Are you certified, or certifiable?


10 Answers

otis campbell Profile
otis campbell answered

certified craaaaaazzzy

Ancient Hippy Profile
Ancient Hippy answered

I was certified a long time ago.

Didge Doo Profile
Didge Doo answered

If I can borrow a line from Kris Kringle, "I hope I'm crazy because if I'm not then everybody else must be and that would be simply too terrible."

Levi F. Profile
Levi F. answered

I'm a certifiable nut job ;)

Virginia Lou Profile
Virginia Lou answered

Dearest Happy,

That is another of your interesting, creative questions...thinking of Ignaz Semmelweis (1818-1865), the Hungarian physician who has been called the saviour of mothers. He introduced the simple practice of doctors handwashing in chlorinated lime water, which reduced deaths from puerperal fever (childbed fever) from one in four down to less than 1%.

But in his own time, his physician colleagues were highly offended by the idea their hands might need washing, and Semmelweis ended up in an insane asylum.

* * *

And the answer is yes, in my own way I am certified. I also stood firm on what I knew, but in my case the compassionate judge believed me, and had no other way to find in my favor than to put me in a category of being a bit nuts.

And I am not sure you can really be true to yourself in our society without stepping a bit too far away from the norm...thus becoming certifiable...ah, the adventure of life...

7 People thanked the writer.
Didge Doo
Didge Doo commented
Good story about another man living ahead of his time.
Love the "bit nuts" description. All the most interesting people are just that. :)
Virginia Lou
Virginia Lou commented
THAT is what I am discovering, Dear Dozy...the game of life is more fun when you are not playing with quite a full deck, and when you are lucky enough to find other people who aren't, either!

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