
What Is Salvation?


5 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Salvation, in biblical christian sense, is being saved from our sin, for which the penalty is death.  The bible makes it clear that we can not save our selves.  Only death can repay that.  But God in his love sent his only begotten son to die on the cross as us, for us, instead of us.

If you believe that He died for you, your penalty has been paid.  You are no longer under the law which demands your death.  You are saved and only by this belief.
Vikash Swaroop Profile
Vikash Swaroop answered
The word salvation is being used mainly in Christianity to explain the meaning of redemption. And in the act of salvation you get preserved from any harm or any kind of unpleasantness and it has its other figurative uses also. When you perform the act of salvation to somebody or a group of people, you are able to save some bad situation from happening.

You can often hear the use of the word when a country is in economic crisis and some act was performed that saved the country from going bankrupt. Then you can say that the act worked as a salvation for the country and come to rescue the country. In recent years the term is being frequently used to say that liberalization has worked as a salvation to the economy of a number of countries.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Look to this day the very life of life in its brief coures lie all the verities and realities of your existans the blis of growth the glory of action the splendor of beauty....thats the meaning of salvation do desame as we poeple do  memorise it the meaning of salvation of kalidasa...
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
My family are trying to slowly but surely kill my father and I wish to save him. He lives with my Mum & brother who are in on it and I wish him out of there & into care.
Stewart Pinkerton Profile
Salvation is a myth put about by Christians to encourage conversion. In the real world, the Christ of the Bible didn't even exist as a single historical figure, and there are zero contemporaneous accounts of any of the three actual men rising from the grave. This is all a fairy tale made up by the Gospel writers some 30-60 years after the events, when all witnesses were safely dead.

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