That every problem in their life is someone else's fault.
That the world is inherently safe, fair and waiting for us.
The world revolves around them.
Love fixes all.
Edit: Love is enough.
The justice system is right all the time
A credit score only effects you getting a credit card! WRONG!!!!
Your credit score defines you now a days!
Time takes care of everything.
That you have to agree with everything a person believes to be their friend. I see so many people lose friends of stupid stuff.
That you can "do it your way" - in the words of the Sinatra standard. Almost no-one gets "to do it their way". Not even the rich and famous.
That every decision a person makes, they are cognitive of . . . When really, their subconscious has been conspiring against them by making tiny impulsive micro-decision leading them back to the same old pattern of behavior that has been honed over their life time.
The brain knows what it like my friends, and it WILL get it regardless of how many times you try to thwart it.
"Free Will" is rarely "Free" . . . More of a "Focused Limited Cognitive Will" . . .
What is/are the biggest misconception/s that people live
1- I guess one has to know that what one is labeling a
misconception IS a misconception otherwise one’s answer will itself be a misconception.
2- There are very many misconceptions that people live under which
are clearly just that, misconceptions.
3- I think the following three ARE some of those very many misconceptions:
a] that we can solve national and global human problems by using violence.
b] that Mohammed brought a new religion with its own
exclusive God Allah
c] that the Jesus of the Gospels is, or saw
himself as, the leader of Christians and that the central beliefs of
Christianity like the original sin, the trinity and atonement through his death
and resurrection are his teachings.
For me it wold be that God is to blame for the problems that we face in the world. The bible clearly tells us at 1 John 5:19 that the who.e world is lying in the power of the "wicked one", Satan the Devil! Corruption, evil, violence, hunger and Greed stem from him.