Do you agree that people feel a sense of loss when they are forced to change their beliefs and mental models?
1- Yes, of course. That's implicit in the words "forced to".
2- When the Romans adopted Christianity as the official religion of the state and forced it in their empire people had no option but to change their beliefs over time. The same happened in the Spanish Inquisition when anyone who was suspected of following beliefs other than those of Roman Catholicism was forced to recant.
3- People who refused to change were given the option of leaving with bare possessions. Those who felt very strongly and could leave did so. Many Jews were rescued from the Spanish Inquisition by Turkey where they remain to this day.
4- The so called Pilgrim Fathers who sailed to America also preferred to leave their ancestral country rather be forced to change their beliefs.
5- Being forced to change one's beliefs means being forced to suspend the practice of one's beliefs and instead practice the beliefs of those who have authority within a given boundary, for as long as one is within that boundary. For example, people in a certain city had the habit of spitting wherever they were and obviously believed it was okay to do so. However, on boarding a bus they'd find a notice prohibiting spitting on the bus. For as long as they were on the bus they were forced to suspend the practice of their belief and adopt the practice of the beliefs of the bus company.
6- Perhaps it's a sign of maturity if all beliefs are open to frequent questioning and challenges to ensure they have some sort of justification and if we are prepared to abandon beliefs that have no, or have lost their, justification.