Do you go to church or have you gave up on pastors preaching wealth?


14 Answers

Call me Z Profile
Call me Z answered

I share my position with this quote from Thomas Paine:

"All national institutions of churches, whether Jewish, Christian or Turkish, appear to me no other than human inventions, set up to terrify and enslave mankind, and monopolize power and profit".

Churches only serve the clergy, IMO people should strive to look after their own lives without them. 

Charles Davis Profile
Charles Davis answered

When I was younger my parents made me go, I played along with it for many years, but then started abandoning it soon after I moved out. Even they abandoned their original beliefs and became JWs, encouraged all of us kids to join, I never bought the idea of a great sky daddy in the sky that takes care of us.

My wife is a born again christian and I have gone to church with her, out of respect for her beliefs although it's been years. She finally figured out it was not going to change my mind. It was especially apparent to her when she figured out I knew as much about the bible as most of her pastors, but read it differently.

Would I go again? Only for ceremonial purposes, weddings, funerals, and such.

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Charles Davis
Charles Davis commented
I attended Al-anon for a VERY short period, I couldn't grasp the higher power/God ideals they spouted. I found dealing with the issues I had was best handled on my own.
otis campbell
otis campbell commented
Alot Of comedians suffer inside trying to make people laugh i feel like them. I make people laugh but inside i suffer. Sobriety has been tough financially im wiped out living ck to ck so this is it for me. No hobbies no car my bad habits of cheap cigars and pepsi and trying to make myself laugh on this site
otis campbell
otis campbell commented
I hope so
Ray Dart Profile
Ray Dart answered

I don't go to church, I probably should, the people are sohh nice in there. I'm afraid that I find the church and most preachers a bit of an irrelevance these days. I don't call myself an atheist, I'm not clever enough to KNOW there is not a higher power. But I am agnostic, and you have only to go to the middle east to see the way that some religions are used to keep "the masses" enslaved and in other circumstances to justify pointless slaughter. Don't think, either, that "Western" religions are any better than fundamentalist Islam. Christianity, in it's formative years was responsible for hateful racial, and creed-based murder. (Sorry, rant over)......

Walt O'Reagun Profile
Walt O'Reagun answered

I've been to many churches and sects ... Most of them preach intangible wealth.  EG: Follow their teachings, and you'll be rewarded in the afterlife or be blessed in some immaterial way. 

From personal experience, the ONLY ones preaching *literal* wealth were the ones asking for more and more money.

Jann Nikka Profile
Jann Nikka answered

I don't go to church. I stop church going 35 years ago. Too much passing the collection plate for pastoral luxuries, pastor needs a trip here or there, pastor needs new clothes, pastors needs increase in salary, pastor needs a new Lexus/BMW/MKZ each year and a bigger home, pastor needs.  First Lady, needs the same plus monthly living expenses. Choir robes and only gifted voices can be in the choir. But you still need to add additional funds for robes, you'll never wear.  Hooter-n and hollering everyone going to heaven, depends on your tithes. Some churches not all.

I go to Christian Services, Sunday afternoons and Thursdays evenings.

hey cameron Profile
hey cameron answered

I go to church sometimes because my mom likes it when I go, but I'm not particularly religious and even if I was, I don't believe you need to go to a church to be close to God.

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otis campbell
otis campbell commented
All the big churches here in houston think u will be wealthy if you go to their church and pray yet churches like joel osteen does very little to any for the poor
John McCann Profile
John McCann answered

Fallacy of the excluded middle.

There are more reasons not to go to church than your question implies.

Religion is a delusional falsehood that not only does not lead to wealth, it does not lead anywhere.

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otis campbell
otis campbell commented
Wow it gives people hope sometimes false hope but im tired of seeing the pastors in their mercedes benz while i bicycle to church u ask for help and they refuse
Call me Z
Call me Z commented
Well put, Mr McCann. Bravo.
Darik Majoren Profile
Darik Majoren answered

Usually the "Sermon" regarding wealth is designed to ensue guilt with which to loosen the burden of your disposable income and relocate it to the coffers of those who's intentions are not inline with your particular well being . . .

It would serve everyone MUCH better to simply state the money needed, for each project (even the selfish ones) and ask the congregation WHERE THEIR money should be applied . . . You will find that once you give someone a say where the money goes, they will be more inclined to give if it is inline with their worldview/agenda. Gives them an option to "Volunteer" personal time instead of simply just throwing cash at a "need".

PJ Stein Profile
PJ Stein answered

I was raised Catholic and most of my friends are some variety of Christian. I have not been to any church in years, and the last few times I went is because someone else wanted to go and I went for them. I have yet to find a church that doesn't pick and choose what it wants to focus on from the bible. And the one thing they seem to skim over them most is to love thy neighbor. I would rather spend my time outside enjoying the world that God created. I have yet to see a man-made church compare to the beauty found outside in nature.

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered

I go to Christian meetings twice a week and I always bring home something that I can use to help myself as well as others. If your religion is not fulfilling your spiritual needs than I suggest you go to one that is and it has to based on everything in God's word the Bible. John 17:3 may be of some encouragement to you as well as John4:24.

Tinkerbell St. Basil Profile

I go to church every Sunday, and just yesterday I was contemplating continuing to do so. Strictly speaking for my church which is Catholic, they seem to be putting their hand in my pocket every time I turn around. Yesterday, there was an envelope and a pencil passed out to everyone during Sunday Mass. On the form you were supposed to check off an amount to give either weekly, monthly or a lump sum to local Catholic Charities in the area. The pastor took 10 minutes out of the 45 minute service, to go line by line, giving instructions on how to fill this form out. They proceeded to collect each envelope from each parishioner before we left. I simply turned in a blank envelope! They already have TWO collections every Sunday, first for the church and the second for whatever they choose that week. Every single week they are selling other baked goods, candles or signs for your lawn and it is starting to feel more like a sales pitch than a service. You have to pay to light a candle if you would like to pray for someone and we don't even have real candles! It is a push button light bulb! I'm getting quite disillusioned.

Cookie Hill Profile
Cookie Hill answered

No, I stop going 45 years ago, I learned from studying the bible that they are not teaching the truth according to Matthew 15:9," It is in vain that they keep worshipping me, for they teach commands of men as doctrines."  Churches have always been about the money.

Ty Hibb Profile
Ty Hibb answered

If a person does a sincere study of the bible it will not direct him to church. Such a study will expose church philosophy from the truth and will cause such a person to look for the truth. How important is truth when it comes to worshipping God. The bible says at

John 4:23,24 - Nevertheless, the hour is coming, and it is now, when the true worshippers will worship the father with spirit and truth, for indeed, the Father is looking for ones like these to worship him. God is a Spirit, and those worshipping him must worship with spirit and truth.

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