The bible mentions that men and animals were not created as equals and thus do not have a soul in the same way that humans have a soul. Ghost wise there are many examples of animal hauntings, particularly dogs and wolves. I remember reading the story of a ghost dog that left claw marks in an English church but couldn't find ref to it online ATM, here is an iinteresting photo I found for you, it actually has a ghost dog in it although I'm not sure how real it is. Personally I think animals have souls just like humans, they all have personalities just like us :) -Hank
There was a documentary that was shown in theaters back in 1978, which answers this query. The movie focused on people who had experienced near-death, and lived to tell about it. Each participant told in meticulous detail what they encountered after they had left their body. One guy who shared his experience claimed he was atheist and didn't believe in heaven or hell, until he went through near-death. All the people claimed they had gone through a tunnel-like journey. At the end of the journey, they came across a closed door, or closed gate. They somehow knew/sensed that if they go beyond that gate or door, there was no turning back. They decided to turn around and go back the same way they came through. The next thing they knew, they were back inside their body again. One guy awoke to find he was in a morgue. Another woke up to find he was back in an operating room, and the doctors and nurses had all sighed a relief when he revived. They later informed him his heart had stopped, and they struggled to revive his vital signs. Towards the end of the movie, they showed an experiment where different mammals were placed on a digital scale, and monitored the creatures weight at the precise moment of death. They concluded that at the moment of death, the human body losses a few ounces of mass. The experiment was replicated with dog, a horse, and various different mammals, but found that it is only humans that registers a loss of mass. The experiment implies that at the moment of death, the soul vacates the human body, resulting in a loss of a few ounces. Here's a pict of the movie's DVD cover.
My husband and I have been experiencing a cat in my late Aunt's house we just moved into. She had 5 cats here at one point, but none of them dies in the house. I am an animal lover (especially cats) but do not own any. We live in a condo, so at first I thought it could possibly be a neighbors cats we were hearing but now after experiencing the cat running up the stairs and hearing it softly meow, what seems right next to our bed, I'm sure it can not be a neighbors cat. Could I really have a "cat ghost" in my house? Like a few of you have replied; it's not that I'm afraid of cats by any means, I'm afraid of what it's doing here and if it really a "cat ghost". Do those of you who have them in your house actually see a cat? It pretty much happens at night when we are sleeping, so I do not get up to look to see if I can see one. (I'm kinda scared to look...)
We just got a new food dish for my cat and it's meant for a dog and just now lately we hear dog toys very loudly but we don't own any! We found out that the person who had the dish before dog died! It's freaky because it gets all silent and then you here (Ring Rattle Rattle Ring and then a squeak!). It's weird and I believe it is an animal spirit but it has never hurt us.
I have seen dogs, cats, birds,rodents..yes, they do have a type of Soul. It isn't similar to the Human Soul , but it is unique in that it does show us, they do live on as well. I have been followed by many types of nature, and I know my gifts were given me by God. After 50 years of experiencing the paranormal, I know we have an afterlife. Blessings, Ghostseer (I see and hear the Human Spirit as well)
I have been experiencing what I feel is a animal haunting.I had a cat that died of old age in 2008 and since then I think she is still in my house.I am awake most of the times I have these experiences.My bed shakes and I can feel something jump onto the bed and walk lightly up the covers.This scared me for a long time.I recently took in a stray cat and she seems to know something is there also.She seems to sense something and will wake up and jump off the bed and just stare with her back arched and fur standing up.This seems to happen almost every day.I can be on my laptop and the cat will be sleeping beside me on the bed and then I feel something jump onto the end of the bed and I can feel the bed move as it moves forward.The cat sleeps through this sometimes and I would really like to get ris of whatever it is.This only happens when I am in bed.I know that there have been at least 2 human deaths in my house.One was my great grandmother in the 70s from old age and the man who built the house hung himself from a pipe in the basement in1938.I was wandering if anyone else had a experience like this.There isn't much information on how to get rid of animal spirits.
Of course there are animal ghosts. Animals have life, and they have death, so why shouldn't they have an afterlife as well? Limiting the concept to only humans seems an arbitrary distinction.
Indeed, it turns out to be a false distinction, if you accept the evidence of human ghosts. Witness accounts of animal ghosts are just as abundant as human ghosts. They also appear in photo anomalies and EVPs. They seem to remain earthbound for the same reasons as humans: Attachment to acquaintances and places from their life, don't know they're dead, want to protect someone, etc.
I don't believe in ghosts - human, animal or otherwise - but I think that animals have spirits. Personally, there's only a few species that I think have spirits, not all of them. My spirit animal is the Bear, so I feel very strongly connected to them.
There are no animal ghosts just as there are no human ghosts. I can't say I believe we have souls either, but if you do, just look into a pet's eyes to see if it has a soul. I'll bet you see one.