The first and most important thing that God has done was save my soul from an eternal Hell. I have been married for 12 years, and until I got saved 3 years ago, I cheated on my husband and lots more stuff that I am not at all proud of. God took those desires away. He replaced those things with love from Him and for others. On June 6, 2008 (not even 3 months ago) my 10 yr old mildly autistic son was trying to build a tree house. He had homemade steps going up the tree and had climbed up them to about 14 feet from the ground. One of the steps came loose on on side, and he fell to the ground. I believe it was totally God's amazing grace that kept him alive. Thankfully, he only broke his leg. Granted, it was a bad break, but he could have died. I thank God for him still being here.