Overeat 😔
What is something that you do that actually worsens your quality of life? (i.e., waiting until you run out of gas to refill)
I dwell in the past, but it's much more than that and I don't have enough space to list it all.
Cigars and pepsi but its my only bad habit and have to have it
Wait! Wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait....wait in line, wait in traffic, wait wait wait I'm the worst wait-er!
In general, procrastinate. I always regret it and it makes everything worse, but I still do it a lot.
My worst downfall is procrastination. When I'm finally out of time and excuses, I could kick myself. I've improved somewhat, but not nearly enough.
I don't like sport, and I procrastinate.
Procrastination, causes unneeded stress later on . . .
I had more to say, but I guess I will most likely finish this later . . .
I would say worrying. I got good advice from the bible at at Matthews 6:25-32. It tells us not to be anxious........... No one can add to their life span by worrying. Although I'm working on it. It helps me to meditate on this scripture. Look up this passage when you get a chance. I hope it can help you like it did me
Take life for granted
Breathing unclean air.
Drink Dr Pepper and think of reasons to avoid going to the gym.