michael jenkins
michael jenkins answered question
It means you have doubts about him has he done something recently to make you feel differently about him maybe he has done something that you disagreed with and in your subconscious your mind has picked up on this worry we all have doubts and feelings we can't explain why we are … Read more
michael jenkins
michael jenkins answered question
Believe in the underworld this is a strange statement to make the  underworld is not a good place (hell) is also known as this and I'm sorry to inform you that mermaids are not real they were first mentioned by sailors in the 1500s when they were sick due to scurvy a sickness dueRead more
michael jenkins
michael jenkins answered question
I think the most important thing to remember is if the animal is taking fluids if the animal continues to have diarrhoea dehydration can occur and can be fatal.!but if as you say the animal is eating and drinking things should not be to much to worry about be careful not to give young animals … Read more