Tell them you have viral gastroenteritis. Nobody wants to get diarrhea.
Oh that was me trying to sell shine
I would immediately start to Pray.
Go see your therapist. She/he can get rid of that ghost.
Call Ghostbusters !
Explain to the ghost that it is entirely a figment of your over-active imagination. Once it realizes that it doesn't exist, it will leave.
Tell it to go away.
Why would you want it to go away? Ghosts make wonderful pets. You don't have to feed them, bathe them, or walk them. You can take them into shops and don't have to tie them up outside. If you want company at the movies you don't have to buy them a ticket. And if you get stuck with somebody really obnoxious they can scare them away for you.
Don't forget that with Halloween coming up you two will be invited to all the parties.
Ask your ghost if it can bring a partner. If you can breed them and sell them you'll make a fortune.
Contact a psychiatrist and schedule some counseling sessions . . . You might want to bring up the fact you are seeing ghosts in the first session.
Contact a Priest
Follow this wise course. Do not listen to such voices from the spirit world. (Proverbs 18:10; James 4:7) This does not mean that everyone who hears “voices” is being spoken to by demons. At times the hearing of voices can be traced to certain physical or mental illnesses.