Depends which one "Completes" you in your psyche.
With the many different religious ceremonies/rituals, that which makes you FEEL content, you should do.
Depends which one "Completes" you in your psyche.
With the many different religious ceremonies/rituals, that which makes you FEEL content, you should do.
What really matters is what these rituals mean to you.
That is a difficult question to answer without context, but generally speaking---
A blessing can be given or received at any time.
Communion may require a certain amount of readiness on the part of the communicant; and except in certain circumstances, you may not be able to receive it at a given time without that readiness.
And if both are available, I'd go for the communion.
Being bless by Jehovah God is 100percent better. Matthew 5:3 Blessed are those conscious of their spiritual need.
Blessings are received with every breath.
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