Actually ? Neither ! I don't want to live forever as I'm old and tired now and lived my life and being a martyr has no appeal to me at all. I just want to die an ordinary man when my time is up. Make sense to you?
Would you like to die as a martyr or would like to live forever (just suppose although I know it's not going to happen)?
I would prefer to die doing some heroic act in saving another human. Why would I want to give up my life for delusion?
Living forever is a long time. I will die, as all will, and my constituent atoms will be recyled into the universe.
I'd like to be a martyr, remembered for pulling a burning pizza out of the oven and saving it from blackness and over crispification.
I want to be lynched by a horde of jealous husbands as a result of spreading my seed far and wide in the service of the goddess Aphrodite. Alas, it will never happen. I no longer have the energy and *sigh* I can't quite remember how it's done. :(
Isn't a martyr something other people call you when you are dead? You cannot care about how you died when you are dead.
Anyway, are they not two sides of the same coin? Most martyrs have died believing in an afterlife so they do believe they'll live forever. I'm not a fan of either option, matryr means your dead, and living forever with osteoarthritis and an array of other health problems isn't appealing. What's option three?
Transitions are subject to change.
I look forward to being able to live forever,when God removes all traces of wickedness from the earth according to Psalm 37:10-11,29. Just as you believe it will never happen. I truly believe it will because it is a promise from God," and is based on a hope of everlasting life that God,who cannot lie,promised long ago," Titus 1:2
Actually neither is preferable to me. As an Atheist, I see no reason to use up my ONE life for a cause. Even if the cause was for Atheism . . .
I would like another 20-30 years tacked on to make sure I see my Grandchildren grow up, but live "forever"? . . . No one needs. That. If in physical form and live forever you would also have to tack on "Heal everything" . . . What happens if you have an accident and you live forever without the use of your legs . . Or legs at all? Or hurt yourself so you always have back pain . . . Forever is a long time . . .
Im ready to give up. This world has taken all the energy out of me u have to fight for everything. Their is no love. Pain a misery sorry im having a bad day. Im just tired of being broke and living where i live