If You Are Not Supposed To Worship False Idols Before The Lord, Where Does Jesus Fit Into This? Forget That, Where The Heck Do You Get Off Using The Cross As A Symbol/idol?
Well I am not that religious but I have opinions. I really wouldn't consider the cross as an "idol"....it is a representation of the sacrifice that he made for humanity...which was dying on the cross for all our sins. I do not see this as worshiping a false idol because Jesus is God...which brings us to the Holy Trinity: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. It was always explained to me that when stated a person should not worship false idols...that did not just apply to other different Gods. My grandmother told me...that it could mean many different things.. That a person lived and surrounded their life by. She said that a devout Christian lives their life by God and the Word...(bible) and some people get lost on their way and turn to a life of drugs, sex, violence, alcohol...etc. And she says that these things can be considered false idols....I do not know how true any of this is (of what my grandmother told me) but I figured I would share! =)
"Thou shalt not have any Gods before me" That is one of the ten Commandments God wrote in Noah's day. There is only 1 God & 1 God only. Jesus wasn't born then. The cross is NOT an idol. The cross is a symbolization of Jesus Christ our Lord. "nough said.
Jesus died on the cross for our sins if we receive Him as our Saviour.
The cross is a reminder of that.
Jesus created the world (Genesis). He is not a false God.
Three persons, one God=Trinity. (not 3 Gods)
The cross is a reminder of that.
Jesus created the world (Genesis). He is not a false God.
Three persons, one God=Trinity. (not 3 Gods)
"Religious worship is not directed to images in themselves, considered as mere things, but under their distinctive aspect as images leading us on to God incarnate. The movement toward the image does not terminate in it as image, but tends toward that whose image it is." Thomas Aquinas
Yeah, but to be fair they also aren't supposed to kill people, steal, rape, molest children... So really I think they're par for the course.
It is supposedly a symbolization or representative of Jesus Christ. I do not believe in Christianity either way, though it is a good question. I wouldn't call it false, but it's ironic.
That's just it Joe,a symbol.Some thing to help keep your concentration,(well in my opinion any way ) lol.And I'm a catholic
Pagan images are merely earthly
symbols of the Powers That Be.
Things like Maypoles, (Easter) eggs,
(Easter) bunnies and Yule Logs
are just more of those symbols.
They just aren't the 'right' symbols
or the right 'Power That Be', even
though the 'false' idols (gods)
have been around longer than
the modern image of the cross.
symbols of the Powers That Be.
Things like Maypoles, (Easter) eggs,
(Easter) bunnies and Yule Logs
are just more of those symbols.
They just aren't the 'right' symbols
or the right 'Power That Be', even
though the 'false' idols (gods)
have been around longer than
the modern image of the cross.
The cross is the old pagan symbol for the Vernal Equinox, when Winter crosses to Spring. The real historical Jesus who was a rabbi and had disciples, was stoned to death on the eve of Passover, which occurs at that same time. So, Jesus died 'on the cross', but not a physical cross. Note also that the Romans used T or X shaped crosses, never an upright cross like the Christian symbol. And what about all those statues of Mary you find all over Catholic Churches - are they not false idols, for they are certainly worshipped and prayed to?
Well, it may not be a false idol, but it certainly meets the definition of an "idol". (Joke: (Q) Why is it a good thing Jesus wasn't killed in modern times? (A) Because if he were killed in modern times all the Christians would have to wear tiny little electric chairs around their necks! Hee hee.)