Has Anyone Ever Died And Came Back ,tell Me Is There A Heaven?


41 Answers

James Milford Profile
James Milford answered
There have in fact been many documented cases of people dying and being brought back to life. Note that these people weren't dead for long, and that in some instances their deaths were medically induced. Your second question is impossible to answer, however. Though many people claim to have had near-death experiences that featured their ascension toward the golden lights of Heaven, only you can decide whether or not to believe in the validity of these accounts.

I cannot and will not speak for the people who've had near-death experiences, but a number of them have published their stories, many of which can be found online. It might be difficult to find the honest diamonds in the rough of falsifications and ambitious story-tellers, but they are out there. Some people might even be willing to speak with you on the matter, recounting their experience and sharing the effect that it has had on their faith.

Even if their stories don't answer your questions about the existence of Heaven, they might be able to offer you some perspective on life and death. You can learn a lot from how people see the world, and maybe you'll find answers to questions that you didn't know you had.

I have one last word of advice though, and that's to determine the answer to these questions on your own. Faith is a personal matter and you should believe in whatever resonates most strongly within yourself. If you want to believe that there's a Heaven, then believe exactly that.

The simple fact of the matter is that nobody can offer absolute proof of what awaits us after death. By all means, do keep asking questions. Just prepare yourself for a (hopefully) long wait before you will learn the absolute truth.
Penny Kay Profile
Penny Kay answered
Many people believe differently about heaven and how it is and how you get there. I tell you that there is a Heaven, God does not lie. I have heard of many experiences of people getting there and being sent back to earth to complete their purpose there. When the time comes, you will be greeted by someone who has gone before you so that you will have no fear. This someone will be a person who loved you and who you loved in life. In heaven we will know more joy and peace than we can imagine with our limited knowledge and experiences in life. You came from heaven, but that knowledge was erased at the time of your birth, so that it would not be so hard for you to live here on earth. God keeps his word and his mercy is endless and you are His precious child, He awaits you there, just as a loving parent, at the end of a journey away from home. Do not let people persuade you that this is not so. You have a right to that hope, because you are a child of The Most High God!
michelle cherry Profile
michelle cherry answered
My gramma passed, the nurse had neglected to to get the flatline report... When they turned the moniter back on, she woke up. She told of a dream she had that she had seen her friend, husband, even a dog that she used to own. While talking to us she kept saying how sweet was the music (there wasn't any) she insisted there was. A few minutes later, she began begging (to someone other than us) saying "No, please not yet, only another minute or two, please!!??! And then she slipped back into where she had left from, to come and tell us it was OK!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I swear when I was three years old I  died for a few minutes.  I fell down a flight of stairs to hit a concrete basement.  I can still see me standing from a distance in the basement and watching me fall.  My dad ran down the stairs to get me, but I was completely limp, not even breathing.  I watched him carry me up the stairs.  I wasn't afraid at all, I just watched in peace.  As soon as my dad got me up stairs I saw a bright light and then I was screaming in his arms.  It was unlike anything, and I can't explain it, but somehow I know that I died but it wasn't my time.  I know that there is a Heaven out there and great love after death.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Jesus Christ is the only person who knows what happens after death because he is the only person who died and rose again. He is the only person who truly knows if there is a heaven or a hell because he is the creator of everything. He is the only person who can honestly and truly answer your questions. If you really want the answers to your questions, then read the word of God--the Bible. You will never go wrong.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Well, if you believe Jesus Christ died for you and you accepted him, after you die you will be with him in Heaven. It does not matter if you do more good things than bad, there is only one way to Heaven and that is through Jesus. I feel sorry for all the people who don't believe in God, and who don't know how much He loves them. I believe in Christ and I know where I'm going after I die. Jesus loves you and He wants you to know Him. I am only 13 myself, but I know how much God loves you and me. If you don't believe anything I'm saying or don't understand, then read the Bible. John 3:16 is a good verse. Or you can always talk to me anytime about anything I just said. Anything at all and I'm here for you. God bless, Abigail

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
My brother died and came to visit me in my dream, it was so real. And I asked him is it true, is there a heaven. And he said yes and that one day he will come and take me back to heaven with him. He said he was okay but missed us all. He also told me not to forgot his last two numbers which I worked out were his age 27 and the date he died 15th. After that I had a son who was born on the 27th of March and a daughter born on the 15th on April. I finally realized what the two numbers ment.
marion ANDFREWS Profile
marion ANDFREWS answered
Marion (3/15): You will not believe this! About twenty odd years ago, my Persian (Iranian) husband who was a convert from zoroastrian religion to Catholicism. He came from Iran 20 years previously before he met me in London. We were married for 30 years in all, and went to live in the West Country and had two daughters. ]Seven years before he died, he was diagnosed with cancer. He had three years to live apparently. However he carried on for the next 7. About a year before he died, I saw a fantastic pair of black slip on 'K' shoes advertised with a 'retro' bar across the front fastened by an old fashioned looking button, on the telly, and said, oh they are just so gorgeous, but then I saw they were £44. He was the only one who knew I liked them. Sometime before he died, I said to him, wouldn't it be nice if you sent a sign from up there to prove there is a heaven. Like a rose dropping to my feel or something romantic. It was only a flippant throw away remark, and did not think any more about it. When he died, I cried on and off for about three weeks. My daughter said shall we go to Clarkes Village in Somerton near Glastonbury to cheer me up. There, clothes are sold at a fraction of the price, because they are dated, or discontinued etc. We went into some shops, and then I hadn't done the shoe shop. As I entered through the big double glass sliding doors, I vaguely noticed a pile of shoe boxes to my right, more than an arms length away. About seven foot high. I walked in, and, a box fell off the top, and landed at my feet. The white box fell open. Inside, clearly marked were a pair of identical shoes in my size marked at £14.99! I could clearly see the details from where I stood, stopped in my tracks. I just could not believe it. This seemed to be his or God's proof that yes there is a heaven. It was truly amazing, and yes I did buy them. Yours very truly, Marion Andrews. (report)
mo ever Profile
mo ever answered
I just had surgery Nov 8,2010, I woke up and saw a white light covering the whole room..I saw a angel on the left side of my bed..the angel was rubbing my head, giving me comfort..and when I tried to look up, at the angel..my body began to rise up in the air...then, I look to my right..and saw three chairs, the middle chair, there sit a guy dress in all white..He ask me if I knew Jesus Christ, I told him yes, I ask him who he was, he told me he was the chapel at the hospital, then I ask him, If I was died...he told me, Not Yet my Dear...then, I woke up...I later found out, my temp was dropping, it went as low as 92* degrees..and I had a heat robe on me, and some kind of machine...I had a second chance..to live....I am so grateful, that I know where I am going...that whatever comes my way...to try to destroy me, I know I have someone, watching over me...I whether have hell on earth...and live in paradise in heaven..any day.....
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I don't know but here is a something that makes me think, My father in law was terrified of death both his brothers died in their 40s  his Dad was a Minister but he did not believe in God.
He suffered a massive heart attack  the age of 48 and died, he said he heard his daughters scream and came back, he says it was fantastic he met his mum dad and brothers, there were flowers and a bridge if he crossed the bridge he would not have been able to comeback, he said he was not scared anymore and if it happened again he was not comming back, he died within 6 months due to a blood clot, he was in hospital for another heart attack when it happened.
He was a sensible man who never lied and knowing him Id said thats what happened to him, whether its the brain or real I don't know.
Caitlin Fox Profile
Caitlin Fox answered
There is an afterlife, and if we have lived a good life we go to an amazing place where the good dwell. If we have been evil and have done things like committing murder and hurting innocent children and other living things we go to a place for people who lived their lives as that. I love the book RETURN FROM TOMORROW.
It is a true story about a doctor who dies and explains what he saw and how Jesus Christ the son of man, was his guide. He has since gone on to share his story with many and has helped others through his experience. Yes, heaven is waiting for us with a loving God who will welcome us back home.
Brooklyn Leigh Profile
Brooklyn Leigh answered
My experience happened in May of this year. I was and still am 15 and was attempting suicide with advil. My heart was beating very oddly and I wasn't getting enough exygen. I was lying in my bed trying to see if I could just sleep through it. While I was lying there the feeling of my body trying to force in air just kind of stopped. Everything went blank and I felt just totally relaxed. Then I was surrounded by white and there was a tunnel that got brighter as it went on. And I remember walking down further and I herd a voice and it said "no, not yet" and I woke up again.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
To tell you the truth I would really want to hear about more people who died and came back cause I love it.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Near my home.. One lady died day before yesterday... She was islam religion.. All her relative cried and took her for the last journey to mosque. Since she consumed poison her body sent to hospital for post mature it was govt holiday and for some reason the body was not touched with knife.. Next day doctor took her body to cut.. But the miracle she took a long breath immediately she sent to emergency ward now she is alright....
michael powell Profile
michael powell answered
You go back to the father who created you and are asleep until you are judged for proper placement of his judgement, many people in the bible have died and came back into their body as mentioned many times in the book.I personally have left my vessel or body for a time and came back into a wreck car.My issue was while I knew where I was going at 19 years of age I argued or rattled off to God that I wanted to go back and not done yet.Your able to think and your mind or concience is still intact at that time althought I am not sure just to what happens if you don't get sent back, he finally sent me back into my body into which I felt incredible pain and questioned what I had just done as if I had it made but chose to come back to the world in loving life and felt a bit cheated for it was cut short in an instant.At 19 I did not know all of the world nor the bible but was raised in the church and tried to walk with God while I was here and failing a lot of the time to keep within his word yet did not understand really anything of the book until I got older and it still is a big troublesome issue to correctly find out other things but what I do know is that realm does indeed exist and so I shall return with my soul while my earthly body that I wont go back into then (because I wont argue again) and accept my departure with gladness as I do not love this world and it was crazy for me to even come back although I did get to help my parents in their waning days or rather tried to my ability and sometime failing but kept after it. SO yes you can die and come back escaping staying in death and comig back to this body as a second chance on earth.What a ride ! It was quite a deal and kept it all secret until these last few years and am now 50 and body and mind is giving out as these bodies do not last but the soul lives on until God decides whether you get the second death and that is of the spirit.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Unfortunately someone who died never came back to life to tell us what really happens... But I do believe in afterlife (it's part of my religion)... Hopefully you are NOT thinking about death... Well, if you are...BELIEVE ME... IT'S NOT WORTH IT... Life is very beautiful no matter what happens... Ending it is very foolish...
Michael Skinner Profile
Michael Skinner answered
Jesus did die and come back.But he was not the only one in the bible to die and come back to life. Jesus himself raised Lazarus and others from the dead. As did Peter. Its all right there in the book! And as far as heaven goes. Yes there is a heaven and there is a hell. If you truely believe Gods testimony of his son Jesus Christ, and truely repent of your sins.and are baptized. You will be saved.See Acts 2:38 As far as hell goes you need do nothing except reject Jesus.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
All I know is that life is not over when you die rather its heaven or hell or whatever it is it will not be over. Just remember that this life that you live rather whatever you think it is you live it. Some people think its a big dream and they are trying to wake up. I see it as real simply because I do it everyday and it will be like that until I die. DMT is a chemical that your brain produces every night when you are sleeping, when you die your brain produces a lot of it and that is when you are going on to whatever comes after this. DMT is made by your 3rd eye inside of your brain called your pineal gland. That is not a joke, you can research it all you want I don't care what anyone else thinks I know when you die it is not over yet. I do believe in god, I do not believe in a lot of religions their is to many of them that try to influence you how to live your life. Ever think about why so many different ones were made? I think its the best thing that they were made though because I strongly believe it helped control our society. One last thing think about how big the world is we are only a tiny spec compared to everything. Honestly I got to say if you do not believe that anyone else exists outside of this planet you need to open your eyes and see how incredible life really is. Government's do not tell you everything because they think it would cause chaos, maybe it would. But just do a little research and you will realize a lot of things. For instance Phil Schneider "ex government" claims he has killed two "grey aliens." With fingers missing and a story to tell behind it. Think I am full of shit? See this link for yourself www.youtube.com/watch?v=zpkY3Gp0Njs . 2 years after he started confessing about killing these aliens he "committed suicide" He told close friends that he would never do this and he also told them that if anyone ever tried to say he did that he was murdered by the government. His ex-wife made this site here if you want to see her side of the story she knows a lot more about it then I do. www.apfn.org/apfn/ex_wifephil.htm . It is very interesting and I highly suggest that if you read all of this that you look at it. And for those of you who think all of this stuff is lies, once again I don't care. I have a lot more information that I did not type and if you did not believe any of this than you would not believe anything else. "Those type of people" For anyone who wants my msn its jreal420athotmail "email address are not allowed." I hope that you have enjoyed reading this.
Bradd Smith Profile
Bradd Smith answered
Yes, but only one and that was Jesus. No one else has credibly claimed to have risen from the dead. There are more than 40 eye wittinesses accounts of his return and the promise of the Kingdom to come. There is a place after Christ had returned from the dead where he appeared to the Apostles and one of them Thomas had made the statement earlier that he would not believe unless he could stick his fingers in the nail wounds, Jesus asked him to do just that and more and Thomas said "my God and my Lord". Jesus answered him by saying " blessed are those that have believed by seeing but more blessed are those that believe without seeing". In other words had faith that there was a living God and there is a Kingdom after this life. It is a pretty dismal existence to think that this is it and all there is when the wonder of Creation is all around you. You must be led by what your heart tells you not your friends or anyone else, your heart will lead you to the right thing if you follow it and not the words of man, it may take a Wilek but the universe and God are on a different time frame than we are so have patience and listen to that still small voice in your heart.
thanked the writer.
Anonymous commented
Some monks and nuns have gone to the after world and described things. I will tell you a real story,but I don't know, if it will please you. There is an ascetic monk, who was thinking how is the hell. And suddenly he found himself in the hell for some seconds. When he came back all the monastery stinked and the other monks went out for one hour , because they could not breath in such dirty atmosphere. I will add something. In Ezekiel you find such things. There in the pit go those who commit sexual sins . Excuse for I have written, I did not mean to annoy you at all.
Anonymous commented
I do not know if you believe in God or not but... Yes there really is a heaven. Only one man has EVER died and rose on the third day... That was Jesus Christ. He is God.. The bible... The real word of God not a "man's" interpretation the King James Bible... Not the NIV or RSV or even the New King James... The 1611 King James Bible... Get yourself one and find out that that is God's word. The bible says that not one jot or tittle shall be taken away from it. It also says that it will never pass away. Psalms 12:6 says that God's word is pure, as silver tried in a firey furnace. Read it for yourself. Let God deal with your heart. You cannot deny that God is real... We didn't come from a soup, monkey or worm. So, put your faith in what has been PROVEN to be true. Scientists can't deny that they can't prove evolution, they just think that's the way it happened. Check out Dr Kent Hovind at drdino.com He has proof that evolution is WRONG. So yes get right or get left. No other way to heaven but by Jesus. He is the way the truth and the life no man commeth unto the Father but by Him. Hope you get saved. One day we'll meet on those golden streets.... You will know me there.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I died and came back after an ATV accident with my sister. I myself belive that there are multiple entrances to heaven, each if them go to the same place, but when you die you go to the passage that is easiest for you to comprehend. I saw nothing but darkness, a speck of light, ran for it, and it turned out to be an outline of a door, like if you had all the lights off in a room and a light was shining from the other side of it. I never reached it and woke up in a hospital bed. I had gone into shock and deid for ten minutes. My sister remembers a bridge of gold and golden lights. For the rest of my life, I will be left to wonder what was on the other side of the door. Blue skies and clouds are what I am thinking now. If I ever find an empty space as such, I will jump, and fall safely unto the clouds below. 0:)
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Read the Divine revelation of Heaven, and Read The divine revelation of Hell by Mary Kathryn Baxter
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
There is for those who believe in god. Just remember that he loves you no matter what
john rhoades Profile
john rhoades answered
There is indeed heaven.But nobody is there yet.Not till judgement day.Nobody comes back to earth after passing away,they sleep until Jesus says wake up,and they go to judgement.Reincarnation is a form of escapism-many folks would rather hear the truth watered down,when it is actually a lie.The bible is the true and correct story of all mysteries we need to know while here on earth.
thanked the writer.
Bradd Smith
Bradd Smith commented
It says plainly that Lazarus is in the bosom of Abraham, and clearly "in Heaven". There are many references to people that are in the Kingdom and with or in the presence of God. There is also an old Testament reference to another that was taken up without suffering death. I do not believe that we understand the scripture well enough to make such a blanket statement since all things are possible with God, I understand the verses you refer to and accept them, but I also accept the other accounts of souls living in the presence of God. I agree with you about reincarnation and the rest of the false religions of the world, delusional at best.
Anonymous commented
Yes there is a heaven and Yes there are people there. The true word of God tells us that. That would be the King James 1611 bible. Psalms 12:6
The bible says to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord. Where is God? In His Kingdom on His throne. In Heaven of course. Jesus said I am the way the truth and the life no man commeth unto the Father but by me. If we are saved we WILL go to heaven when we die. I could swing over hell with a gas can and not be worried. I am assured of it
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered

At 4 years old, I got stung too death, nothing they could do, back in the 1950s. They put me on ice, let me go into a coma, venom slowly worked out. Oh yes I know what our god and the other 7 look like. No problem with that, 3 women 4 men, cool. No big thing. I am 60 now.

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I don't know the truth to that questions myself and for some reason it scares me everyday....I don't want to ever leave my family so I hope there is a heaven so that we can all be together
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Iwould wont to no if any body has came back from the dead ? Tell me if thereis a heaven ino there is
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I believe there is an afterlife,but the again no one living really knows what happen after you die.
Charming Gurl Profile
Charming Gurl answered
I think that if you do good thing in your current life, you'll go to heaven after you die (and that's what we call an afterlife) and if you do bad things you'll go to hell. As simple as that.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
In the end no one can truly know, there are believes that there is, however there is no actual evidence, also those believes tend to stand apart from many beliefs of the rest of the world.
And to be completely honest, only a fool would say he died and came back, regardless if its true or not, now in days he or she would simply be considered crazy.
The best answer I can give you is to simply not worry about it. Death is nothing to be afraid of, focus on the life you have, focus on who you are, your alive, you were given life for a purpose. Many people will tell you that your alive to live for god or jesus, only fools who are afraid to live for themselves think such drabble.
If there is a god why would it want to create us for the sole purpose of worshipping it, a sign of the human emotion selfishness.  Get out of the house, see the world, taste different foods, learn different cultures, help other people, live kind, try and understand who you are, live a full life, chase your dreams, if there is a god, that truly cares about us, I would think you make it happier by living a good life, then simply isolating yourself in a select group of people.
In the end religions are just elitists claiming to be right in the purpose of life, though they are good people, they just have unanswered questions like all the rest of you, they just choose to follow the words of an old book, to tell them how to live their lives. Simply to feel fulfilled.
Daisy Taylor Profile
Daisy Taylor answered
It completely depends on your religion and what you believe in. Some believe you get reincarnated as something else, some believe there is a heaven, where you are with God and loved ones who have passed on before. Nobody really knows for sure.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
You know I was really wondering this myself.. I googled that exact question and got this website as a result. After reading all of your posts, I'm still not convinced. Guess a person will never actually know the truth until there time comes. All the people who have had NDE's aren't exactly consistent on their experiences. No two NDE's are the same I've learned. One thing I did read however, said that when your body dies, your brain still has fluid and causes you to have hallucinations. Based on what you were raised to believe, what was drilled into your head and all, you see what your sub conscious mind tells you to see. Be it Jesus Christ, or a fuzzy woodland creature. It all depends on you yourself. This actually makes a lot of of sense if you look at it with perspective. Think about it. Have you ever seen a snake killed by being beheaded? Even thought the head is chopped off and it is obviously dead the body still continues to move because of the muscles. Same thing I guess with humans when they die, minus the beheading and all. You just keep going for a short extended period of time. Maybe, just maybe, you die and thats it. Like a permanent sleep. Which sounds so depressing and tragic. I was raised in a Christian household. Certain events however, have made me question heaven's existence. I hope for all of our sakes, there is life after death. It's apparent in this life bad deeds don't go unpunished.. But the question remains to good deeds go unrewarded? I am personally in no rush to find out.. Although  did kill the cat.
jonh seaman Profile
jonh seaman answered
This is just a hunch but I think what a lot of people have seen while dead for say ten minutes isn't heaven persay, but rather your still in a dream state and because your body has just suffered a massive shock along with the fear of death going through your brain as you are crashing your car or drowning in a river your brain automatically thinks of heaven. And the bright lights associated with it are usually your nerons starting to die. Heaven and god have been programmed into your brain to believe in it whether your consious of it or not. Even if you say your not religious you will still probly pray to god or blame something bigger than yourself when in times of huge stress and not even relaise you are doing it. I think because we'v all been told that we go to heaven or a better place after death, while your actually dying this triggers your sub consious to project this. Although your heart might have stopped and you are no longer breathing your brain doesnt actually stop working or completely shutdown till sometime after and in this time you see what you interpret as heaven before you go into an unconsious dead state but once this happens itll be the same as before you were born nothing and no consiousness what so ever.
Evan  Kelley Profile
Evan Kelley answered
How can you guys make statements like science cannot prove evolution and say God loves you because a book said forty people saw jesus come back? I am not against religion in anyway.
Eckhart Tolle said something that sums up how I feel about religion:
"... People who have never even glimpsed the realm of the sacred, the infinite vastness behind that word, use it with great conviction, as if they knew what they where talking about. Or they argue against it, as if they knew what it is that they are denying."

Don't feel scared or pressured into any religion. And don't let it take control of you, you can practice any religion you want, but be more concerned about the now. Not worrying about the unknown.

-Evan Kelley-
thanked the writer.
Brian commented
You say you are not against religion but it is very obvious to me that you are. With you saying be more concerned with the here and now that gives you away as a nonbeliever and I don't know this but will make an assumption that you're atheist. I have atheist friends, in fact they make up a mojority of my friends. I myself though am a Christian. The question you all can't ever answer though is what created space and galaxies. What created the first supernova or the first cesspool?
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Ive died once, I came back to life 1 minute later after some inhaling and some life support. All I saw while I was dead was white. I felt like my body was still concious, and I felt alive, even though I was dead for that minute I felt hot light touching my head and I felt like my body was very light and very very very bright, but then blackness just surrounded my eyes at the last 5 seconds before I woke up
you can call me WOLF Profile
I think that there is an afterlife of sorts. The afterlife you get depends on how you were when you were alive tho. I also believe in reincarnation, but not like the Hindus do.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I never died before but I do know that there is a heaven though because ive had relatives die
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
There is no documented evidence for the supernatural. Despite the common desire for confirmation of supernatural beliefs, no credible evidence has emerged. Darwin's 1859 book on the Origin of Species has been studied by literally millions of people and there have been millions of archeological finds with no scientific basis to discredit evolution theory. Alternatively there have been millions of experiments aimed at proving evidence for supernatural phenomena. No credible evidence to substantiate supernatural belief has been uncovered. Scientific studies to validate the effects of prayer have been overwhelmingly negative. Psychological literature has explained mechanisms for belief in myth and the concept of heaven and hell are recognized by educated people to be myth.

All knowledge is susceptible to error. We can express conclusions with a degree of probability. The above paragraph is true with a probability of much greater than 99 percent. Many religious believers believe they are correct absolutely and would reject all evidence that does not confirm their beliefs. Heaven is, with very high probability, a myth.

thanked the writer.
Keith Hankins
Keith Hankins commented
There is no evidence there isn't a Heaven, your educated millions, is no comparism to the one with wisdom. And the evidence is all around you.
Shelbs Coleman Profile
Shelbs Coleman answered
I don't believe there is a heaven. I died because my heart failed and I was dead fer 2 min there was nothing a white light but thats not heaven its just your neurons dyng off
Kylee Skinner Profile
Kylee Skinner answered
There is a Heaven and a Hell, but we never go there after death. When we die, we go to a giant white building made of, well it looks weird, I can't describe it. Inside, there are many unlimited rooms, each with our name on it. We are assigned a room and are sent into it, whcih is an infinte dream world. For those of us who die, but had business to attend to, we turn into energy, a ghost. If our personality was evil and cruel: Poltergeist. If we were kind and good: Guardian spirit. I know all this because I have died many times and come back.  I truly am the living, and female version, of Kenny McCormaick (South Park). I probaly have four hundred dream rooms.

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