ehh...hard to tell. I just try my best to brush all the dirt and dust off myself every time I get knocked down and realize there's not much I can do about anyone else .
No 😂😂😂
Hell No
Absolutely No.
I can't complain.
Well, I shouldn't. I do sometimes. Like today. Grrrr...
Heck yeah. In a previous life I was butt ugly. Look at me now!!!!
Dear Zack,
I do have to say that after a rough start, if this is karma it has worked out okay.
In the short term, yes AND no. I find that doing something outwardly thoughtful or kind has a way of returning in our favor, just as doing things that are stupid or impulsive or cruel can return to bite us on the butt. There is no measure of how much I learned from the latter.
In the larger frame, it seems incredibly naive and simplistic to credit or blame one's general situation in life on undefined events from supposed past lives. For my part, I recognize the years of hard work I and many irreplaceable others put in to have wrought this marvelous life I awaken to everyday. Not merely coincidence. That said, it amuses me to ponder what past dastardly deeds so many of my insufferable kin are now paying for.
Hinduism and Buddhism believe in karma.
The bible also has something similar in Galatians 6:7: Be not deceived; God is not mocked: For whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.
But I'm not involved in balancing the justice-mercy equation in the universe, so I just keep movin' on.
Solomon, a particularly smart cookie, suggested that when we cast our bread upon the waters it will repay us (well, we "will find it after many days"). It's not a bad philosophy. What goes around comes around, not by any mystical balancing act (karma) but because the kind of personality we develop attracts similar people and leads us into areas of either satisfaction or contention.
Of course, bad people often gain great wealth and respect (Donald who?) and good people often have bad things happen in their lives, so the idea of karma isn't absolute.
Denis Wholey put it this way: "Expecting the world to be fair to you because you are a good person is like expecting the bull not to charge because you are a vegetarian."
It worked perfectly. Two years ago I was bullied by my "best friend" to the point where I became depressed and suicidal. After we graduated I cut contact with her and she got hit by a car ( she survived), never got into the military like she wanted to and ended up working at Taco Bell life got crappy for her.
I don't believe in Karma.
The idea of justice based on wrong doing might sound "Good" to those only thinking of one side of the action. If Karma really is a thing, then you would hope that it will repay someone harming a victim accordingly . . . What you may not understand is what did the victim do to deserve the harm . . If Karma is equal, then in some way the victim is receiving payment for a wrong doing they did . . . And not only does this never end, but what about those victims whom are just little children . . What could they have possibly done to deserve the harm that some receive.
Karma is just our "Hope" that nature or the world has it's own supernatural justice system. Reality is that SOME Murderers, Rapists, and Pedophiles get away with it and go to the grave not receiving a bit of justice.