
What Are The Symptoms Of Half Human Half Werewolf?


2 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Thats wrong there is a such thing as a half werewolf I'm one but a female werewolf does not take the form of a wolf. But the half males do.but the females have a lot of greater powers then the males the female is faster, more keener hearing, very well eye sight and are very good at sniffing out smells. People think they can find us but they are wrong. Trust me.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Well, when you start to hiss and growl when something ticks you off and you feel the urge to go on all fours and you get a lot faster....and can hear, see, and smell more things then you should be able too....your a hybrid-human. That is when you are part werewolf part vampire and part human. It's a hard life that way. Trust me. I'm one.

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