Good Friday is the Friday before Easter and commemorates the crucifixion and death of Jesus at Calvary. The pastry cross on top of the buns depicts the cross that Jesus was killed on. The buns were eaten at the breakfast time hot from the oven.
We eat hot cross buns on Good Friday because, the cross on the buns represent the crucifixion of Jesus (which happened on Good Friday).
N many historically Christian countries, the buns are traditionally eaten on Good Friday, with the cross standing as a symbol of the crucifixion.
We eat hot cross buns to remember jesus crist .Hot cross buns are the symbol of jesus christ showing crucifixion .we eat them on good friday becouse it was a day or to before he died.
Because jesus died on the cross and hot cross buns have crosses on them
Because the cross on the hot cross bun represents jesus christ
Because the cross is the symbol of jesus crist
We eat hot cross bun cause we hungry.. Thats all
We eat hot cross buns because the spices in them remind us of the spices used to prepare jesus body for the tomb.
Because they are tasty
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