How Do You Know If There Is A Spirit In Your House Or Ghost?


159 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered

Figuring out whether there is a spirit or ghost in your house is a question people seem to be asking themselves the world over, and have done all the way back to ancient times.
Different cultures, countries and faiths have documented different types of otherworldly spirits through out the ages and accounts vary from spiritual contact through 'mediumship' and 'seance' to the Biblical passages associating 'spiritism' to forbidden occult activity.
In short, although the idea of the supernatural is a cultural universal, ghosts and spirits seem to have been making themselves known in different ways and forms for a while now, and working out whether there is a spirit present in your house might begin by working out what kind of spirit you should be looking out for.

One thing that remains consistent throughout many accounts is the link between a spirit and a physical location on earth, so a good starting point would be to do some research on your house, look into possible previous occupants, the history of the local area, the land on which your house is built; all these questions could reveal the likelihood or even an explanation for any supernatural activity.
A common reason given for spirits 'haunting' a specific location is because that location was the scene of some sort of violence or betrayal that resulted in a death, often ghosts are portrayed as being vengeful. Another suggestion is that when a spirit gets trapped between our world and the next world, it is likely to return to the place where it's energies and memories are the strongest, and in some beliefs, the appearance of a ghost is an omen of an impending death.

In modern times, people have reported everything from visual signs like inanimate objects moving and visions of ghosts, to auditory evidence like moaning or screaming, or even particular smells and odors becoming prominent during supernatural experiences.
Skeptics have come up with various possible scientific explanations ranging from tectonic activity to changes in air pressure that might explain physical occurrences that we cannot currently understand, but the truth is that reports of haunting continue, and can either vary greatly or be completely identical from one case to another. 

You will only know if you actually believe in ghosts. If you don't then you will more than likely never feel that sensation, as they won't actually exist for you. On the other hand if you are a believer then you will experience changes in the room temperature, slight smells that are unfamiliar to you and cannot be explained by any of your regular odors.

Depending on how intuitive you feel you are to the other side, then you will be able to feel the presence of the entity and will possibly be privy to hearing them breathe or brush against you.

It seems to happen a lot to people who are having issues in their lives and are going through, or have gone through, a certain amount of stressful trauma. This heightened emotional state would seemingly tune you in to a higher sense of attachment to the spirits as your emotional state is open unguarded and lacking inhibition, this would be the optimum emotional condition to feel a ghost's presence.

Another way is to wait till it is dark and sit in the room where you feel your ghost may be. Close your eyes and focus your mind on just the ghost and being open to receive any message they have for you. Open your eyes after a couple of minutes and look around the room, if you are lucky they will show themselves to you.

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Sometimes you can smell phantom smells, like cooking, and you know the windows are closed and you have not been in the kitchen.  In the shower, you can hear the voices from a television, when no one is home.  You wake up at the same time each night, awakened by a hard thud, like the sound of a person hitting the floor, but there is nothing that dropped.  Your name is whispered.  The cupboards in the kitchen visibly open in front of your entire family.  The bathroom door, completely shut, opens in front of you.  Two family members report hearing the same sounds without the knowledge of each other before hand.  Things move in front of you, in other places outside the home.  The ground around your chair shakes and shakes the water bottle on your cabinet.  Things are moved, your bag or purse is unexpectedly opened although no one is around.  You get angry, tell it to 'shut up', and all of the sudden everything is quiet.  The dog barks at absolutely nothing, all of the time, and shakes.  A flash of something flits past, you know you saw it.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
You need to smudge your entire home.  Buy a sage bundle to burn. You can order one for $3. Online. Light a white candle in each room. Placing one of each red, white and a yellow flower next to the candle helps to absorb negative energy. Go from room to room, especially get all the corners of the house and burn the sage. While you are burning it, meditate in your mind or out loud...tell them they must leave in the name of Jesus Christ they must leave immediately and never return, this is not their home, they do not belong here, Jesus is your savior and protector. Say this and things to that affect over and over while smudging. MAKE SURE you leave windows open even if just an inch or 2. The smoke from the sage will attach to  the entities in the house and will waft out the windows. After you have smudged, say a prayer of thanks for the negative spirits and energies leaving. You can even meditate a moment with some spiritual music playing and rosemary incense burning for peace, tranquility and cleanliness in your home. I would do this for 7 days in a row...but at the least 3 days. You will notice how much "lighter" the energy feels in your home after doing this. Also, throw the flowers in the garbage outside of your house after you use them. (you need fresh flowers each time). Good Luck. I hope you get rid of them. They can really do damage mentally. They can make you feel down, depressed, angry, anxious, without you even realizing. This is not good. The smudging will help a lot if you are serious about it.
Jared Collins Profile
Jared Collins answered
I'm JC
First off the guy about the spirit fallowing since you where 3 I had the same thing it chilled me to read your post I faced mine and saw it turn and leave but things got weird after that I don’t know anything about what it is but maybe try talking to it directly and I mean get a response if you do tell me.
I’ve had a lot of experience with this stuff, when I was little in my old house I would hear footsteps trying to match my own and id stop suddenly and they would keep going, I would hear breathing in lots of places in bed and around the house. The most memorable was that I felt watched mostly in the bathroom and shower and one day I stepped out of the shower and saw a man looking at me in the mirror and he saw me look at him so I looked at where he should have been behind me there was nothing I looked back at the mirror and he was still there just staring so I ran outside and waited for someone to come home most terrifying thing I’ve ever experienced. But that was when I was 8 and since then lots of bad, good and weird stuff has happened come and gone.
The good
If I'm too lazy to go to uni I hear banging on my window,- the TV turns off when I leave the room,- the lights turn on when I come in,- sometimes I get a warm watched over feeling at times as I go to bed or am having a bad day (which makes me feel heaps better).
The bad
I have had terrible nightmares (that are really real and bad in unexpected ways (and I'm not going to go in to detail)) and sometimes I half wake to a paralysed feeling where strange and frightening things happen and as I fully awake I hear laughing,- the feeling of cold eyes watching me,- an uncomfortable feeling of something near me and some time even a hand touching me,- breathing near me or trying to mimic my breathing,- footsteps near my or trying to mimic me,
The unknown
At times I hear voices coming from speakers when there’s nothing being played on them,- lights diming in a wave like paten,- I hear my name being called all the time often when someone is doing something that would interest me (making food or going out but they haven’t called me) or leads me to something (money and free stuff),- movement in the corner of my eye sometimes black blobs other times people or things (that aren’t there when I turn to see them),- spiders all over the place all the time in my room on my cloths in my hair one night I even had webs on my eyes? (that might be normal NOT),- and only once a year or so ago a floating ball of light that I saw when woke up at night it floated around and then kind of notice I was awake and I instantly started going back to sleep but fought it and forced myself awake to the site and sound of static then the ball left my face and shot around the room crazily and went through the wall I got up and stayed awake to prove it was real to myself what the heck was that about???!!!???
Things I’ve tried
I thought if it’s a spirit and I'm and spirit with a body then I kind of have the upper hand (that’s for bravery) then I ran at were I saw the thing in the corner of my eye and said loud (but not yelling) and proud “this is my home and you are not welcome here” and that worked most of the time but they came back 3 months later or maybe something else came hard to tell,- ecliptic oil (I think that’s how you spell it) and alcohol mixed and put around the place found that by accident things getting bad weird so I cleaned and used that mix to freshen up the place and things went good agene for a bit worth a try,- opening up the place lots of light and fresh air gets all the bad crapy energy out
So I’d say I'm surprisingly sane considering or I'm a complete fruit loop ether way I'm not sacred of horror movies any more.
That’s about all I can think of right now (be bothered writing, I have WAY more) if you see anything the you can give advice about I would like to hear it.
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Taylor Brookes
Taylor Brookes commented
''I half wake to a paralysed feeling where strange and frightening things happen and as I fully awake I hear laughing,- the feeling of cold eyes watching me,- an uncomfortable feeling of something near me and some time even a hand touching me,- breathing near me or trying to mimic my breathing,- footsteps near my or trying to mimic me'' - this sounds a lot like sleep paralysis, where you wake up, but can't move, and you are almost always convinced there is someone else there in the room.
Shauna Spencer Profile
Shauna Spencer answered
Most people call evil spirits ghosts but they are in fact demons and you'll know if there is one in your house the only way for them to come into your house is if allowed to do so by you or someone else . If they are present you'll want to pray in each room of your house asking God Him to remove any evil spirits from your dwelling
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Yes, when you feel like something is there, take some digital pics around the house. You can even take them with a cell phone. I was babysitting for a friend at her house. I had my 11 year old (at that time) daughter with me also. She was playing with the other child in her room. All of a sudden my daughter came out as white as a ghost (no pun intended). She said she felt funny. After talking for a moment I sent her back in the room to play. Again, she came out and said she felt scared. I went into the room and took several pics with my cell phone. SURE enough.....apparitions everywhere! She felt their presence. I caught it in photos.
I have several amazing photos on my cell. If you are into this sort of thing and/or you know how to, you can meditate and ask who is there also.
Jacquelyn Mathis Profile
There can be several things to happen, but not all at once, a cold chill, a light breeze, a smell, something in the corner of your eye, or even the feeling of being watched. Hope this helps.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Well. My troubles with spirits started when I was about three years old. Me and my mom used to sleep in the same room when I was younger and we lived in this townhouse with my grandparents and my aunt. One night while I was in my little bed that had a night light over it across from my mom's bed I just happened to wake up in the middle of the night and everyone was asleep. I looked toward the closet at the end of the room and the door was open and it was dark. I became afraid and got out of my bed and crossed over into my mom's bed. She had some covers that you can see through, which we still have today. And under the covers I saw a shadow go over the night light. Then I shut my eyes and hoped that it was a bad dream. But the next morning I was right there under my mom's see through covers looking out into the daylight in the exact same spot my "dream" ended the previous night. And since then I've been haunted by a presence whenever I'm home alone. It used to be the worst right after I came in from school and no one would be home. I'm 19 now and in college though I still live at home for the moment. I really need to fix this thing with the spirits because I know that eventually I'm going to have to live on my own. And I'll be alone a lot then. Even so with that I don't want to be feeling this presence forever. It goes away sometimes and then comes back. Before, I noticed that it was when I really started getting into church and reading the bible. Recently, I haven't been reading and it came back. It came back last night when I heard a scratching at my high up on my window outside. There isn't any tree branches close enough for the scratching to be from a tree. The scratches sounded deliberate. Like something was doing it trying to get in, like a cat or a dog when they want to go outside or come in. Well I thought about it. And, you may think I'm weird or crazy but I talk to myself a lot. Out loud, when there isn't anyone there. I mean whole conversations about my day, what's bothering me, and stuff that you would talk to a close friend about. And I have friends to talk to, but instead I talk aloud to myself. It's almost comforting but then I think about what I'm doing and feel crazy doing it so I stop. And recently I've been holding off doing it. That's when the scratchy noise came, followed by some unpleasant dreams. Then I start to wonder if it's been whatever spirit that's been following me around wants me to talk to it. Maybe that's what I've been talking to this whole time. Maybe it doesn't want me to let it go. There's so much more to it though. I've had the pressure on the body feeling and even dreams where something has been trying to possess me. This whole day has had me on edge since the scratching last night. My little brother whose 2 is the only person here with me all day and he's been keeping me grounded with his presence. But I'm going to have to put him down for a nap soon and I wonder what will happen then. No one else seems to notice the presence, though my mom does recall hearing footsteps on the roof and felt the pressure on her chest. I feel as though I need to face whatever it is head on. Like stare it in the face and tell it to leave me alone!
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Taylor Brookes
Taylor Brookes commented
There is a creature (if you believe in it, that is) called an Alp or a Mara. They sit on people's chest's and give them bad dreams. Perhaps that is what your mother experienced.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
You will fell a chill and your face might be touched as if its a spider web and it rarely will appear if front of you and you will hear foot steps and bushes shaking if there is no wind and you might hear the ghost/spirit whisper to or hear a loud screech in your ear,.   And you will fell like someone is with you and you can fell the ghost/spirits emotions sad Happy angry,.trust me you WILL feel them
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I would suggest you getting your home blessed. Whenever I was younger me and my mom had my dads spirit in our home, and we got our home blessed and nothing ever happend again. The tv would cut on by itself. Recently I was at my grandmothers and I heard footsteps walking down the hallway, which I do think it is my father still around. Hes not in my home anymore. But the best suggestion is have people that no a lot about this, bless your home. Some spirts may be evil and if so, they need to be out your home. Other spirits such as good ones, isent really a bother - where they can't harm you and don't perpously scare you. I'm very intrested in the supernatrual because ive experienced it, myself. I'm only 15 by the way, but everything I'm saying is a proven fact. If you need anything else, ask and I'm sure I could help, I no way to much about this stuff. I see oras and everything, so just ask and ill be sure too answer. Thanks.
Christelle Mason Profile
Some of what these people have mentioned sound demonic or like poltergeists an intelligent haunt you  you will feel like someone is watching you you will feel cold breezes or in my experience a dresser drore  sliding out and dropping to the floor seeing a person out of the corner of your eyes. Sometimes you might hear voices. They seek your attention don't be scared of them they are just people without a body and they know they're dead  a residue haunt could be sounds of foot steps sounds that tend to repeat they can not contact you in fact they don't even know they're dead or your there.  A poltergeist tends to be more than one ghost trying to scare the hell out of you they put there energy together an can move heavy objects one ghost alone can only lift up to 10 pounds. I have about 6 intelligent boys that are attached to me I use the EVP quite often and I am also a medium ghosts are nothing to fear just remember they were humans once just like me and you. And they are limited to what they can do just like us. They can't hurt you only  beings that will try an hurt you are not dead and that is a demonic haunt you will know if you have a demon because you will often smell rotting flesh or hear a loud growl that echos through the house there have been reports of people being thrown through the air, scratched, hit, pushed down stares,  and more a demon is not and never was of this earth and it is neither a female or male. If you have anymore questions contact me at
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Well there's a lot you can do to find out if your house is haunted or not. One thing you can do is take pictures of your house. Or leave a camera recording..
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
If a ghost is near you, you should feel a chill or a light touching on your shoulder or on your head, depending if you are sitting or standing.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered

I think if there is a ghost around you, you will feel slightly chilly. Or feel a presence, like something watching you. You might feel light touches, usually on the face.

I have felt like this many times, and feel like there is a presence in my room, or there's someone watching me. Or I will feel a realy light, and gentle brush across my cheeks and a very cold breeze when there are no windows open and I'm in my room at night! It's really creepy. But you shouldn't be afraid, ghosts/spirits are just souls that have not yet passed on. They don't mean harm, but if it does get creepy and weird stuff start happening then maybe you should fear the ghost and try to sort the problem out. Other wise I say don't be afraid of them, they mean no harm (:
Hope this helped.

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Anonymous commented
There's no such thing as spirits that havnt passed on . God is the almighty . And when ppl die there would either goes 2 one of 2 places HEAVEN OR HELL PERIOD ... There is demonic spirits just like in the bible from saten as well as angels that r mess angers . Don't mean no harm about what I said . But if u no anything about God then u should no this . If u don't belive in god then I pray u do and serve him .
Tifini Dawson Profile
Tifini Dawson answered
I just moved in a new house, and have been there for about two months now. And I stay at home, and I start hearing weird noises like..walking upstairs, banging, something thats has probably fallen etc. I have been asleep taking a nap, and have awaken to feel like as if someone had put really huge speakers by my feet, and turned on really loud music to the point where I start feeling vibrations on my feet. I also have been watching TV, and have felt like the room has gotten darker, even if a lamp is on. Like just last night I was in my bed web browsing on my laptop when all of a sudden I heard this really loud bang. Like something has fallen! I immediately woke up my husband, told him to go check out where the noise came from. He checked everywhere, and no sound! He went to our bathroom, and said our extended shower-head was hanging, just lying in our tub. I was so freaked, and still am!! I also have a guest bedroom in our house which, when our heater is on, the room never gets as hot as any other of the rooms in our house. Can someone help me out a little? I'm truly afraid, and need some answers.
Michael Curtis Profile
Michael Curtis answered
I have lived in my house for a few years now and I do believe in spirits, but I never thought it could be haunted.  I'm 15 years old and this isn't a prank I have been researching the paranormal since I was ten because my old apartment had two people who haunted it me and my sister have seen it.  Now the house I live in, I think it may be haunted by more than one spirit.  One day my mom took a picture and she thought it was an orb, but I'm sceptical so I have to have more proof.  That night my friend was sleeping over and we were pulling an all nighter, and it was around 3 am and I started to smell what was like popcorn.  We went downstairs to see if it was any of my family members and it wasnt, so me and my friend made a sandwhich and I started to feel really cold but he didnt so I thought  it was me.  When we went upstairs I felt like someone was watching me and then as I got in my room and I heard something fall downstairs.  And now as I'm typing this it is watching me I'm not sure if its good or evil
esther spaulding Profile
You can feel the presence. Examples are like when you feel like your being watched but you think its nonsense. Or like the person above said you put things in one place and they are gone at another place the next time you enter the room. Or you hear noises that you normally don't hear or hear whispers and your home alone. Its very scary. Apparently I have like 2 ghosts attached to me one was trying to hide from the other. Amy is the one trying to hide and Mary Shaw is the killer one that wanted to kill her.

Anyway as I was saying its completely different to everyone. But mostly you'll see a orb or you see a white figure in the corner of your eye and when you look its gone. That happens to me all the time. But if you can't see ghosts then the best way to know is by just having a feeling you have one attached to you. Ask any of your friends if they can see them or hear them then ask them for help on what the ghost wants. You do not want to have a ghost following you 24/7 its not that fun. I'm not emo and I don't think its cool. Actually on the contrary I'm scared of ghosts. But I guess I conquered that fear. I still haven't conquered lighting though. Now that's scary. Well I hope I helped you out a little at least.

thanked the writer.
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Anonymous commented
That is crazy every time i look at photos it feels like they are watching me
Anonymous commented
Hey, My name is Ari I have twin 5month old boy's... I have a question, here's the thing ever since i moved into my home 7yrs ago I have felt both something bad and something good in the house. I've had comfirmed by my now 6 but was 2 at the time niece that there is the spirit of a little girl about 4 or 5 in the house... Which I've felt her around and noticed my boy laughing and smiling out of nowhere.. When I check in the monitor I see a shadow that when I move the camera is still there..
skyler mcCoy
skyler mcCoy commented
that sure sound scarry
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Well I have seen a few, kinda scary especially if you don't believe in them. Some hear them and see them do things, like my old neighbors house sometimes you could see a floating object being moved as if someone was moving it, but not see the ghost. Often in her home you could hear voices and see an old woman pacing the hallway and an old man sitting in a rocking chair polishing his rifle in the living room, and I didn't use to believe till I heard it and seen it for myself. With any ghost, spirit or demon it is best to ask it in the name of God to leave your home.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I was sleeping one night and woke up with a very strong feeling that someone was their watching me sleep, and that person stayed around for a couple a days, I think it was a loved one that was watching out for me
fleur Profile
fleur answered
HEY, I'm 15 years now and when I was a little girl it felt like there was always something in my bedroom at night and my mum felt it to but nothing really creepy ever happend it just gave me restless nights and after a while we moved and I dind'nt feel that presence anymore well sometimes but never as strong this summer we moved again and still nothing happend, but the last 2 nights strange stuff has happend and I'm getting a bit scared : So the first night I woke up in the middle of the night and felt this strange presence like it wanted to hurt me ( I have felt that before in my first house.) but last night I got realy weard I woke up again and felt like some one was trying to hurt me and a sat up and saw someone sitting at end of my bed shortly after that I was like something entered my body and I tryed to move my hands but I could'nt move them ! It took me a great amount of effort to move them and it really freaked me out I'm scared of whats going to happen tonight also I woke up today feeling sick and ill and had to stay at home today please if anybody has had the same experience orknows anything about this kinda stuff please help me as to find out what it may want from me ?
thanked the writer.
Anonymous commented
This has to me to but only I would wake up to being choked and there being a shadowy character sitting there, also I was playing with my little brother one day.and I was tickling him and all (he never hAD an imaginary friend till my last house and I would would wake up with scratch marks and bite marks on my back and out of nowhere I get pinched and I u could see the marks of finger nails, and at my current house I've been seeing this shadowy character (the one that choked me) and I've never been afraid of the dark till this house and IM 14 and I told my mom about this and she made a border of salt one night and it worked then the day after where my mom made the border the carpet was ripped up and I was starting to hear something whisper my name and it tried mimicking my moms voice when no ones home but me and I started feeling suicidal out of nowhere and right when u walk in my room of gets hard to breathe from the pressure and in my house u barely feel it till u get to my room and when my parents go to bed and I go uo stairs my rooms extremely dark even tho a ought is on outside my room and I can see a faded figure then when the light turns on it runs out and my parents have been saying it smells like somethings rotting in my room even after I light an incense and I've woke to it standing over me saying "leave now or die" if u guys can help me email me at u don't have to believe me but IM telling u the truth
Jacquelyn Mathis Profile
There are many different things that you can see or hear or even feel to give you cause to think that you have a haunted house. Things can be moved sometimes, while other times, you can feel a cold draft, or find a spot in the house that is always cold.
Other times you might see a shadow, or something moving out of the corner of your eye. Other things can include things being hidden from you for a while and then showing up somewhere else.
You can contact a spiritualist and have them come and cleanse your home for you. Hope this helps, good luck to you.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Well if you debunked things that had Anything electrical can be debunked because wiring can be wrong but if crazy things like nocks on doors when your only there and you hear distinctly things moving in your room then there could be some kind of activity....maybe if you put some more infor on what your experiencing then I could help. I know because crazy things happen at my moms house and lets just say I'm a believer now.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
You will know if your house is hunted or if your really cold and touched a lot.
Like me theres a ghost doing that 2 me. And I bet its watching what I'm typing 2!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I think when a ghost is next to you your hair on your arms stand up or you hear and see things weird
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
You might not even know. But if you do, you might feel its prencense. Maybe you might feel a cold chill, hear a voice close by, some people even say they can feel they are being touched! ( Didn't really mean to scare you, if I did, but its true.)
Aun Jafery Profile
Aun Jafery answered
If you are one of those people that do believe in the supernatural then there are certain ways that can tell you if a house is haunted. People who have experienced such a presence suggest that is a recurrence of bad dreams. Sometimes these dreams have no particular pattern but in other instances the dream continues from where you had left off earlier. There is also the feeling of pressure on the chest generally during the early hours of the morning or even in the middle of the night. This pressure is felt during the state of semi sleep or when the person is not completely awake. Other signs include vibes where one feels that one is not alone or is being watched. Extreme signs can include the dimming of lights. Other extreme cases suggest the appearance of blood on the walls, taps being opened, voices being heard and sometimes visual apparitions as well.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I don't know for sure if I have a spirit in my home, but in my bathroom one night, I saw this grayish/white mist behind me through the mirror and then felt something touch the back of my head, but when I turned around, it was gone.....Earlier this morning, I opened the curtain between my room and the sliding glass door leading outside, and my four dogs came running up and started to jump up on the glass...Usual... But before I started to close the curtain, something whispered behind me "Call off the dogs" as clear as day!!! Again, nobody was there. The voice sounded male, or that's what it sounded like to me. A half an hour ago, I tried an E.V.P. Session (Electronic voice phenomena) on my mom's cell phone, but I found nothing... It's kind of a cruddy recorder, but still... With what has been happening lately, I thought it would be enough. Any suggestions?
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
You know when you have a ghost in your house when: Your tv turns on all by itself in an unoccupied room and there is no one in the house but you or when small things are moved out of place and you know you did not do it or when you hear someone exhale right next to your ear and no one else is home but you or when you feel a hand placed on top of your left shoulder and no one is home but you or feel vibrations under you feet like loud music is being played in a unoccupied room directly below your feet downstairs and no one else is home but you or when you smell cigarette smoke in your home and you and your husband don't smoke.  I could go on and on about this.  But there you have it really.  Will my husband and I leave our home?  No.  Why?  Ghost(s) can relocate with you, so why bother.
Sarah Mylroie Profile
Sarah Mylroie answered
I hear wierd noises at night when everyone is asleep, I hear footsteps in the passage,I'm scared to sleep alone and I don't know why,one night I saw a little girl at the bottom of my bed she just stared at me I got so freaked out, my dog barked and growled at my passage my dog doesnt want to sleep in certian rooms and my parents never see or hear these things its only me and my sister and my friend taylin that hears or sees these things...the radios volume goes up and down by and my friend taylin were sitting in the lounge talking when the dvd player just started playing my c.d and the dvd remote was on top of the dvd player it was also skipping songs by itself me and my friend taylin got so freaked do I know weather its a good or a bad spirit? Its so bad that I wont sleep alone...
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
If weird things go on like tapping noises or things moving or you hear footsteps or knocking then it might be a ghost. Just try and come up with a reasonable explanation that makes sense first before jumping to conclusions, or in other words make sure its not your air conditioning turning on or something else. Try watching Ghost Hunters on SyFy or Ghost Adventures on Travel channel.
Shayla Stoneking Profile
Well I do have a evil ghost in my house how you will know is if you get scared so often
then you hurry up and ran to a differnt spot and feel a little better then when you sear you set something down in a spot and it is gone or if you have really bad dreams cry at night and see him/her and I saw him in my house the evil spirit was walking toward me and he was wearing a blue shirt jeans and nike shoes also a chef hat then I saw him in my closet with a knife
the they will also get you if you are the type that don't believe in ghosts or holy ghost or spirits any type does nt matter
Julie S Profile
Julie S answered
By talking to him just like talkin to yourselfand asking him if he's there he will answer you , just trust and believe bye bye
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I've heard things and seen things .All my friends say that they have heard or seen something .One of them said that they heard pans fall when everyone was asleep and she went to check and my kitchen was fine .Nothing was on the ground the pans were put away.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Your stories sound mild. But only if thats the only thing that happen-ds to you. I moved about a year ago. Before than there was few weird things that would happen. The only thing that would happen there would be footsteps and the radio( I used to listen to it at night) , the volume would just suddenly go to 0 but it was still on. It was like someone turned the nob all the way down. Then when I moved, thing got worse. When we moved we got things like white figures( they would let me stare at them), we got footsteps, electronics turning on and off, biz arr animal behavior, Dores opening and closing, cupboard opening and closing, objects moving then being put back on their own, lights on and off, the feeling of being watched, objects riddling, and some more.
I don't know about you but I think there is for sure a spirit.
stephanie drnach Profile
I have had many encounters with spirits.its not hard to tell if you are alone or not in my home. I have two paranormal entities that coexist in my life. There is a shadow that walks around in my hallway down stairs and one that I feel is bad and follows me. I have been harmed by it and frightened at times. What I don't understand is why it even follows me in the vehicle. I will come to find a drawing on the back window. This is mew. At first it was just a triangle. Then I discovered about a week ago there is a head, hard to see eyes and limbs. And now. The whole thing is gone. No one has been doing it around me or anything. I see it in the back seat of the vehicle and random appearances while I am driving. It affects my friend as well. I don't know what to do.
Yuki Kurenai Profile
Yuki Kurenai answered
Some of these are common signs: 1) Strange sights - sometimes ghosts can make an appearance and you can see them. 2) Sudden chills - if you feel any sudden chills, it may be that a ghost is passing through you. 3) Odd noises - ghosts can make noises. 4) Moving objects - if objects move on their own, whether or not you see them moving, it may be the work of ghosts. Poltergeists are notorious for flying objects. 5) Legends - check to see if there are any stories about your location. 6) Animals - they have a "sixth sense" that allows them to sense if there are ghosts. Animals that sense ghosts may be skitterish in/around your house. 7) Psychics - if you really think there is a ghost, contact a psychic or ghost hunter. They will usually be able to tell. 8) Dreams - if you get recurring dreams about something you can't relate to, it could be that a resident ghost is trying to tell you something. 9) Fortune - some people just have bad luck, but others are haunted. If the latter is the case, you will be plagued by the ghost's curse until it is satisfied. I recommend contacting a psychic for exorcising or just doing what the ghost is telling you. Stay safe!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Hi there I'm adrian I'm 17 and I do believe there is something in my house don't know what it is or what it wants I just know that when I was 11 years old this ghost or evil thing started off with a simple thing playing with the gas alarm in my room and then started to get a bite creepy after that

probly because I was thinking about it don't know but it started to  breath in my ear at night and then camed down and then something else happens out the blue

people were talking about presser on the chest at night it happend to me aswell but on my legs.  Also I woke myself up middle of the night sleeping down stairs and I felt fully awake and I remeber the door I was looking at front of me was open close open close really fast and slammed the door and I just went bk to sleep though it was a dream but my mum heard it and told me the next day though it was me like I was the one to blame.

There's something very weird happening I had up to, voice ,noise's , one of my family members getting tooken over , large shadows in the night , feel unsave area's in the house where you think you are not alone or being watched , people showing them elses to you ( from the start I didn't beileve but what has happend and where it got to now all my family dose  beileve and we are open to each other )

if anyone has any idea what kind of ghost or thing I have or what to do I be very greatful  this thing which happen dosent happen all the time just out the blue can be months apart or weeks just don't under stand why it came when I was 11 and my brother 15 why not when I was born    

lots of thanks from  adi / adrian
nikki Profile
nikki answered
About A Month Ago , After Watch A Movie With My Little Cousin I Turned Off The Television And Went Into My Room . Which Coincidentaly Used To Be My Fathers Before He Died 2 Years Ago . We Felt Uncomfortable And My Cousin Started To Feel Dizzy & Like He Didn't Belong . Before Anything Worse Happened We Went Into The Living Room & Saw An Appiration Sitting On The Couch . I Freaked Out And Turned Around And Also Saw The Television On . I Ran Back Into My Room With My Little Cousin To Get My Phone . We Took Pictures And There Was More Than One Spirit There . We Even Used Our Home Made Ouija Board , Only To Find Out It Was A Bad Spirit , Our Solution To The Problem ? Face It Head On && Act Like We're Not Scared . That Sort Of Worked. But Them We Moved . /: But , Thats How You Know !
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Right I belive that there are ghosts and spirits and I feel like they are trying to reach out to us. Because something may or happened in there past. Some people don't realise that ghost's and spirit's are 2 completly diffrent things and you need to know how to handle them. Spirits are lost souls trying to reach out and ask for some help. Ghost's are like video tapes they replay and replay and replay until there are finished doing what they are supposed to be doing. But they are not there to harm you the only way you know tht there to harm you is there throwing stuff there hurting you physically and etc. I  am experiencing and entity in my house I'm only 13 I know what I'm talking about and if any 1 could help he is a brown haired guy with a flannel shirt on and jeans and he looks like my dad but I know hes not I see him standing in my bedroom then hes gone I saw him in the kitchen then gone I first saw him when I was walking down the stairs one day and he walked into the front room then I looked every where and he was gone. NOW WHAT THE F**CK DO I DO I would like the help xx
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I have the same problem. I watch many shows on this and what I do for checking is I talk to the spirit in a room which I am all alone. Concentrate on contacting the spirit only. Then knock on the wall 3 times and say "Spirit, if you are present, talking to me or show me a sign you're here by knocking back." It works for me.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I have been hearing stuff,like footsteps and things and everytime I talk about it I start to shake,I need a lot of information because my parents don't believe me and my sis and my lil bro has been having night mares and has also been seeing many things,I need to know what it is..and how to get rid of it myself,please you guys I need you're help,and I know everytime we get scared it feeds off of us and gets stronger,and we have been scared for about 2 months now..I don't know what to do !
thanked the writer.
Anonymous commented
If you are hearing things sometimes those can be explained by your house settling or what not. Im not sure what your seeing but if in fact there is something there pray. Its scary to even talk when its around I know but the strength of God will overcome any entity that may be following you. I dont know what religion you are but with heaven comes hell and they fight a battle for the souls of people and dont let evil win. God will protect you if you, PRAY!
skyler mcCoy
skyler mcCoy commented
not me i am deaf but i have it in my dream
Childey Clinton Profile
Childey Clinton answered
Is There A Spirit In My Home...a Bit Scary. R A Long Time Now Whenever I Think Of A Certain Person (whom I Am Not In Contact With Anymore), There Is A Distinct "Thud " Which Seems Like It Comes From Within My Walls. Its Not Just In My Home,?

The thud follows me wherever I am...., it happens every single time. Also the tv freezes and the radio/computer goes too. Sometimes at night I can feel something and then wonder am I dreaming. It scares me sometimes, I don't know what it is, but I think there is something, is the thud warning me or playing...I don't know :( Can anyone shed some light on this because I know I am not dreaming it.
Pink Floyd Profile
Pink Floyd answered
My experience, On November 1 in year 1998 0r 1999. That night, the phone rings 3 times and every time I answer the phone, I hear the dial tone. The last call, when I sit down and mumbled, "What kind of call is that? It is in dial tone and no one is on the other end,". We were a bit alarmed with my brothers... Feeling cold. Then... Suddenly, the lights turned off for 5 seconds.. I was shouting and covering my face down in sofa... I felt the air is cold, the smell of flowers. My brothers also had smell the flower. When the lights came back after 5 seconds. The smell of flowers were also gone. We have the same experience with my brothers.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered

Hi my name is blake. First I never believed in ghost..... Then as I grew  I  understood that ghost(spirit)do shall feel as if you were watched,aslo you get a litttle alert  and you think everthing around you is wiered.. But if you behave like that then your surely going 2 atract it.... So be normal, always go in such places with friends... But also keep distance from them because they can also get posesed... [as in the cases of physic they can not get posesed]if you r an interesed person an curious like me 2 go around find it. Thn always go with a friends in a group... Make sure there is a cell with ... Keep watching the signal of your celll as soon as you find it going low in the place where you fell creepy start moving this can help you.

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered

I think there is something in my room I have seen on a few occionsions shadowy figures the catch on my loft has been un hooked an I have woken up 3 days in a row with a scratches on the top of my arms in the exact same place on my thighs an a big 1 on my back I have no nails because I bit e them an no 1 goes near my loft I'm not very susperstious so I need 2 know whats ging on and how to stop it if it is paranormal activities.

Diego Lopez Profile
Diego Lopez answered
Shadows are always a good indicator. But you can't always reley on your senses. Your eyes can trick you make you see things in the darkness . If you are truly serious about finding out, go ghost hunters style and set up cameras and recorders.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Is this a ghost when you see your shadow beside another shadow and nobody ellse is down there then the misstirios shadow gose into another shadow
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Its very simple when we think that we got a night mare in which you feel that you are being pressed you want to open your eyes but you are not able to do that it means that you are disturbed by these spirits.if you want to know that there is a spirit in your house than the easiest way is that find a place in your house like a room in your house where no other should ne allowed to come, you have to perform this way for three days or more.
Step1- decide the time to sit for concentrating on the spirit.and you should make sure that those three days you are siting on that time only.
Step-2 try to burn some incense when you sit for concentration on that spirit.
Step-3 start concentrating burn a candle in front of you and start saying in your heart that if there is any spirit in the house nearby than please contact should be done for 1 hour everyday.after few days may or may be on the very first or second day you will be able to contact that spirit.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I have a something that has been following me for about a year now, and when I try to get to sleep I suddenly see a camera flash followed by camera noises, this usually only happens when I'm by myself , but last night two of my friends saw it too. And it happened about 4 times in that one night, and then the cupboard door started to open by itself with no wind or anything. I have also had things happen to me like, when I'm in the shower the doors start shaking and I can see a long dark shadow and then after that I walked past another door in the house it just opened, also I was trying to ring a friend one day and my phone stopped working and would only press the number 6 and after there was three 6's nothing else would work. When I pressed any number a six would come up. What should I do? It follows me everywhere, I'm really scared and I want to know what it is.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
My house has always been 'normal' but there are some times when I feel like somebody is watching scares me a little because its only in my room. Plus my house is always warm and mild but whenever you come into my room its really cold. If there is a spirit I want to help them because ive been trying to do as much as I can to make sure there happy.
  I think that if there is a spirit they like to listen to me sing, not being full of myself, just that I will be sitting on the floor cal and relax and then I just want to sing. After singing though I always feel like someone is smiling right next to me and I feel happy, plus my cat always looks at my right while I sing an just keeps staring. Do you think there is a ghost attached to me?
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Yesterday I was taking a shower and I felt pressure on my right leg.and that never had pressure before.Also, when I turn on my tv (its HD) it makes a crackling sound and it got louder and louder.when I draw I look out of the corner of my eye I see a tall dark figure on the left of me.well I always see that same figure.I just think that when someone is alone you feel someone is watching you all the time.Two days later I was looking at some pics of puppies and I saw something walking toward me and when I looked it was gone.And this had been going on for 4 years,but my parents never notice it.All of my friends had felt someone is watching them or their house is hunted or something.but still its kind of creepy and scary like crazy.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I'm really scared because me and my husband Mark ripped our paper off the living room wall and engraved on the wall it said HELP ME in big writing. We saw blood but it was red paint, we didnt know what to do! One day later we ripped off the paper on our daughters bedroom, it said KEZIA MCQUEEN 2008 in red paint, we were, scared so we took the cot out of my daughter Emilys room and put it in our room and we locked Emilys room, about an hour later my baby was screaming and my dog was barking, there was a shadow and then a smash, it sounded like glass and there was blood on the floor, my cat was meowing like crazy, then there was a flash and the door handle fell off, we called the police and they checked my house, they said it was demons and we prayed for them to leave, if they don't we will move house.
Jo Profile
Jo answered
There are no bad spirits only bad people. Spirit just is, good and bad are labels we place on things when we make judgements. In spirit we are all "One" and spirit understand that to harm another is like harming yourself.  It is the ego that creates the illusion of separation which is where the fear that leads to what we consider to be evil would come from.
I am not saying there is not energies that are less than pleasant, as I do believe we can build up negative energy with negative thoughts and actions. But this is not spirit and it is weak compared to the power of Love that spirit is. Our homes can collect stagnant energy that can feel bad. The best way to get rid of this is to understand that energy moves in circular patterns and you can clear it through clearing out any clutter and giving the place a good clean. This will also help to clear out your own energy and calm your mind. Please check out my site for more information
Hope that helps
Love Jo
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Okay ; so ive been living in my house now for almost 2 years and some weird things were happening. One time me and my friend were sitting on my bed, using the computer & my tv just turned on all by itself... The remote was no where near me. Also ; me and my other friend were sitting on the couch in the living room and nobody was home but us and we decided to record and we did then we played it on the computer and you heard like something take a breath out. Also, in the middle of the night the fan falls off the chair all by itself.
PRINCE LEO answered
Good question. Actually, ghosts (if they want) try 2 give us signs of their presence, sometimes v just don't realize it. For example; unusually you feel chills down d spine, that's a ghost touching you, or if you feel n ant moving on your hand or back but there's nothing when you c, that's also a sign of ghosts' presence. But never ever fear ghosts!
Jacquelyn Mathis Profile
There are many indicators that can help you decide if you might have one in your home. Could be something as simple as a scent, or a breeze, or things moving, or even being thrown, shadows, lights, noises, like thumping, or doors opening and closing, foot steps, all kinds of things. But, if you are in an old house, then you might want to make sure that this activity isn't electrical. Sometimes, like with headaches, this can be the reason for them, and not energies from spirits. Listen to your house, and you will know if you have one. Hope this helps you out.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
If objects move around your house for no apparent reason or things start going missing. Some people also say that the room/s haunted have a distinctly colder feeling and some can sense an ominous presence around. Another good sign is if an animal stays out of a certain room or are suddenly acting aggressive. Children can also sense ghosts effectively, particularly younger ones.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Having a poltergeists doesn't usually occur with, a sudden death, that's more of a haunting kind of thing. A poltergeist will usually show up if you have a troubled teen or someone that has a lot of angst. It's not always a girl that attracts a poltergeist, but a lot of times it is. If you hear strange sounds like clanging or hear things moving, or hear things talking to you, or feel a strong emotion a one time, cold spots, things with full battery losing etc. Etc. Than you probably have a poltergeist. If your activity seems to have a bit more of a personality, it's probably a ghost.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Ohkk, I can see spirits. But it was weird 'cause iv lived in this same house since I was two & never seen anything but like my hall way light would turn on and off on it own, & our upstairs bathroom like the toilet seat would slap down but it wasn't ever up. I started seeing thing after me my brother & two cousins messed around with a ouija board in my basement, now I see a little girl & a mom but they don't come up stairs they stay down & move thing in the laundry room, and they turn on the shower all the time.
Mia Teeliumtrozzle Profile
Things will move around from where you've left them and go missing. You will probably feel sort of irritable or cross for no apparent reason, or you could just feel strange, but your mood would definitely be affected by the bad spirit.You must get rid of it, if it really is there.Hang a Crucifix around your neck and then you will be under Gods protection. Hang one on the wall too.say'devil, devil, I defy thee' and you have to spit on the ground as a mark of defiance.Say your prayers and God will protect you from bad spirits.

However, real bad spirits are extremely rare and its more often your imagination, or a coincidence.But it is certainly wise to take precations- defy the evil spirits and trust in God.He will protect you.
Afonya Mason Profile
Afonya Mason answered
Well I know for a fact that there are spirits in my house and if you want to know here is how:you will somtimes see a dim white light you will hear noises and stuff will move by itself when you turn your back.Now you shouldn't be scared because they won't heart you but if you see a dim black light then you should be scared because they aren't nice but don't freak out,but there is honestly no way to get rid of bad ones because it means your cursed!The white ones are just ones who want to look around and won't heart you what so ever they will sometimes try to comunicate with you.Also the black ones will try to comunicate with you to so don't ignore and thats the best way of trying not to make the black ones heart you.There are black ones and white ones in my house and noone is heart yet,but the people that were here before us that lived here died and I'm not lying.Rumor on my block has it that my house used to be a haunted crack house!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
There are many things that could mean you have a haunted house. The normal unexplained noises. Like footsteps, voices, ext. Some people say they feel a sudden coldness, sometimes a unexspected draft. As other people have said above, you can feel a prencense. Like you feel someones there. (Pyhics or mediums are more sensative towards this.) Things may move or come up missing, and the most exciting, (or frightening) apparitions or figures. Most people believe that haunted places are contributed from deaths such as murders or suicide. But that might not always be the case. Ghosts were once live human beings. They might have unfinished business. Example: Ghosts may haunt there former homes because they can not or will not pass on for there own specific reasons. ( My grandparents house is haunted for at least 4 decades, me and my family have learned a lot from experience.)
Mark Verro Profile
Mark Verro answered
Hi, my name is Mark and I had an experience that really scared the you know what out of me. I was getting ready to go to the store and my dog was going with me. I was walking to the front door when my cross flew off the wall and hit me in the leg. My dogs hair stood up and she backed away from the door, my ex-wife looked at my, she said I seen that. The funny part about that is that the doors and windows were closed and the screw that held the cross was at an angle, that was freaky
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Well I really don't know how you can tell if you have a bad spirits.but I just moved in to a new house and well I had some wierd things I was home a lone a heard a room door close so I got up to look around and all room doors were open and all closit door the other night I had just went to bed I started to here a claking noise then I tryed to call out for some and no one could hear me.I fealt like I couldnt get up like I was being helt down and that my mouth was being I scared to be home alone..
Dries Verstrepen Profile
The little brother of my girlfriend took a picture of me listing music, whe he tapped my shoulder I turned my head and he snapped a picture with my mobile on january 1 2012 around 5-6pm when dusk falls,
now theusday 9 februari, 2012 my girlfriend was looking all my pictures, and she threw my phone away, she was shocked! She said look look at your phone, I said what!? I see nothing then she said look at you're nose, and there I saw a face of a ghost girl spirit thing, with black long hair it seems a bit wet, veary smooth skin, and a white dress the shoulders were visible to, I tought NO this is fake but the little brother was 9 at that time, I don't got apps for those things, he or neither me or my girlfriend can't photo shop that well, the picture is never been on my computer it's very cool actualy, the girl looks sad so I was wondering if anyone can tell me more about this ghost/spirit
Please contact my e-mail I am able to send the picture there so you can look at it, I personaly think you can't photoshop it that good it is scary, and now I'm intressted in why does she show herself? Why on my face?
Why it's looking sad, and I believe in spirtis/energy's but this well it made me thinking, and also the little brother he sees things he said that earlier to us, and when he is sick, everything starts moving fast/slow not when fever, just about everything
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
When the door sl owley opens if when you tell it to go and it makes a wind sound
if you can see shadows
it follows people that can see them
if you hear a little kid say same thing like durt or water or breath for times it means it wonts your attention .
When you record your salf and what you have recorded is not what you athley said , or maybe it screams at you and thinks its funny if these things are hapning to you I would  ask it to leave or pray for it to be removed . Please what ever you do do not take this as a joke , please,
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Yes my light go on and off my printer come on by its. It turn my door nob repeater and last it pin me to the bed
thanked the writer.
Anonymous commented
I know exactly what your talking about when you say it pinned you to your bed. Thats not a ghost. That my friend is a demond. I have been followed since I was a young child and it comes and goes. It lays on top of me taking my breathe away and tries to scare me. It opens all my cabnets in the house, turn off and on electronics, but I have have never actually seen it. Only out of the corner of my eye I may see a light or a clowd. Seek help, they are harmfull and can get worse.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I am being watched right know and it feels weird because the spirit is right behind me
Devin r. Profile
Devin r. answered
Well you could get a preacher to come with a vodo person even though they aren't real
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
When we first moved into our new home, at the beginning of April, the door to our bedroom would swing almost closed every time I walked through. Only if I was the only one in there, though. I yelled at it to STOP and it never has moved again. Then I was in my daughter's closet, she was in the bathtub, and I felt something hit my back. There was nothing on the floor to indicate something falling on me. The clothes on the other side of the closet were moving, but there is no wind or draft in there, and I hadn't been near them. I was in her room last night and two different toys went off that I was not touching or near. My husband said he was going to get our rune stones to inquire whether or not there was a spirit here, and our daughter suddenly woke up screaming. I went to sleep. This morning I asked how his rune reading went. Our worst fear was confirmed. There is a spirit. I did several readings today, asking different questions (why is it here, what does it want from me). The stone I drew for the future, every time, was the rune of fate (inverted) which means bad things are coming. I am very frightened. We have both seen movement, in peripheral vision, and I have even seen glimmers of movement in the air across the room. I don't know what to do. I can't even be alone in a room in our home without be so afraid I cannot even move, and can hardly breathe. Any advice? Not advice on using rune stones, they are not black magic at all, and I believe in them. Whether you do or not, is your own opinion.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I'm normally quite sensitive to these kinds of things and it scares the pants off of me, I'm pretty sure there is something in my house like a little child following me but it meant me no harm and usually I'll just ignore it. However, lately I feel as if something else has attached itself to me or to my house, this time its like its a man and I feel it watching me all the time but only when I'm at home. Sometimes when I'm watching tv and I'm feeling my best, the room gets darker and I feel it there and when I sleep I can feel it watching me and I hear footsteps sometimes. I don't get a nice feeling from him its like he wants to scare me intentionally, another thing is everytime I'm at home I feel so drained and it feels as if its sucking out my energy. My sister thinks its hiding in the eyes of the big posters I have in my room cause apparently spirits can do that, my mum on the other hand think its the ceramic head I made she said it could be the clay which might have been dug up from a dodgy place
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I will try this I think little children are in the house I have a 4 year old grandson and every since I moved here 7months ago he has been fighting his mom trowing things cursing and we can't handle him I hear little children on the steps playing when I'm here by my self so I think something happened to a child here  so I will try this
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered

Can kids see more then we can?
My son looks in spot of the room and he gets afraid or he just starts haha...
My wife gets afraid but I just try not think of that.
What can I do or say ,so if there is something in my house,to leave us alone....

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
You know if theres a spirit because you can feel it watching you or you get a weird chill and then all of the sudden it gets warm. Plus with me I always hear weird noises in my kitchen. You should bless your house if you think its bothering you.
thanked the writer.
Anonymous commented
That happens with me alot and when i look or go by a photo it feels like there looking am
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
If lights flicker on/off and nothings wrong,appliances turn on/off,having weird dreams,cold chills,weird pet behavior,missing/moving objects,weird coincidence,unexplained fragrances,apparitions and voices/ sounds when no one is there. All these happened to me and my friend but dot get scarred the ghost just wants help or it wants to help you.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
When you hear foot steps or banging noises there might be a spirit or a ghost in your own house but one way to find out for sure is to try n communicate with them such as saying
I'm not going to hurt you or trouble you I just want you 2 make Friends with you plzzzz n if it does happen to work you will go a lil cold I Hope this helps and anyway I'm a ghost hunter my self so I hope it really helps you .....
Priscilla Giles Profile
Priscilla Giles answered
That's easy.  you have a list of things to pick from okay which ones suit you will let you know how or if a ghost or spirit in your house.a chill on your body in warm weather.a chill in a particular part of the house.bad smells like a dead rat.floating objects.footsteps of someone who is not there.screaming sound that only you can hear.other than that there are strange things that happen before your eyes.and other then that you might see shadowsor fuzzy little clouds or stuff little that's how you now that there is a ghost/spirit in your house
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
My nice add a few expiriences .before going to bed she had put her bra on her dresser in her room the next morning it was gone another nite she had a hair pin on her dresser the next morning gone she had 35.00 the next morning 5.00 left and no one in the house took any thing windows and door all looked
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Recently ive been feeling weird, my cats are acting strange and I feel like someone is watching over me. When I go to sleep I feel someone laying next to me and push into me but when I look nothing is there. I tell my mum and dad but they just laugh I don't know if it is my concience or if it really is a spirit,
Tori Burney Profile
Tori Burney answered
I'm always at my sisters. And she always has a vibe that some thing or some 1 is the there watching.. At first I was like nah, not likly. Than I started to scare myself. And I was in her hall way alone one night and I got this real cold sensation over me, and I freaked out, so I waved the bird all in the air. I was scared. So now I have a feeling that is much more worse when I go there. I have dreams some 1 is watching me, I see small flicks out the corner of my eye, and always feel like I'm being watched when I'm alone. Can it hurt me? And have I pissed it off?
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
If there is evil in   our house can it change us as indivials?   Can it make up turn against each other?   Can it turn you against believing in God.   Can it make you sick to your stomac just on your drive home?   If yes to any guestions, what's the answer?
Nicholas Ferrucci Profile
Hi I'm nicholas I'm 17 and play football, I had a dream the other night I was at my grandparents house and I was saying the lords prayer and the lights came on in my dream, I keeped saying it and I remember touching the wall and all the candels in there house light themselves. I remember waking up and I had a scratch on myself about an hour later it was gone.Please help I don't know what it means nor could I find out on the internet. I'm just starting to pray to GOD every hour scince. Please respond thanks nick.
thanked the writer.
Anonymous commented
Put crosses around the house and get a bilble and read it evey time it happens and spray holy water
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
One day I was sitting at home watching TV...several lights blinked twice and my TV terned off.I herd a snash,like a big giant marble smash ito milians of peasas....  There was no tv had all sorts of gliches... If that no thars a ghose
Suhail Ajmal Profile
Suhail Ajmal answered
You can feel it. You might see things in disorder when you have placed them in order. You might hear different and strange sounds etc.
thanked the writer.
Anonymous commented
I now know a spirit is attached to me, as well as most of my friends and ex. I will put something down and it's moved completely somewhere else. I'm not scared,because nothing dangerous is happening, but how can I tell who it is?
Anonymous commented
We are moving into an old vicarage, my son and myself instantly just had a feeling about the house when we went in, i took some photo's there was an orb at the bottom of the stairs, a patch of white mist in the doorway of the living room, also a mist over the top of a tree which was made into a den in the garden, could theses be spirits if so could they be bad spirits, i honestly dont know what to do???
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I see   spirits   and I'm scared   of them   I light    candles   I havent   really told   any one this   but I need to   lean to control   it
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
A slight tap on shoulder..your name called up...again n again...n emotions ,presence feel your being watched...n to chilly in d place....I have experienced it many a times...but not nowadays.....
alexia smith Profile
alexia smith answered
Invite them to a party and see if they turn up. If they do then you have ghost in your house, if they don't then your just imagining things
Hanna Hiel Profile
Hanna Hiel answered
It's all in your head. The scariest things about evil spirits is thy we can't see them all the time, so your imagination takes hold and makes you go crazy.

I personally don't believe in ghosts. I don't see enough scientific evidence for it. Sure, scary movies freak me out, but I remind myself that it's made to scare me.
suman kumar Profile
suman kumar answered
I do'nt really believe whether any ghost really exist, so I can say there are no ghosts loll.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
You will know your house is haunted because you will here sounds like voices or somthing when you know everybody sleep
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Yes sometimes I have felt little bits around me but like chills and that and then sometimes I can here a soft spoken voice in my inner ear which is strange I meen sometimes I think I'm goin rounded the bend lol .
alesha lecue Profile
alesha lecue answered
Could  a ghost/spirit respond positive or negetively as soon as one just gets thru talking about a another person/family member  or friend in that persons exact voice..just to fool with you?
Liam Jimmieson Profile
Liam Jimmieson answered
You can't see ghosts unles you believe in them. You'll know there is a ghost next to you because the hair on the back of your neck goes up, the room goes cold and sometimes you'll hear whispers
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I sometimes think there is a spirit in my house, but the thing is...I think he (or she) only showed up here recently. You see, I've always been interested in stuff like the paranormal and cryptozoology and I always go online to read stories about other people's experiences and watch those t.v. Shows about haunted places, which scare just as much as they fascinate me. And, know this may sound silly, but think some kind of spirit has taken an interest in me because of that. Nothing really major has happened, yet, but I sometimes hear sounds I can't explain, see movement out of the corner of my eyes and when I look, they're gone. And last night, I woke up from a disturbing (that doesn't exactly mean frightening) dream and when I looked around my room, I thought I saw an outline of someone standing by my dresser and I felt watched. I quickly turned on my t.v. For some light and then went back to sleep. It really scares me that, if a spirit HAS become attached to me, that it might be dangerous. But, as boasting as this may be, it's also kind of flattering.

The only think that might go against me on this is that I have a pretty active imagination for my age, so I'm worried that all of this might just be because I'm tired or just generally out of sorts up there in my mind. So, if any one has any advice, how EXACTLY can you tell when there is a spirit in your house? :/
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
You can tell when its really cold in any corners of your home, or you may feel drafts of cold air.When you know you got the heat on.If you have a cat the cat can see spirits so pay attention to where he's looking up at the most and meow. Or if the cat is swatting and chasing at something you can't see, Then you have a spirit there. My cat was thrown off my balcony steps in my town house right in front of me.You can't show fear, its really hard to say.I was pushed out my room for many months me and fiance we are still sleeping on couch to this day. We are about to move. I used amonia and vinegar and wiped down walls and floor and told spirits to leave   me alone that I don't want them here. It worked for a month but came back, I had apriest bless my house, worked for a while but then rhe incident with my cat  happened. For me its time for me to move out this house and you betcha next house I'm going to investigate firts before moving in. Spirits hang in corners that I know so pray in those corners use vinegar and amonia in spray bottle and spray and pray 23 splam after tell spirit to leave your home and go to the white light. Just see. Keep a journal write down or tape any activity. I hope that was helpful.
martha beatty Profile
martha beatty answered
I recently moved into a renovated house have no knowledge of previous owers but at night I see balls of green light followed by shadows and I have even seen white lights one of such took form of a woman dressed in a dress with a wide band belt I took pictures with my cell camerain the picture she is standing by my closet a second spirit male figure has head and arm hanging out of closet waving with out the female spirit noticing the sounds of a bird like creature walking on my roof you can tell it is big and had conciderably long nail for they scrape as it walks black shadows dance around the bed in darkness and the feeling of smothering overcomes you cold chills then hit you and you feel you are being watched by something only releif you get is when daylight hits you can't sleep at night
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
My door suddenly opens and sometime closes by itself only when I'm the only one in the house. I sometimes hear my step dad's, lil sister's, or even my moms voice in my house when I'm alone. My older sister said she say a lil blond haired girl in a white dress in the house and my mom's friend says so to. My older sis also said she saw something in the stairwell. This just happened tonight!!!!! I heard foot steeps and hands sliding on the hand rail like as if someone is walking up the sairs. My older sis also said when she was 12-13 maybe younger... Her t.v. And radio turned on they where both as loud as could be and both had no display only sound she screamed but nobody heard her the t.v. Or the radio. I have never been effected by this only the footsteps the voices and my door. Probably because I have a holly cross in my room>.>... If anyone thinks than cam help please comment.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I get so freaked out at night, I'm 15 and my family and I moved into our house about 4-5 years ago, I usualy always am the last person to come upto bed but I run the tap to make the water run colder, then I go into the other room to get a glass and then I go back into the kitchen to fill up my glass and the water had been turned off ??, then as I walk out I turn the lights off and I walk to the stair case and I feel like someone is walking along behind me and as I walk up the stairs I feel like someone is watching me and I keep seeing black shadows in the corner of my eye only in the hallway at the hallway of the stairs but we only got the house because the young lady that lived there before us died, she fell down the stairs and got impailed on a metal objects at the hallbway of the stairs, also when I sit down in the front room I look on the other sofa which is completly seperate from the other and I see like a body imprint, as if someone has sat down, I also find that some times when I to threw one door the one I had just shut and LOCKED then opens ??? Please help me I am growing more and more concerned about these strange happenings that are going on!!!!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I had recently took some pictures of a house my husband and I are buying . My husbands aunt passed four months ago. Once I had the pictures developed, we could see an image in the back ground of the pictures. One of the pictures, looks like an angle entering the open garage doors from above.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
In my bathroom there is this little door on the ceiling and I often feel like I'm being watched.I also hear weird sounds and it doesn't come from my family.During the night when I'm awake I often hear weird sounds and it's scaring me so much.I have a feeling it's a ghost
Annie Devore Profile
Annie Devore answered
You Notice Intense Cold Spots In Places Where There Should Be Heat.. Usually There Has To Have Been A  Violent Death That Occurred.. Or A Suicide.. Or Perhaps The Death Of A Child Or Infant. Things Disappear; Or Perhaps A Set Of Keys Winds Up In The  Dog House... Things That Are Sacred Like Bibles, Crucifix.. Fly Off Shelves Or Go Violently Across A Room. You Notice Scents. Like A Perfume No One Owns..  You Turn Off The TV. And You Leave The Room. It Goes On And Nothing Is On It But A Snowy Picture..Poltergeists Generally Are Around  When There Is     A Young Girl In The House
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Well this is one way you would know if you have a ghost in your house and this happened to me.if things for example a box floats in the air and then drops but no one is there. If you hear breathing but no on is there. Is things r moved or disappear and no one has a clue. If doors open or close be themselves. If  see weird markings. This all happened to me and it is still happening.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Most of you are paranoid I bet x]

but its easy to know if there is a spirit or ghost around.
You can just feel it.
If you feel off all of a sudden or something , you can just tell.
I barely know much my self , but I am interested in such things.
I'm sure you will find out whats going on though.
But I'm sure these ghosts will not harm you.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
You feel cold spots,lights,tvs,and other things turn on and can also tell if animals don't like certain areas and show odd will hear sighs,yells,music or voices when nobody is around.sometimes you will even be tripped,slapped or hit by objects.all this has happened to my friend and I but don't be scared .the ghost only wants you 2 help it or wants 2 help you
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I think I have a poltergeist.
T.v's turn on by them self
I keep getting cold shivers when its hot
I went crabbing and my line got tangled with some cute guy I liked when I made sure I threw my line far away so they wouldnt catch
anything I tough runs out of charge
posters off my wall come flying towards me when I'm angry.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
You will feel like you are being watch and then something is so close to you and you can get a little dizzy and feel like you can't movee around them. Thing migght be moved and things in you house might slam shut. My friend can see ghost and we did a lot of ojgi boards I'm telling you now don't mess with it. I had my radio on and the volume got higher and higher. If you had any of this most likely you have a spirit. Btw they arent ghost there people who died and just didnt find there way up maybe b/c they had unfinished stuff that they have to take care of.
proud living Profile
proud living answered

When you feel that there is someone behind you. And most of the time they want to catch your attention. There is a time when you feel that your back is heavy.

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered

It started when my parents and my two siblings moved into a new house when me and my twin sister were 8. Mine and my sister bedroom was in the attic. Didn't look like an attic just a nice room with a playroom beside it. The house looked warm and inviting but me and my sister would scream and cry during the afternoon to our parents because we thought there was a ghost up there. This went on for months until my dad finally snapped at us and forced us to sleep up there. Me and my twin kept the door closed because at night we could hear it pace in the playroom and knock on our door. One night the door opened and I felt something scratch my back. In the morning there was a huge scratch my all the way down my back and a huge hand print in my sisters. Needless to say when we both turned 18 we moved out and never looked back. I'm 23 now and I still haven't never spent a night at my parents house. I always stay with a friend when I visit.

Ashley Le suilon Profile

Well, from personal experiences, I know when a ghost is around when these happen -

  • I see shadows.
  • Hear sounds (mostly at night.) From deceased pets, friends, family.
  • We hear foot steps.
  • Voices.
  • Cold spots, sitting, walking, standing, and it'll get cold.
  • Unexplained sounds.
  • Things moving on there own.
  • Seeing Apparitions, shadows of people.
  • Sparkles of light. (When I saw one, I described it as Tinkerbell. To my mom, she laughed her butt off, but believed me.)
  • Having tricks played on you.
  • That "I'm being watched..." Feeling, when you're alone.
  • Being shaken awake by no one. Or hearing a voice, while you're sleeping. 

    I've gotten shaken awake before, looked over, and saw someone I've never seen. Described the person to my mom, turns out.. It was my great-great grandma.

    You could try and find a Medium too, or a Clairaudient... A person that has developed Clairaudience, to a certain level can 'speak with spirits' .... Just not out loud. But if they don't have it developed enough, they'll hear spirit's voices, and noises. Other things people can't hear.

Yeah.. A Lot of crazy things happen around here, everything that I just listed, we've experienced. So, any questions just message me? Lol

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered

For me, its the strange sensations, like someone's watching you even though there's nobody there, made even more real when visitors describe it. My aunt once thought the prescence that sat at the top of the stairs was my mum, and I can sometimes feel it when I go to the loo.

Also, when you hear natural things but cannot explain the,. My mum keeps getting woke up by something thundering downstairs and running from the front door to the back door. Because the bathroom is downstairs, we know  each others footsteps and mum knew it was neither mine nor my brothers. She reports it happening at around half 12 at night. I'm going to have to investigate myself. My stepdad wakes up sometimes, feeling a prescence at the doorway of their bedroom, like my brother had woken up, but nobody is there. Its those natural/unnatural feelings that could mean you have something. Try disturbing your house a bit, like decorating. This usually starts a busy period after a quiet period.

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous , Dwa@Un482e, answered

I've been going through this for a very long time. I can tell you, that there is someone, wait. Two someones who are trying to stop me from

being independent and living on my own, even going to school online and offline, it's due to my mom's poor choices to let people in her life, that affects her adult children' lives. Her ex-boyfriend always

has this excuse that he drinks to calm himself, he doesn't have any place to go and his leg hurts, it stopped hurting weeks ago, he just

doesn't want to swallow his pride, spirits and ghosts come from a living persons pride and their ego, too. That is what happened with

my Aunt who used to stay with me, she's still on the same path to

Think that talking about her celibacy and bragging about sex is the

key to her life changing. But, there is a spirit, I've been going to

Spellcasters to get answers on why these spirits are trying to stop

everything that I want to do, they always are, it is never ending battle

between me and them, I get sick of it, sometimes. It's a Friday, I never get a break 24/7 at all. I wish that I could just go to sleep and

never wake up, my life will be in heaven, I can't live on Earth, it's too

difficult and unfair that is not how I want to go out, being weak and fractured on Earth, I don't want to die a virgin, neither do I want to die

a shy, virgin with no social skills, no education, no career and no place of my own, but my family past issues is messing me up, every

time, those doggone drugs and alcohol is doing this, witchcraft too.

Yes, witchcraft, because my uncle used to practice that, back in the

day and now, all this stuff keeps happening to me, because of it,

I barely even want to wake up during nor weekend, I'm barely even getting my writing done, I'm a fiction, writing a book series called Reflections and I am, the 36th book in the series, last few pages, Reflections Pg.290-320 and I'm barely getting them done, I want

to believe in God, too. But I just gotta tell God, this is too much for me

to go through at 34 years old. I just want to be independent and not

have to keep living with my mother, walking on eggshells about upsetting X.Y.Z. All the time, It's my death that I'm wishing for, there

is no life for me on Earth, there is none. It's too impossible, we all

mind as well forget it, the world is going down the tube, because of

evil magic and bad politics, bad parents with bad choices of how they decide to raise their children. I know that, this is far-fetched but there has got to be something much, much better than this, no one is

ever going to get the "American Dream," we mind as well all just give

that up, right now! But, Yeah, to answer all of the other posts, the spirits I'm taking on, it is going to be a very knockout dragged out fight, because I'm not going to let them make me, not get on school

online, stop me from my writing, just they are jealous of me, having a

friend over my house, they got to go, spirits left up from my mother

letting one of her old friends over who had no place to go  and her ex-boyfriend who stayed to rehab his leg, then wanted to stay some more, no no, my brother, you got to go. Both of you. Letting spirits run your life is bad, they need boundaries.

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
In my house all such things does not happen but there use to problem with one electrical instruments or the other .and more over an atmosphere of tension  continue in the house
and I some times feel some thing moving  but the everything use to be alright
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
L think that we have a Spirit at home,some friends get a felling off uneasiness about them.
Sometimes l get it myself and have only that felling at home and in one part of the room
what can we do.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Well I know theres 3 ghosts in my house sometimes they can't hurt you if you keep them happy atleast
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Want to know if my house is haunted, everyday around the same times there is a really bad smell it hangs around for about 10 min then its gone, I've decorated I've put new carpet in but the smell keeps coming, Have anyone got any ideas
masami sato Profile
masami sato answered
My friends tell me you get goosebumps when a ghost is near you and I got a lot of goosebumps before but now it hardly happens so I think its true
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I think that my cat can detect whether there is a spirit present, it often follows things with its eyes and we have several photos of this and there is often an orb in the cats line of sight
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
You feel a happy but peaceful presents around you.. Some ghost's look the same as they died... If they were burned to death there face will look as if it's burnt... And if people don't look to see the ghost then you know..
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I have like a  mother in law living in  my house with me and her son she is always scared and I fell  like she is a bad spirit
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I'm really scared because my dog keeps looking at the wall and crin and running away
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
In our home, we have the feeling that there's a spirit around here. Our TV gets switched off and back on quite often, and one particular light near the TV flashes once or twice almost every night around same time (normally 9pm - 12am).
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I heard a voice and ever since  things seem to be going wrong on a big scale for me from  bad to worse every day
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Things are always turning up moved or missing in my apartment. I have gotten the chills and the opposite of being extremely hot.  My grandson said he heard someone whisper in his ear telling him to "leave" and felt a touch on the back of his neck.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Like say it is 90 degrees outside and you go inside the house and you walk into a cold really cold that means a ghost is around is near you...
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I heard something moving on tha landing then I saw a clear shadowy figure also there was a very strange smell like rotten for about an hour and a half.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Because you can sense it you can hear them if your a phychic you should know  or maybe the ghost demon or spirit chose for you to see this is very rare that a ghost would show itself  so don't think that it did
Jessica Skellington Profile
I had a spiritual occurrence happen to me and my family too and it sometimes still occurs. So first thing that ever happened was about 2 years ago, and my mom and I were sitting downstairs in kitchen and suddenly upstairs the the water in the bathtub turned on by itself and started getting louder and louder. Then about 2 minutes later it turned off by itself. And happening, was my dad was due for snow plowing one night and our doorbell rang by itself at 1 am in the morning. After my dad left, the doorbell kept ringing maybe 7 times and then once my mom yelled "stop, leave us alone. You have nothing here." also there were no footsteps on the driveway or stairs leading to door. And it stopped. Then once I was laying in my bed, and my lamp on my nightstand was on. Out of no where a red laser appeared on my wall and started making circles around the wall and once it dissappeared the lightbulb in my lamp like exploded. Then about 2 weeks ago, both my parents were at a funeral and like it was 1 hour away from home. I put both my siblings to bed, and about 10 min later I was watching tv upstairs and the doorbell downstairs rang. I assummed it was one of the neighbors or one of my friends ding dong ditching me so I left it alone. Soon after there was another ring and my brother and sister claimed they heard the backyard wooden door swinging. Then maybe 30 min later, when they were asleep, and I was back to watching tv I heard footsteps on top on the room just above the room I was in. I freaked, phone in hand and dialed my mom and dad to come racing home. I paused the tv and the footsteps stopped but they were heavy trudging footsteps. And its impossible to get on our rooftop because its slanted and its the middle of winter. I actually thought it was people trying to break in and started crying and I grabbed my siblings and we locked ourselves in my parents room all of us crying. So yeah.
marina lewis Profile
marina lewis answered
Having things being thrown at you, strange noises, bad voices telling you to do bad things.  Remember you are more vulnerable when you  just going to sleep or just waking up because your channels are open .  You may see things moving is another example.  They say that holy or salt water purifies the home of bad spirits and saying the Lords prayer at the same time, I don't know if it works though
pynk sunshyne Profile
pynk sunshyne answered
First, theres no such thing as ghosts!! They are spirits who don't want to leave this earth or haven't accepted that they are dead. You can usually feel a spirit if its around you when you feel like a chill or get really warm when you walk into certain areas. I am not a psychic but I was born with the psychic abilities that I do have & let me tell you ,I am scared of myself,scared to be alone because I can see,sense & feel things like no other, but that is how you can tell if a spirit is around you. Hope this helps a little. Bye!!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Ok. So lately, someone died... I haven't met him but I have for a very long time. I connected with him in 2 of my dreams... See, ever since, I feel as if he is watching me. Goosebumps travel my body for a short period of time, and I hear noises. I get weird feelings in the stomach and I can feel it next to me. Somewhat, I think its a good thing because he knows I want to talk to him. But, it's rather scary because I never knew it'd be me that it would happen to.. If you need answers, I guarantee I could help you. This is the first time it's ever happened to me, however.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Recently my wife and I have moved into an older moblie home, and we've been seeing and hearing things thats can't really be explained. Here the past couple of nights we've hear water running, stuff being moved round, and voises coming our of our 9 month old sons baby monator. Just 3 weeks ago I saw a man/demon standing in the kicthen while I was on my way 2 make my som a mew bottle. He was really pale almost snow white and his face looked like it was screaming but there was no sound. He turned and walked out our front windoows. I've heard doors slaming and violent stuff while my wife has heard babies and ppl just walking down the hall way. We're both really scared for our sons saftey because it seems to fouces round his room.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Theres a lot of ways you can hear stuff things will be thrown at you and you a0
can feel a Chili feeling every day the ways that the spirits can say is don't believe in god  or other bad stuff
Midnyte Sky Profile
Midnyte Sky answered
Have you had strange, unexplanible things happen, it may be a ghost. If you are unnerved by the spirit there are easy ways to cleanse your house. Go and buy a smudging wand.
Trysten Cramer Profile
Trysten Cramer answered
Actually, that doesn't necessarily mean it is a demon. Sleep paralysis may be the cause of this but it also may be a powerful entity. They aren't always dangerous but you probably should get a proffesional. This had been happening to me almost every other night since the day I was saved. It was attached to me but it was never a demon. It does do many of those things but it is not a demon! It is a spirit that has gained energy from being with a single person for a long period of time. I used to be very weary and even faint as it drew energy but now I am used to it and it can sometimes be enjoyable. I love the thrill of supplying energy to the unknown. I am not emo and I am not goth but I adore the supernatural and despise the dark because of that adoration. I always feel this entity with me, watching me and it gives me chills but the good kind. Sometimes it will tug on my sheets and pull them off of me. One time, it actually lifted my shirt. Of course I was scared but I couldn't move at all. And sometimes it will growl or claw on my bed. I know it won't hurt me because it has never displayed negative energy and the animal activity it portrays is more of an "I want you scared" thing.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I just moved in my house 2 months ago magical story how I got the night I heard a noise in the basement, the next morning checked and found a board at the bottom of my step that came from no where.....went away for christmas came home and shelf at the bottom of step broken and laying at the bottom of the step .....the spirit was upset I went away....what do you think
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
My grandmother died 3 days ago, so in her memory I put a old picture of me and her on my desk in my room. Shortly after I placed the picture (with no frame) on the desk, me and my whole family went to a new years party. No one was home. When I came back into my room, the picture was completely backwards, facing the wall so you could not see the front part of the picture - just the back. Like I said, no one was home to do it and I'm pretty sure they wouldnt do that anyways. Its so un explainable, could it be a ghost/spirit and if so, why?
Alison B Profile
Alison B answered
I'm really confused. My friend thinks I suffer from ' paranoid Schizophrenia '. I used to see shadows and colours which weren't there. I woke up this morning, sat on my sofa and was reading....I felt a burning feeling just beside my shoulder, near my neck, I looked in the mirror and I have a cut, it's about 2 - 3cm long. It felt like a key was being dug into me and dragged down towards my chest. I sound crazy right? Is there actualy a logical explaination? I had both my hands on the book at the time and there wasn't anything I could of scraped my chest against. And when you have an itch you don't scratch that hard, but like I said....I had both hands on the book.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
You that is true there is no ghost just spirits and I can see feel and tell when they r around I'm frecking scaryed to be alone in the drak because I see them every where its just some thing you can feel it they r there or not you can tell you will understand when you do feel them its realliy scary some times but I got use to it bye
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I hav physic abilities and sixth sense but most people say you feel a chillits a ghost bu its a lie. If the ghost wants to
    s(h)e wil apear if you hear or feel something slightly touch your brain and you will feel a screeach in your LEFT EAR and I hope this helps thanx xxx
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
A plate fell off the wall about an hour ago there was roseybeads on it but they managed to hang on the nail weird
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
You will feel a chill or if you have a videogame on  than the ghost will start playing it its happening to me right now nag gnhnm jktdvfuvfbguhibghgdf     the ghost was typighvrf

Answer Question
