
I'm in a relationship right now but I keep dreaming of my old crush when I was in high school, it was weird because I don't have any communication with him at all and I'm not thinking of him, what could it mean?


2 Answers

Rosie Minter Profile
Rosie Minter answered

Don't worry about it. Dreams are a strange mystery of how they work. Just because you dream it doesn't mean its real. Don't stress it's just the way dream work. That fact that you are worrying mean tho that you really care for your bf because you don't want another guy to take his place. Best of luck

Sara Lewis Profile
Sara Lewis answered

It could mean a lot of things, or, more likely, it could mean absolutely nothing! Dreams are funny things. Nobody knows exactly why we have them, or what they mean- if anything at all (despite the numerous theories that are banded about).

Many people believe that dreams deal with the repressed feelings in your unconscious mind. Feelings that we may not be even aware of. In contrast, others think that dreams are just the body's way of processing things that happen during the day, or that are on our minds.

Sometimes these take the form of nonsensical images or events that have happened in our past, and we don't know why, but there is no need to read too much into it.

If you are worried, you should talk to the person you are in a relationship with, but you really have nothing to feel guilty about. Unconscious thoughts are exactly that; unconscious. Beyond our control. I still have dreams about people I had feelings for over 10 years ago! It makes no sense, but neither do any of my other dreams to be quite honest!

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