Is there a TERM for the new type of churches I have been seeing arise here and there? They are usually renting movie theaters for services, or purchasing empty retail buildings to make up as worship center. One is called "The Next Level Church".


4 Answers

Darik Majoren Profile
Darik Majoren answered

I see a lot of these new Churches popping up or setting up "Items for Purchase" in the movie theater lobby . . . although the look and flare may be new, the hand out for your currency is still the same.

Walt O'Reagun Profile
Walt O'Reagun answered

Just from personal experience ... I have only seen this happen for new, non-denominational churches.  They normally last in the building until they either have to move to a different location, or can afford to build their own.

Pepper pot Profile
Pepper pot answered

We have them popping up over here too, my partner and I counted 4 in the space of 400 yards.  They are renting out old pubs, old banks, bingo halls, rooms in community centres, and coach loads of people turn up. I don't know if this is because my area has been affected by immigration more than others, or maybe Armageddon is on our doorstep and there is a lot of profit to be made.  The more I see of these the more I don't mind our traditional village churches, where the vicar shows up for a cup of tea and biscuits at Mildred's, while the ladies gossip about Ethel's sinful behaviour with Fred the farmer. From observation these communities with their fetes, dances, etc, club together in times of hardship. To me it's a part of Britain I wouldn't want to sacrifice for these churches I'm witnessing at the moment, or the large indoor shopping centres which have taken business away from the high streets.

Tom  Jackson Profile
Tom Jackson answered

I'm not sure, but perhaps this might work:

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