately get annoyed and start to get argumentative, and defensive.
Also, there's a girl at school who can make me so happy to full of hatred and loathing just by coming into my eyesight. Hating people also annoys me, so I try to pretend that hatred doesn't exist.