What Animal Is The Chinese Zodiac Animal For Libra?


2 Answers

Maud La Roux Profile
Maud La Roux answered
The Chinese zodiac assigns animals to years, months, days and even hours.

With regard to the animals associated with the months, Libra is represented by the rooster and the dog - depending on when you were born.

Libra: September 24th to October 23rd.

Chinese month of the rooster: September 8th to October 7th.

Chinese month of the dog: October 8th to November 6th.

What Chinese zodiac animal represents Libra?
  • Libras are known for their diplomatic talents, which come very easily to them. This makes them great friends and they're even more useful when it comes to getting out of a sticky situation.
  • They are romantic and charming people, who have a natural flair for flirting.
  • Libras are also easy-going, relaxed and sociable individuals. This makes them a great addition to any circle of friends.
  • They are peace-loving fellows, who will rarely find themselves in an argument. Even if they do get involved in an altercation, they possess the necessary diplomatic skills to then maneuver themselves out of it.

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