I have been where you are now. I know though what the answer to the problem is. We need to fall on our knees and cry out to CHRIST to renew in us a right spirit and return to us the joy of our salvation. I do know for a fact that HE has NEVER forgotten us. HE desires to have a close relationship with us and I'm positive that HE changes HIS tears of sorrow to tears of joy when we return. Remember the parable of the lost son? Please read it again. It's the 15th Chapter of Luke. Once we have rededicated our lives to CHRIST, it would do us good to begin each day with a prayer (on your knees) of gratitude for HIS having woke you and gifted you with another day. Then, end each day the same way, on bended knee, thanking HIM for the day HE gave us. I know that going to church is not a requirement for accepting CHRIST but there is a good reason for the verse that tells us not to forsake the gathering together with others. It makes it a lot easier to grow in CHRIST if you are surrounded by others that are doing the same thing. May GOD bless and keep you. Don't wait too long. There's nothing better for depression than knowing that you have a Heavenly Father to cast all your cares on because HE cares for you.
Hi Pb, God says He'll never forsake us, so he hasn't left you. Maybe you still haven't accepted Him. You said, you believed in Him, I think you still do or you wouldn't be asking how to get back in touch with Him.. Just ask God into your heart, confess your sins and ask for forgiveness. Just talk to Him.. But I too, battle with depression but I find comfort in reading the Bible and praying. You have to just say, God I give all this sadness, depression all of it to you. Lord, you said you'd give me strength in my time of weakness.
If you'd like to talk more and need a friend, my name is Kim. This is the first time I've been on here. I was just looking around and saw your question, and I just had to tell you, God hasn't forgotten you, that I promise. He's always with you. Here's my email if you'd like to talk my email Alwaysanangel710@aol.com. Like I said I've never been on this site before, so I don't know how this all works.. I'll keep you in my prayers, Don't give up!
If you'd like to talk more and need a friend, my name is Kim. This is the first time I've been on here. I was just looking around and saw your question, and I just had to tell you, God hasn't forgotten you, that I promise. He's always with you. Here's my email if you'd like to talk my email Alwaysanangel710@aol.com. Like I said I've never been on this site before, so I don't know how this all works.. I'll keep you in my prayers, Don't give up!
You may have lost touch with him, but like any father he is keeping his eye on you. He knows what's in your heart so just reach out for he will hear you. And just like any loving father ,he will forgive you and welcome you back as his prodigal son.
I'm 24 now, when I was 16 I was baptized and 2 years later I fell away from the Lord I literally turned my back and said I'm going to go my way now because I had some rough times with my mom and dad it took me almost seven years to accept him again. I got into drugs... Pornography, jealousy, pride and envy I think were the root cause of my first fall and the fact that I never really accepted him in the first place. I lost everything to drugs and foolishness this time I have really accepted him and he has blessed me with joy I can't even express. If you seek HIM with all your heart and strength he will draw close to you also don't give up people times are dark and we must be the light for this fallen world. Ill Keep you all in my prayers Amen
Like the other several answers, God has not forgotten you. He knows our every need. He says his spirit will nver lead you where his grace can't keep you. You know, God knows every hair on our heads because they are all numbered. His love is endless and his compassion is great. If you have accepted the father then you are one of his own and he will never leave you nor forsake you. All you have to do is find a bible believing church and get involved in attending. You'll find there is support and help in the church family. In Ephesians 2:8 it says "For it is by grace you have been saved, thru faith, and this not from yourself, it is the gift of God, not by works,so that no one can boast. V.13 says, "But now in Christ Jesus you who once were far away have been brought near through the blood of Christ." Christ died once for us and we are under the blood. He can't die a second time for us, so if you have accepted Christ, cry out to him and rededicate your life to him and ask him to deliver you from your depression and your anxieties. I will keep you in my prayers. God bless you as you seek to find Christ again.
My name is Betsy
Like the other several answers, God has not forgotten you. He knows our every need. He says his spirit will nver lead you where his grace can't keep you. You know, God knows every hair on our heads because they are all numbered. His love is endless and his compassion is great. If you have accepted the father then you are one of his own and he will never leave you nor forsake you. All you have to do is find a bible believing church and get involved in attending. You'll find there is support and help in the church family. In Ephesians 2:8 it says "For it is by grace you have been saved, thru faith, and this not from yourself, it is the gift of God, not by works,so that no one can boast. V.13 says, "But now in Christ Jesus you who once were far away have been brought near through the blood of Christ." Christ died once for us and we are under the blood. He can't die a second time for us, so if you have accepted Christ, cry out to him and rededicate your life to him and ask him to deliver you from your depression and your anxieties. I will keep you in my prayers. God bless you as you seek to find Christ again.
My name is Betsy
Hi Pb, God said He'd never forsake us, so He hasn't left you. I know how you feel I too, have battled with depression. But I find comfort In reading the bible and praying. Talk to God tell him how you feel. If you haven't ask him into your heart and to forgive you of your sins, do so. Ask Him to lead you and guide you. Maybe you can't get in touch with Him b/c your finding it hard to accept Him.. Once you accept God, He'll do the rest. If you ever need a friend, someone to just talk to, I'll talk to you. I always need a friend.. Hang in there, and I'll keep you in my prayers. .. My name is Kim..
Dear friend my more and more doing selfless services or volinteering work and some donation to needy and become good and gentle in your life you can come near to god slowly but really.It's my personal experienced.
We are all always connected to God to some degree. But, one must make an effort to gain a closer connection with God. There are many differing spiritual beliefs about God. One need to envision God in a way that one is most comfortable with. One can do a lot of reading as to how different religions or people envision God. God is a unversal spirit that maintains our physical/spiritual reality so that it will serve our needs.
One can use prayer/chanting, meditation, mind-body exercises, and many other ways to help one to connect with God. One can read various religious/spiritual writings to help tune one more into the spiritual which will also help one to tune in more with God. One can eat a healthy diet with nutritional supplements so as to build up ones physical health. Eating really healthy will help one to be able to do intense meditative/mind-body exercises which will help one to get more connected to this physical/spiritual reality and thus to God.
Focusing on developing one unique abilities so that one can contribute to making this world a better place both physically and spiritually will also help one to connect with God. The better one can behave morally and the more one can contribute to making this world a better place, the more one will connect with God.
It does take really hard work to connect really strongly with God. But, one can just move at ones own pace to get the level of connection with God that will work well for you.
One can use prayer/chanting, meditation, mind-body exercises, and many other ways to help one to connect with God. One can read various religious/spiritual writings to help tune one more into the spiritual which will also help one to tune in more with God. One can eat a healthy diet with nutritional supplements so as to build up ones physical health. Eating really healthy will help one to be able to do intense meditative/mind-body exercises which will help one to get more connected to this physical/spiritual reality and thus to God.
Focusing on developing one unique abilities so that one can contribute to making this world a better place both physically and spiritually will also help one to connect with God. The better one can behave morally and the more one can contribute to making this world a better place, the more one will connect with God.
It does take really hard work to connect really strongly with God. But, one can just move at ones own pace to get the level of connection with God that will work well for you.
I am ready to open my heart and accept Jesus... I feel as if I am so lost right now, the world around me feels so cold and dark. In the past I have struggled with substance induced depression,
I smoked marijuana for about 17 years of my life and have taken many drugs including ecstasy. I have fornicated and committed adultery with hundreds of women, I can honestly say I did not live for anyone but myself, Living selfishly within its self is a cold and lonely feeling. It almost feels as if you are chasing a satisfaction that can never be achieved.
I have now quit smoking weed and doing drugs all together, even the herbal energy pills that I felt I needed to take. But now I am struggling with extreme OCD like symptoms. It is very hard at times to even focus on life and to keep positive. So whats left is to turn my life over to Jesus, and though I have done all the wrongs in my life I know 100% for sure he will still accept me with open arms.
God Bless Everyone!
I smoked marijuana for about 17 years of my life and have taken many drugs including ecstasy. I have fornicated and committed adultery with hundreds of women, I can honestly say I did not live for anyone but myself, Living selfishly within its self is a cold and lonely feeling. It almost feels as if you are chasing a satisfaction that can never be achieved.
I have now quit smoking weed and doing drugs all together, even the herbal energy pills that I felt I needed to take. But now I am struggling with extreme OCD like symptoms. It is very hard at times to even focus on life and to keep positive. So whats left is to turn my life over to Jesus, and though I have done all the wrongs in my life I know 100% for sure he will still accept me with open arms.
God Bless Everyone!