What Does My Future Hold For Love And Money?


34 Answers

Kathryn Wright Profile
Kathryn Wright answered
How can I see my future?

Your future is what you make. What you do today makes your future. Your dreams, Your wishes and your will power, intentions makes your future and the worlds future...

Many people believe that carrying our positive affirmations is a way to control your future. For example, if you want to get a promotion in your job, every morning and evening, look at yourself in the mirror and say "I am the manager of the sales team" or whatever you wish to achieve. You can't say "I will the manager...etc" the point of positive affirmation is you have to visualise yourself doing that role, or having that car, or that girlfriend. This works on the basis that you are training your subconscious mind to help you make all of the right decisions to get where you want to go in life,

Some people literally make a collage board of the car, house, job, clothes etc that they want and regularly make these affirmations. Oprah Winfrey has used positive affirmations and is quite open about how effective she thinks they are.

Varying Beliefs
This all depends largely on your religious beliefs.  Some people might believe that if you pray it will be so.  If you believe in astrological star signs, which have been used for centuries, a great site is www.astrolutely.com, please let other users know on here if it is useful to you. There are other means considered more worth while such as palm reading.

This used your head line, heart line and life line. How independent the heart and head lines are will show how you make decisions in you life, ruled by your head or your heart, and you life line will show you health and how long you will live. Your left hand is thought to be as your future is mapped out and the right hand is as your life is actually unfolding. Also,if you want to tell how many children you will have, make a fist and count the lines on the side of your palm underneath your little finger (discount the creases where your knuckles are).

The way to find out the initial of your future loved one is to take an apple still with the stalk on it. Hold the stalk and for every twist of the apple, recite a letter of the alphabet. The letter that the stalk breaks on is the letter of your future partner. Edit

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I want to know about my future ,money and my love
izhar dr Profile
izhar dr answered
Do work hard..your future is bright..do you love some one???
Arthur Wright Profile
Arthur Wright answered
In a world of uncertainities right now, no one on here can tell you exactly what your future holds for any of us so its going to be what you make of it my friend, good luck
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
You can know your future from trustworthy astrologers either in your area or from Internet. I'll be here referring to Internet astrologers since I don't know your location to help you with astrologers there.
Astrologers usually require you to pay some amount for their services. Every good Internet astrologist require your name, gender, date, place and time of birth and an E-mail to reply. They usually offer you first sample reading too before asking for payment. I'll be here referring you Jeena-The professional Astrologist who offers a free sample reading first and will give a detailed one after very low payment. Or you can also visit here for more choices.
Best wishes for you.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I  want  know about  my   future  and  money...I  have  not  earned  nothing not yet..I  want know my money matters and fortune
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I want to know about my future(life,carrier and jobs)
my d.o.b is 26th december 1995
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
You all guys have to trust in yourself and you have the guts to face all the danger or other situations in your life. Be happy don't underestimate yourself. :)
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I want to know about my marriage life and my carrier life my date of birth is 1st October 1987
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Hey I was born on 31st of aug and I want 2 know about all upcoming in my life abt the following things  1. Career 2.job 3.love  4.marriage possibilities 5.my financial status
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I want to go abroad, but my circumstances are not allowed to me, like my financial, I want to know about my future, that I want to marry my love.
beautiful sista Profile
beautiful sista answered
Lets define this word  astrology it is a form of divination, and we know that divination is undoubtedly demonic works. I encourage you not to get caught up in astrology, psychics, etc. these are great evils. When you allow astrologers to so-call find out or see what's going to happen in your future, you  open yourself up to them. They are then able to capture your spirit threw demonic works. Even though they portray themselves to be nice they are only "wolves in sheep clothing". Demons have no power but when you allow them to possess your body and mind you give them, the power that lies inside of you, they then  take that same power and destroy you. (some call this power ENERGY) this is know joke there is always a consequence when dealing with psychics, astrologers, etc. Be very careful, my advice to you would be not to get caught up in this foolishness, because the end result will be death, not just physical death but spiritual death in other words a complete  spiritual separation from God(your soul will belong completely to Satan).
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
My D.O.B. Is 14/07/1986, monday, time midnight 11:59pm..
Gender: Female..
I want to know about my job area & love..
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
My name manoj kumar behera my   D.T.O.B is 28th feb 1984
I want to know my life partner
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Tell me that tomorrow is my result I am 13 and gave the finals of 7 class can I get above 80 percent tomorrow is my lucky day

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