Would you donate 35% of your salary to anyone or a church for a year just because?


16 Answers

Call me Z Profile
Call me Z answered

To my wife, kids, certain relatives or closest friends for emergency medical bills and such: yes, without hesitation.

Every church, mosque, shrine and temple on the earth would be scrapped for firewood before I'd even flick a penny at any of them. 

Rooster Cogburn Profile
Rooster Cogburn , Rooster Cogburn, answered

Sorry ! But No ! I've dished out enough of my salary over the years for taxes and ex-wives ! No more for me ! I live comfortably on what I have and that's the way it's gonna stay. Don't mean to sound mean but I'm just being truthful.

Ancient One Profile
Ancient One answered

No and that no is common sense no.

Ray Dart Profile
Ray Dart answered

We have a successful cancer charity here in the UK. Macmillan.

I was recently told, by a Macmillan Official, that of every pound in donations they receive, 69p is used to generate "the next pound" by advertising, using marketing companies and so on.

So, I took a look at the finances of a few other charities. RNIB and RSPB here in the UK.

They are much the same.

I'm not suggesting that anyone stops supporting charities, and I have not stopped any of my donations.

Just be aware, marketing companies and advertising agencies will be getting more of the money than the charity will.

Levi F. Profile
Levi F. answered

In all likelihood, no. The only situation in which I could see this happening is if I decided to cover the expensive medical bills of a terminally ill loved one.

John McCann Profile
John McCann answered

I was married twice so I "donated" quite a bit of my salary to child support. Fortunately both my wives did not try to stick me for alimony.

I would not give a centime to a church!

5 People thanked the writer.
Rath Keale
Rath Keale commented
Why would you resent feeding and clothing your own children?
I appreciate the church and alimony reference.
John McCann
John McCann commented
I do not see the word resent in my answer. Projection?
otis campbell Profile
otis campbell answered

i give five or ten bux to danny thomas hospital for children and thats about it. Well spca gets money and food . They are going to have to wait till i win the lotto

Matt Radiance Profile
Matt Radiance answered

No support for any religion building.

Other charities, i would, just simply because they are in need and when i can help, why not! ? I would rather help through medicals, or food and education supplies or funding fight cancers communities or funding college students to reach their dreams and so many more than religious things.

PJ Stein Profile
PJ Stein answered

I am a kept woman, so I don't have a salary. With that said my husband's salary isn't going to a church, but he does pay his mother's mortgage.

Darik Majoren Profile
Darik Majoren answered

Why would God need anyone's money?

If it be the "Will of God" to propitiate this particular religion over all the others, then wouldn't He, of Infinite powers, be able to accommodate and answer ANY needs the church would have? Especially if this particular religion was doing everything He requires of them.  The acquisition of money from church followers is one of those temporal things devised by man . . . Bricks and Mortar shouldn't even be in ANYTHING designed by God . . .

I would contribute to the community and not the church. In doing so, it should be time and personal resources to better one's community and not simply dollars and cents.

In this, it should be easy to distinguish . . . Anything that is motivated, cultivated, and serves the purpose of Man would need finances from its followers. Anything TRULY of God/Gods Will, should be taken care of by the awesome unending power of that particular God . . . This I Fully endorse.

Simply tell the Deacons, leaders, and elders with their outstretched hands, that:

  1. Perhaps they've simply not prayed "Hard" enough
  2. Their Faith is lacking
  3. It is a "Test" from above
  4. They have the chosen the wrong God . . . And move on.
Barb Cala Profile
Barb Cala answered

No.  My husband and I are retired and we need the income we have and money we've saved over our lifetimes to live on.  If our son and his family needed help, we would be happy to try .. But generally, I think "charity" begins at home.

Tom  Jackson Profile
Tom Jackson answered

Well, yes, I might.

And of course God does not need the money, it's just that He allows us to be co-creators with Him in changing reality.

He will, in His own way and His own time, bring to pass everything that He intends. (Refer to the concepts of the antecedent and consequent wills of God for a better understanding.)

If you're waiting for God to do everything necessary, you just don't understand how He works.

We can always reject any of the invitations He offers us.

Cookie Hill Profile
Cookie Hill answered

No, because they are all about money, and there members are starving spiritually, just as they were when Jesus was on earth. Matthew 9:36

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