
Why did the Prophet Muhammad marry a 9 year old girl?


4 Answers

Thrice Gotcha Profile
Thrice Gotcha answered

it wasent something uncommon during the time and place, during pre islamic arabia female babys were being buried alive just becuase they were born female and the males were mostly alchoholics so they was all kinds of things going on at the time

Ally Gh Profile
Ally Gh answered

I was raised as a muslim so I can say why. It was quite common at that time for girls to marry early. However, even at that time 9 was considered a baby. There are reliable sources that say Aisha was 17 or 18 when she married Muhammed. However, 9 is also a possibility. Muhammed married her to strengthen his ties with the strong people. Abu Bakr, the father of Aisha was a strong person

Nice Girl Profile
Nice Girl answered

Who told you that?????? You should be scared saying such a thing about the prophet! He didn't marry a 9 year old girl! For Gods sake don't believe such things!

Junie Bell Profile
Junie Bell answered

He married Aisha, I believe her name is. He married her because in that time it was common that poorer families would marry off their daughters as a contract. "My daughter serves you, in the home and/or sexually in exchange for keeping her and our family happy, safe and better off."

This was also a Jewish and Romanian custom. And it stays true today: Two upper class men falls in love with a rural girl, her father usually chooses the one with the most to offer.

thanked the writer.
Ally Gh
Ally Gh commented
As a muslim I can say you are wrong. Aisha was the daughter of Abu Bakr who was actually one of the most important people in Mecca. So he did not give his daughter away as a trade. He was lot richer than Muhammed.

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