Focus your ki at the sole of your feet and just push it down and keep doing that. By doing so your just like an engine or a helicopter pushing air to get lift, but in this case its ki. I'm working on it but I'm trying to control my ki first. When I tried this I felt myself losing balance, since then it boosted my confidence and motivation, and I will keep trying.
Concentrate, dedicate, and persist. These are the three key things to be able to do anything you can imagine. The harder you concentrate the faster you will achieve it, the more time you dedicate the closer you are, and the more you persist the less obstacles you will face during the process. If you're confident of yourself that you are doing it like this, I guarantee you that you will be able to fly in no time.
I'm in the process myself, and I'm able to feel all the energy in my body as I concentrate hard enough on my goal and visualize as it's already been achieved. This is just like a regular muscle that your are training, the more you exercise that muscle, the stronger it becomes.
:) ☺
I'm in the process myself, and I'm able to feel all the energy in my body as I concentrate hard enough on my goal and visualize as it's already been achieved. This is just like a regular muscle that your are training, the more you exercise that muscle, the stronger it becomes.
:) ☺
Focus all your ki in you feet and breadth hard deeply then do that 15 need patience about it I train for it about 3 weeks well good luck!
Don't give up..... Try to feel the energy and make it strong ! Only then you could use ki to fly! But to make it strong you have to meditate for days and hours ! A think if you work hard enough you could learn to fly in one year..
Imagine sending fire out your hands and feet then start to visualize ki flowing out your body extremely fast. To do this you need an extremely large amount of ki. After you start sending out the ki imagine it heating up to extreme heat. Use your feet to propel you and your hands to stabilize yourself like on the Iron Man movie.
Look it up on youtube
I'm new to all this how do you use you ki in the first place
Start of with a Chi-spinner/Psi-wheel... Don't think about using Ki for the purpose of flying. I'm not saying it's impossible. It's just a very far away goal.
Have any of you were able to do this if so please record it
Don't get your hopes up too much. Ki can do amazing things but to cultivate enough and furthermore control it to the point that you can achieve lift... That sounds like it would take several life times to me. And if it only takes one, asking about it on a forum means you might be too old to do it.
Not to be a let down here... Just seems pretty tough
Not to be a let down here... Just seems pretty tough