Definitely the job. Possibly go back to school instead of staying in a job that's not quite right for me. It may still happen. In fact, thinking about still being in the same place ten years from now makes me feel like I should be doing something about this.
Well For me I would give my life to to Lord now that I know him.Because my life has been really good since I found Jesus.he has change my life and ways I never thought was possible.And a lot of choices that I made in life I would change. Such as my attitude about life at that time. I would try to enjoy it more by not worrying about every little thing.japeace
I would have totally gotten a better education....and go to school to learn a better trade.
I would have exercised more and eaten less. It is much easier to STAY in shape, then to GET in shape. L I also would have "played" more. I have always taken myself much too seriously.
I would have asked my mom for help sooner than I did. I am bipolar and if things would have been figured out sooner maybe High school wouldn't have been so rough.