Where And How Can I Find An Exorcist Priest Or Deliverance Minister In Ohio?


14 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Contact the Catholic Diocese in Ohio. The Roman Catholic Church is the leading authority on this subject. Ministers like Larson only make the situation more dangerous. They don't have the first clue on what they are doing or what they are up against. You do NOT have to be a Catholic for this help. Anyone want to question me on this then you need to educate yourself on this subject. There is a wealth of information on the true origins of demonic possession on how to handle it correctly. God Bless and I wish you the best!
P..... A..... Profile
P..... A..... answered
CVT - you may think i'm nutty but i'm writing this out of obediance so here it goes...    From the bible:  Jeremiah 23:11 For both [false] prophet and priest are ungodly and profane; even in My house have I found their wickedness, says the Lord.    the first of the 10 commandments reads...  Exodus 20:3 You shall have no other gods before or besides Me.  And other verses read...  Exodus 23:13 In all I have said to you take heed; do not mention the name of other gods [either in blessing or cursing]; do not let such speech be heard from your mouth.  Deuteronomy 5:7 You shall have no other gods before Me or besides Me.  Deuteronomy 6:14 You shall not go after other gods, any of the gods of the peoples who are round about you;  Deuteronomy 11:28 And the curse if you will not obey the commandments of the Lord your God, but turn aside from the way which I command you this day to go after other gods, which you have not known.  Deuteronomy 28:14 And you shall not turn aside from any of the words which I command you this day, to the right hand or to the left, to go after other gods to serve them.    It is very clear He wants you to know that you must not have any gods before the One and Only True God.  The enemy seeks to deceive you.  He is called the devil and the father of lies.    Confess to God that you reject the lies of the enemy and seek to only serve the One True God and no other.  Hugs,
Shallon Meade Profile
Shallon Meade answered
Sorry revive something dead from one year ago CVT. But my sister is going through the same thing now & she lives in Ohio & is a Christian & has been praying & praying & praying & she told me she thinks she needs exorcism herself now. The thing is I have told her that by giving into her fear like one of the poster said is exactly what the Devil want & even if the exorcist, exorcises the spirits in her as long as she has that fear on her mind of those spirit that the exorcism wont do much help cause as soon as there done she will probably start thinking about it again. I'm not trying to be mean to you or her but yea it doesn't help much if you let the spirits get to you & keep them on your mind. You need to not have them on your mind & not give into there fear. Cause fear isn't from God but the enemy of God.  God WORD say's his perfect love cast out all fear. So yea you need to look to Christ more then ever with this. I would say getting exorcism is good but also you have to do your part be willing to resist the Devil. It isn't all up to the exorcist you have a part to do also. Well if you got help let me know okay & if you did who from okay so I can recommend this person to my sister.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
We exist to train and ordain exorcists. We have full Apostolic Authority as Orthodox and Catholic clergy to command the Evil One and his companion fallen angels, and evil dead. Exorcism is in fact torture of any evil spirit who claims ownership of the subject. We are an ecumenical organization of Orthodox, Old Roman Catholic, Ethiopian Coptic, African Orthodox, Roman Catholic, Russian Orthodox, Malankara, Anglican, Lutheran Orthodox, Chaldean, Armenian, Ukrainian Orthodox, and many branches of the Body of Christ who freely offer Christ's Peace for tormented people in the grip of evil. The world headquarters for the Exorcist Order of Saint Michael is located in Missouri. Our web address is: Www.exorcistorder.com
This is serious and dangerous. The Evil One can and will wreck your life if you invite him. The greatest of human misery is the reward for those who invite the prowling lion who devours souls. Blasphemy, curses, satanism, murder, idolatry, paganism, Ouija board, astrology, tarot, witchcraft, voodoo, ogboni, seances, pagan idols and talking to the dead are the most common causes of invitation. If anyone states differently, they are simply a servant of evil spirit. ++ archbishop exorcist
Rosemary Campbell Profile
I contacted the order of St. Michael above as requested in the post and they responded and said tell me your entire story and leave nothing out.
  I did that through automatic writing with the four spirits inside my body that I need exorcised and it ended with the Bishop accussing me of not believing in God and calling me many names and then telling me not to contact them again.
  I guess he didn't know how to deal with my story after all and so what does his order do?
  If they can't deal with the true story I tell them.
Everytime I write to tell my story the four possessing spirits inside my body take over and help me tell the very long story and as a result I have been refused an exorcism by several Catholic Bishops and Reverend Larson and all sorts of people.
  I have prayed to God and jesus and sprinkled holy water, and I have religious pictures all over my house and carry the crucifid everywhere I go and even sleep with it and the bible and nothing has worked and I maintain that the bishop backed off because the problem is too big for he and his order to handle and they are too chicken to take it on and this is why he said don't contact him again.
  All I asked when I contacted him is can he help me find someone in my own neighborhood or country to help me perform an Exorcism.
  If they want publicity for their order and their church then they can have a reporter cover their exorcism if they choose and perhaps that will help them make a decision to help me and others.
cooper shannon Profile
cooper shannon answered
If you pray and pray and believe that Jesus has been born and resurrected so that you may be saved, and live life eternal. You can bless your own house. You can cast out evil in the name of the father son and the holy ghost. These spirits can not harm you!!!! They will scare you, if you let them, think of them as children throughing temper tantrams. They feed on fear it make them stronger. If you believe that God is in your heart evil cannot stay where God abides. If you can get the right mind set, you casting it out of your house is more effective, because, you kinda show them who's boss, that your not afraid, always always go with God. When the priest leaves it'll probably return.

You can take olive oil. pray over it for Gods protection make crosses above every door and window with the oil. This will not allow them back. If ever you feel their presence again, pray pray pray ALOUD, and redo the crosses above the doors and windows. If you are not a person of faith, then by all means call in outside help. Blessings
Paul Hardie Profile
Paul Hardie answered
Good luck with that. I have been battling, not one demon, but a legion that has consumed my ex-wife. I ask for prayers in helping in this task of fighting for lives and souls.  She commits crimes against her own children while the legions within her mock the children while she does it.  She covers her tracks by working amongst christians in a childrens christian school and is attempting to flee the states with my children to avoid legal punishment. Please pray for Haleigh, Gabe, Gracie, Matt, Tori, and Isacc, God Bless EVERYONE!!!

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered

The Lord Jesus calls whosoever will answer the call to the deliverance
ministry and there is a deep need for this in the church. 

Any born
again believer in Jesus Christ can cast out demons. Only a few will step
up to this part of the Gospel. This is a very controversial part of the
ministry Jesus has told his believers to do in the Name of Jesus.

church looks at titles and position for one to practice deliverance. The
only thing needed is to have a relationship with Jesus born again and
to live by faith. The deliverance team here in a small town in Ohio has
seen over 20 manifestations since December 2012 with casting out of

Any Church looking to answer the commandment call to cast out
devils in Jesus name.

We are here for deliverance services, seminars,
and private teachings and willing to help those who are need. Experts
such as Bob Larson can cost $400 per hour. Churches need to answer the
commission for believers t
o help those who are tormented by demons.

This is the work of one of
the most greatest miracles Jesus does Jesus came to destroy the works of
the devil and has already made this possible.

Jesus gives all believers
power of attorney "authority" to enforce what He has already done. If
your church is looking to bring this biblical practice into ministries
we are willing to help get your church started setting the captive

P..... A..... Profile
P..... A..... answered
I would definitely not go to a priest. I know of a deliverance minister. One that might even be willing to work with you over the phone if we can't find a minister for you in Ohio.
Fyi - there is no fees or anything like that involved.
Rosemary Campbell Profile
Thanks to all of you who responded.
Since I wrote above I have been in contact with a minister which I think might help me.
And of course I will keep praying and trying to get rid of them myself.
S. A. Profile
S. A. answered
CVT, exorcist and pastor Bob Larson is traveling to perform exorcisms this winter, and he will be coming to Ohio soon. These exorcisms are going to be documented by a new television program. So if you are interested in a one-on-one session with Bob in your hometown on this show, please email me at Boblarsonproject@pilgrimfilms.tv or call me at 818-752-5554. I'd love to chat with you and see if Bob can help you as part of this program.
S. A. Profile
S. A. answered
Hi, CVT. Famed pastor and exorcist Bob Larson will be traveling to Ohio soon to perform exorcisms documented by his new television show. If you would like to have a one-on-one session with pastor Larson as part of this show, please email me at BobLarsonProject@pilgrimfilms.tv or call 818-752-5554. I'd love to chat with you aobut your situation and see if Pastor Larson might be able to help. If you want to learn more about Pastor Larson, please visit www.boblarson.org
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
The only way to stop the spirits is to sell your soul to lucifer and give in to the temptation
thanked the writer.
P..... A.....
P..... A..... commented
This is a joke right? Lucifer sets a trap and we walk right into it because we can not see where we are going 'in darkness.' then he has you right where he wants you. Setting you up for more spirits and more torment. The power he gives is very temporary. 'What will it benefit a person if they gain the whole world, yet lose their very soul?'

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