Are you thankful for what you have now or do you constantly complain about what you think you need and want?


19 Answers

Rooster Cogburn Profile
Rooster Cogburn , Rooster Cogburn, answered

I'm completely happy with everything I have . I'm very thankful for my home and anything I own. I never complain about things because if I really want or need it, I just go get it !

Max Glazer Profile
Max Glazer answered

especially after getting my much-wanted laptop, i almost never complain about anything anymore

Danae Hitch Profile
Danae Hitch answered

I am thankful for what I have. Great question, Jan!

Tom  Jackson Profile
Tom Jackson answered

I am grateful for what I have.

But I do have legitimate and harmless actual needs and preferences and I still pursue them according to their importance to me.

Levi F. Profile
Levi F. answered

I don't complain, and I do appreciate what I have, but I do look ahead to what I want for the future.

Call me Z Profile
Call me Z answered

Complaining solves precious little, so I've never been much for complaining, nor spared much sympathy for complainers.

I think people who require "things" to be happy, will never be; while those who find their happiness in the simplest places tend to appreciate the "extras" that much more. Personally, I count myself as extremely fortunate, and cherish every waking moment of it. 

"A wise man is content with his lot, whatever it may be, without wishing for what he has not".   -Seneca

"I am grateful to have lived."                -Stephen Hawking

AnnNettie Paradise Profile

I try always to be thankful for what I have now. I know that God has not fail to provide me with what I need, rather than what I want. For this, I am truly thankful!

Arthur Wright Profile
Arthur Wright , Florida Paralegal with a BS degree in Social-Psychology, answered

Like the C&W song says, "I have everything I need  and nothing that I don't"

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