If put your shoes on anything other than the floor ( like a bed, chair or tabletop ---- this includes newly purchased shoes) there will be a death in the family. This came from my grandma and although it's not true, it still scares the bejesus out of me.
Some say that a ship's name that ends in the letter "A" will have nothing but bad luck. It used to be believed that a bride wore a veil to hide her face from her future husband in an arranged marriage to keep the groom from running away in case she wasn't pretty enough for him. In Nigeria an eclipse is seen as god's anger towards sinful people and blood moons signal the apocalypse. I'm sure there are many more strange superstitions out there..... (:
My mom always told us that if you sit on cold concrete, you'll get hemorrhoids. And then there is that blindness thing. Both a bunch of phooey.
The reluctance to mention "Macbeth" in and around the stage and actors. "The Scottish Play".
See this Youtube clip
We couldn't leave a hat on the bed for it was bad luck.