An agnostic is a person who while not disproving the existence of God in the same way as an atheist, believes that knowing if there is a God is an unknowable situation. They therefore remain noncommittal, and open to evidence if presented. Most agnostics claim that it is impossible to state with any certainty that God exists and that Absolutes of faith are incompatible with life. Agnostics can also be divided into different categories of strength, from those who firmly believe in the inscrutability of absolutes, to those who while believing that the existence of God is unlikely, do not conclude that this is unknowable in the future. Like atheism in some ways, agnosticism takes the view that without evidence, any idea has to remain abstract and beyond any claims of definitive reality. These views are famously contained within works written by Bertrand Russell, Robert G. Ingersoll and Thomas Henry Huxley.
An agnostic is a person who is unsure about if he or she has a religion or that god exists along with not being an atheist (a person who does not believe in god)
Agnostic is somebody who analyses the evidence and forms a subjective view, in other words they do not blindly believe in any religion purely on faith but rather question the possibility.
An agnostic is a person who is doubtful, hopeless or even uncommited.
People who don't believe and Deny GOD's existence..
A person who denies or doubts the possibility of ultimate knowledge in some area of study.
Agnostics do not deny the existance of Supreme Being, they DOUBT there is one. Atheists have no doubt. There is NO God period!
I feel I am an agnostic. I feel there is a mother theory of all theory, I like to understand omnipotent energy or supernatural power in terms of scientific research and logical and sometime analytical thinking, hypothetical situations are accepted in scientific research so why not in understanding god. So I don't invest my self in rituals oriented to idol but rather I prefer searching for something that cannot be seen or felt but exist...Thats what I understand
I agree with everyone else =P
Tell me if I'm agnostic or just athiest.
I believe there is no God, that Earth was created by something, including the life on it, but how?? But think... How the universe that holds our solar system, but before anything there was nothing, it had to be created some how! So what created all of us, this, and everything... It can't just appear out of nothing!!
I believe there is no God, that Earth was created by something, including the life on it, but how?? But think... How the universe that holds our solar system, but before anything there was nothing, it had to be created some how! So what created all of us, this, and everything... It can't just appear out of nothing!!