I'm never wrong ..... Sometimes people just ask me questions in the wrong way ... I forgive them though cos I'm awesome like that ;p
I'm a very peaceful old 🐞. Very easy for me. I'm about peace 🍀and love🌹.
It is not usually a problem. However with my husband it is sometimes difficult. I am right about 95% of the time, so when I am wrong, and if he was right, (as opposed to I was wrong and he had no opinion) he sometimes makes a big deal about it. Yes sometimes my middle-aged husband acts like a five year old.
Very easy .. I like to think logically .. Or should I say as logical as possible .. Sometimes my logic is simply not the reality .. And I'm ok With that. Live and learn! I am not so full of myself to think I can never be wrong .. No one is perfect. That just takes too much energy .. I'm old .. And just getting through the day without taking a nap is tough enough!
No problem at all. I learned to control my ego a long time ago, so it does not get activated when I MIGHT be wrong.
I thought I was wrong once.... But it turned out I was right! LOLOOLOLOL!
No honestly, being wrong is a part of life and so is admitting it. I do it as often as possible.
Professionally? Not that difficult since that is part of the scientific method. Being wrong can be helpful.
Personally? Depends. If I am conversing with a delusional-oid I could never be wrong! Personal relationships are another thing that varies greatly.
Very easy for me. I've had a lot of practice.
On the rare occasion that I'm wrong (ha ha) I just remember - it's not about me. It's about being humble enough to accept my shortcomings. Life's too short to be all serious about everything!
While all mankind belong to the species homo sapiens some of us are married men and are therefore shortened to homo sap. Any married man gets lots of practice admitting they're wrong. If you don't believe me go read Gator Blu's answer.
Dear Zack,
I have been pondering your Q because I'm not even sure it's even all that easy even to be sure whether you are 'right' or 'wrong'...
Sometimes I just keep contemplating a controversial situation, and see more aspects and end up changing my mind... Then I have to try and figure out what to do about the stand I took...
* * *
Yes I think that's my answer...a lot of the time I just get stuck on whether I was right or wrong...
I can admit to myself that I'm wrong, but it's almost impossible for me to admit to other people when I'm wrong.
It seems fairly easy for me, I believe so anyway. I know there hasn't been many of those moments where I admit I was wrong! Ill give you that. Maybe it could be I choose not to subconsciously.
Only time you'll never get a positive or fair response is if you just woke me up! Give me 20 minute window to wake up in the morning and its fine. Im the hulk when im just waking myself up. Weird because its not even like I "need my coffee" I dont drink caffeine in general really.
It's easy indeed.
Accepting mistakes are improvement. Therefore, i always accept my mistakes, try to observe them, learn about them and progress. It's also about responsibility to stand and take the consequences of the choices i have made.
Although,if i don't feel like i'm mistaking,i won't accept but also i will fight for my choice. If you believe i made a mistake and i can not see it. You better have reasonable courses to approach me and convince me or don't waste your time get me to accept a mistake i have never made.
Tip: Sometimes there's something some other believe it as a "mistake" but it's only entitled to their personal opinions! Not something recognized to most people! So that's not really a mistake.
I find it extremely difficult to apologize---I'm seldom wrong enough to practice.
However, I will occasionally apologize for the necessity of offending stupid people to protect the innocent.
I have been wrong before, and I will
be most wrong again. It is part of the
growth process. Learn thru trial and error.
Life long answer here. Its so easy as no matter how wrong I am, Im always wright
Well, for me, it is hard to admit that I was wrong sometimes. I need to see the real proof that I would say I'm wrong. I am so stubborn that my parents could do nothing to change my mind when I am facing a decision.
It depends on what I have done is really wrong or not, as sometimes, I felt I was right. But if I have found that I really made mistake then I would apology, as a human being, I am not perfect, so I admit, I am wrong some times.
It's super easy for me! Once I recognize my fault, I admit to it.
I saw this T-Shirt one time that said "I would agree with you, but then we'd both be wrong."
While I can see this being the epitome of some of my "Discussions" with other Blurtit members, I often find that communication is key. It is difficult to articulate exactly what some people think (me included) in a way that paints the complete picture . . And so, something is lost in translation.
Regardless, when I am incorrect, I am quick to say that "I am sorry, I was incorrect." . . . Like the question "What is the capital of Ohio?" . . . It turns out it was "42" . . . I was wrong.
On a side note I despise "My Bad" . . .