Crispy Relish
Crispy Relish answered question
Ditto Red October. Sin is a choice to turn away from God (either partially or completely).  It either hurts or breaks our relationship with God because it is choosing to embrace something that is opposed to Him.  We must be completely detached from all sinfulness before we enter heaven for eternity - "Nothing unclean shall … Read more
Crispy Relish
Crispy Relish answered question
I saw Jesus at around 5:45pm today when I went to Mass.  Jesus is really, physically in the Eucharist at every Mass, so I see Him when I go.  I love going to see Him. I try to do it everyday.  Sometimes I'll stay after Mass and just pray with Him while He's in the … Read more
Crispy Relish
Crispy Relish answered question
"Deus miserere animae meae." -- This is the correct translation.  Being Catholic, I am familiar with language such as this. I have also studied Latin. The other translations listed are improper. You do not add "sic" to make the phrase optative (i.e. May God bless you); you use the subjunctive mood.
Crispy Relish
Crispy Relish answered question
The Bible has both God and men as true authors.  The human authors wrote under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit.  God did not neglect the human authors' use of their faculties and creativity, so human language is used. Still, only what God wanted written was written, in its entirety, and nothing more.