I would definitely want to know if I'm dying. I won't be able to live with the uncertainty. I will always wonder if I'm okay or not and the not knowing if I'm going to live or die would kill me in any case so I would want to know
I would not want to know because if you don't know you're going to die then when you do, you won't even know it happened because you would be dead.
Well there is the thing that only god knows when we are going to pass but in that case i think I would rather know for my families sake! But if it was just me and i didn't have a family i wouldn't want to know!
I most definitely would want to know. Therefor I could spend every last day of my life preparing family and child. And getting to the caribbean one last time before i go to heaven. I have no doubts at all i would want to know rather than not knowing.
To be very truth full i would not mind dieing as half the time life aint worth living