Take my Viagra with me.
If they looked like this, I would have a blast ! Probably have a heart attack but what a way to go !
I'd tell them I have a headache! 😂
Teach them as much as I could.
I'd feel sorry for them.. Why? Because i suffer from Irish Arthritis -- an ailment that makes you stiff in every joint of your body except one.
Of course, we could expect the to be technologically advance. Maybe they could arrange a transplant for me. Mrs Didge would be very grateful and wouldn't complain about my interstellar shenanigans. Very much. Possibly. :-)
I'd bring the Mic Ultra and/or Miller Lite and say lets Party till we cant party no more, and then I'd send them home always wanting more. They don't call me Dr Thunder for nothing and the King of the BMOs