Nah ... I complain a lot cos I'm a whiner at times ..but I kinda love my life even though it feels like walking through a land mine at times .... So nah :) BAM ! I'm satisfied then :)
Do you think we are living in Hell? with all the murders and shootings and nobody is satisfied with anything. I told my mom this is hell but she disagrees . So what do you think?
These are the most peaceful times in all of human history.
Alot of crime out their, but their is alot of people helping others and the news media does not show
If I were stuck in North Korea or Afghanistan, maybe there would be some thought along those lines. No doubt many people are unhappy, unhealthy or wishing for something better, but this is nothing new in man's history.
I've served three tours in combat, the closest thing I can compare to hell, though I don't believe in the biblical depiction. But no, this clearly isn't hell, and I wake every morning very satisfied that life is good.
In actuality crime has dropped, murders have dropped (at least in the US). War is not a prevalent, even though you hear about it all the time. It's actually media, that we see these things more often. When there was no TV and radio, things were slow to come to the attention of the public, whereas today you hear about it with-in a few hours, if not even minutes. So no this world is not "Hell".
I'm not. I live in Happyville.
It may be. It sure seems like it sometimes as life is full of pain and diappointment.
No we are not living in hell, you are so right about how bad things are in this world today, and the reason why is because we are living in the last days in which critical times hard to deal with will be here. 2Timothy 3:1-5. Even though things are going from bad to worst the living are not in hell, because hell is the grave and there are o living person there. Ecclesiastes 9:5,10 ," Whatever your hands finds to do do with all your might,for there is no work nor planning nor knowledge nor wisdom in the Grave where you are going."
I think Hell is a state of mind.
Each person's particular fear or dread come to fruition . . . Now it is not a Supernatural destination but more of a situation you could find yourself in.
The murders and shootings is societies break down due to inward and outward pressures. You hear about it more, because the media covers more of them and promotes them. Also, it is important to realize the world is much smaller thanks to cellular recording devices, and the internet . . . We have access to much more information and the influx being in the last 5-10 years . . .