Time is extremely important in our life; it helps us structure our daily lives and activities, so that we can live more organized, productive lives. While there are always drawbacks to being too conscious of time (such as the feeling of being "ruled by the clock"), it is essential that we have this marker to use while we work, play, and grow older. Time may also be viewed in a more philosophical sense; time represents special milestones, including birthdays, anniversaries, and the births of children. This is one of the reasons why our own date of birth is special to us. Many people keep diaries and journals to mark the passing of time - these records become rich treasure troves of vital information about every day doings and any special achievements, problems, or activities.
The passing of time escapes no one; we are all subject to aging and the fear of mortality. For some, the idea of getting older is a stressful one; others will feel more amiable to changing and passing through the later decades of life. For women, loss of youth may be a concern as time passes; this is one of the reasons why the beauty industry makes billions of dollars. Women seek out special serums and creams touted to reverse the visible signs of aging; however, getting older is natural, and the physical and cosmetic changes that come about through the years cannot really be halted forever. Men may fear loss of virility or strength as they age. Often, people in their forties may experience a mid-life crisis, as they become suddenly aware that they are no longer young, and that half of their life is now over. The best defense against the worries associated with contemplating time is to use the time you have effectively. Living happily and with purpose can be simpler with proper time management. Getting the most out of each day, and enjoying life to the fullest, will help you understand the importance of every moment...