Evolution/ time / gravity / the Big Bang
Created everything, and it has nothing to do with any religion..
Evolution/ time / gravity / the Big Bang
Created everything, and it has nothing to do with any religion..
The scientific community, as well as a growing number of world citizens explain creation via the Big Bang Theory. A massive explosion that naturally formed everything.
Theists believe that a god or gods created everything. It's just a matter of personal beliefs, opinions and faith.
Since I can neither prove or disapprove any theory out here and being a very religious man, I'll stick with God even though even that raises some very interesting questions like where did God come from?. Its not for me to question who and what and when the world was made so I'll always believe in the one theory that I was raised with until someone can prove otherwise
How.. Well, religion gives easy answers to things we are not mature enough (as a species) yet to know/understand. Which is perfectly okay for some people.
The Collective.
It dosen't.
This question applies to religion because it is one of the points used to argue both sides. Religious people answer the question 'who created the universe' with god. Non-religious people answer this question by admitting that they don't know, but they find the idea of a god creating the universe implausible and so do not believe.
Personally, I believe that no-one created the universe.
Everything that you named was created by a Master Designer and Creator. If we use our powers of reason, we can see, in creation, an expression of unlimited power and control. Chance or blind forces cannot exercise purposeful control, or establish any laws. Law and control are evidences of the invisible qualities of a Master Architect. Also, think about the care with which the universe (including our solar system and planet earth) is put together! Does not it provides every good thing for the life of humankind, which indicates great love and great concern? These are traits that can belong only come from an intelligent and compassionate personality, God.
Well I believe in the Big Bang, evolution, and God . Others believe that God was the only thing that created the universe because it's in the bible. Religion ( I think) is just a huge theory to tell where we come from and where we're going after death. So people theorized how the world was created so they just think something up and use that theory.
It is amazing how it can be accepted that everything we know about and see was created by someone, and when it comes to the most important creation ourselves, we deviate from that basic principle. One can only wonder why it is that we can stumble up on a house in the woods and wonder who created it, and look at the greatest creation and give no thought to their being a creator. What is stranger than that we are urged to believe that this alright. How could possibility mastermind such a phenomenal feat
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