Idk which is more powerful, but I found it interesting that for the first time they're both from Latin America.
i don't know.
The people who do not see color are the most powerful.
As far as his authority for Catholics, it's the same either way.
If he speaks ex cathedra (According to Roman Catholic doctrine, a Pope speaking ex cathedra on issues of faith or morals is infallible) and you want to remain a Catholic, you accept his ruling. (Only 6 times in the last 2000 years.)
If I worked for, let's say Verizon, why would it make a difference as to his ethnicity or color of skin of the CEO?
I didn't know there was a black Pope...
From what I've read he is the Jesuit Superior General, I don't know who has more power, we see more of the white Pope. He is referred to as the black pope because his dress is black.
Black Pope Adolfo Nicolas, Superior General of the Society of Jesus Diabolical Plan for a New World Order.
Neither pope is more powerful than Jesus Christ who is the leader of true Christians not any mere man.